Easiest Classes at University of Memphis

The University of Memphis attracts a lot of students from every part of the country. These students have a different range of interests and backgrounds, and this shows in the class options. They, therefore, have to choose easy classes to add to their core classes to boost their GPA and ease the stress of college. The following are 10 of the easiest classes you can take at the University of Memphis.

1. CDFS 3401 – Parent Child Relations

 The parental role, parent-child relationship, and factors that influence parenthood.

2. AAAS 2100 – Intro Afr/Afr American Study

Status of Africans and African Americans in historical and modern times.

3. ANTH 1200 – Cultural Anthropology

Global comparison of cultural traits and traditions such as social relations, language, religion and ritual, and problems of developing nations or minority groups in the modern world.

4. CJUS 1100 – Intro/Criminal Justice

 Introduction to the American criminal justice system in its three dimensions: Police, courts, and corrections tracing its development from ancient and early English beginnings to present time.

5. MUHL 4806 – History of Jazz

Description: Stylistic origins and development of jazz; interaction of jazz and Western classical music styles.

6. ANTH 4412 – Neighborhood Development

Description: Role of various institutions and their relationship to developmental needs of inner-city neighbourhoods; evolution of American cities as context for understanding urban neighborhoods and poverty; the role of government and foundations in shaping policy at a local level; the rise of neighborhood associations and non-profits as extensions of family values; contributing to a better understanding of neighborhoods and various intervention strategies.

7. PHIL 3452 – Feminist Theory

Description: Selected ideas from the history on women from the Greeks to the present; developing methods and ideologies within contemporary theoretical approaches to feminist studies; diversity, equality and difference discussed by drawing on different epistemologies, such as existentialism and post-structuralism.

8. SOCI 4420 – Racial Inequality

Description: Relations of dominance and subordination in the United States; social and political experiences of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos, especially strategies employed to resist oppression and reduce inequality.

9. PHIL 1101 – Intro to Philosophy

Description: Introduction to a critical exploration of such issues as knowledge, reality, consciousness and the good life; readings from Plato, Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, or more recent sources.

10. ART 2701 – Photography I

Description: Basic techniques and processes of still photography; history and aesthetics of photography as fine art; emphasis on personalized perception and seeing photographically.

Courses to Consider

The University of Memphis introduces another tool to help you stay on track, find your passion, and graduate on time!

Courses to Consider uses predictive analytics techniques based on grade and enrollment data to rank courses according to factors that measure how well each course might help the student progress through degree completion. From a list of courses that apply directly to the student's program of study, the system selects those courses that fit best with the sequence of courses in their degree and are the most central to the university curriculum as whole. That ranking is then overlaid with a model that predicts which courses the student will achieve their best grades. In this way the system most strongly recommends a course which is necessary for a student to graduate, core to the university curriculum and their major, and in which the student is expected to succeed academically.

since this post is almost a day old already, i'll let you in on the secret best 2 credit class at UofM.

Contemplative Studies

I don't exactly remember the course name, but it meets once a week for 2 hours in the evening way out past Baits 1 on north campus. It's a class on meditation and is an automatic A. You show up, do things like journaling, chakra tai chi, meditation, walk around outside, etc, and talk about it as a small group while sitting on beanbag chairs. We once had to meditate outside for 20 minutes. I feel asleep and woke up an hour later, walked right back into the class and nobody batted an eye.

To get into the course you have to fill out some surveys and email the professor, but it was so good. I actually got lots out of it that I still use today, and it was an easy A. Especially if you're already on north campus for things or have a car to drive there.


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