Empires and puzzles hero ranking spreadsheet 2022

by Tim updated July 10, 2022, 12:52 am


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  1. Can you explain, why Hu Tao is better in offensive than Justice? They are both slow, they have the same offensive skill, but Justice deals more damage and has more life.

    • Guess it is relative to the star . So justice will be compared to 5* hero’s and Hu Tao to 4* , at least that was what was done in the past

  2. Hey thx for this List,
    I Missed Kullervo, Azmia and Mielikki can you test them? 😉

  3. And where is me oceanus

  4. What is the ranking of Hanitra and Kara?
    I can’t find them.

  5. why scarlett in mask with five stars?
    mb 4?

  6. Lina, between Grazul and Thorne 🙂

  7. Does anyone see Obakan w/o the Costume? I’ve looked through the list three times and while I was able to find Costume Obakan, I don’t see him w/o it. If you see him, can you please let me know where his Grade falls?

  8. You left a bunch out

    • Tim can only rank the Heroes that he has, and has leveled up. Leveling Heroes up takes time.

  9. Thank you for the update!
    And thank you for continuously leveling up Heroes, ranking them and publishing your results. I look refer to this list often.

  10. So is there a better list? Where is it?

  11. So is there a better list?

  12. Holy Crap.
    As a long time player of this game, I recommend all of you ignore this list entirely. It is completely out of whack. DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSON’S ADVICE.

    • Agreed. This dude is listing some of the top tier heroes as B category, and rubbish as A+.

  13. How is Ruby not on this list??

  14. Any updates coming?

  15. When will you have a grading list on 3 star hero’s best to worst?

  16. Is there a 3 star hero list on grading. As in which are the best to worst?

  17. When will you up date next?

  18. Where is Franz suppose to be?

  19. Super list!
    But i don’t agree with you about Vela. She may be A or B+, not A+.

  20. Where is Russell?

  21. Where is Russell?

  22. Ok so how to know witch ones are tanks, healers, and I don’t what a splash is without already having them?

  23. Loved finding this list! Had a feeling I was wasting some resources plus confirming some of my Beliefs. Finding some of the powerful 4*s was cool too!

  24. Great list! I don’t see Captain Nemo though.

  25. Can we get an update on Inari & Thoth post buff.. thanks!

  26. The fact you have Marjana being better than Gefjon is laughable.

    • Marjana is the costume version. To see regular Marjana, scroll down quite a bit.

  27. nice and clear list!
    could you explane me, why u rated caedmon different to sonya? expect of the colour they are the same?! (total rank is identical, but the other parts are not)

    • They are not the same, Sonya is far weaker than Caedmon.

  28. Why are some recent heroes missing, like chakkoszrot and Russell??

  29. Awesome really helps out

  30. List looks great! When you update the list, is it possible to see what heroes are added or updated?

  31. Here is a unique commentary as it doesn’t fit in your rankings at all, but I figured you would find it interesting. I’m a new player, less than half a year, so I don’t have a lot of anything. I did, however, get lucky and draw 2 x Devanas. For me, she’s a beast. Her minions are not the tiny ones I see summoned by other toons, and they take damage FIRST before she does. Plus she destroys any other minions, debuffs, and hits three opponents in one hit (growing a cat every time). Why this matters is since I’m new, I haven’t cleared the campaign yet. With even one of my Devanas, I can ghost the board and the cats will eat everything. I’m punching WAY above my level on both the campaigns and on raids because of this. I love your rankings because they’ll let me plan my upgrades and not waste mats on “weaker” toons, but this “sixth column” info is something useful to anyone who doesn’t yet have giant boards of 4 and 5 stars yet.

    • Herzlichen Dank für die super Liste sie ist sehr aufschlussreich ..Und vorallem die Zeit und die Mühe jeden Helden aufzulisten ..finde ich großartig . Herzlichen Dank dafür und weiterso..!

  32. Hi, nice list! Thanks!
    I need some help, Bobo is not on your list. And I am going to max my blue hero. But I cannot choose between Bobo and cobalt.
    Can some one help me?


  33. Hello!
    Nice work! It helps me a lot. Thank you!

    Two questions:
    You wrote you separated the Heroes into categories. Where is that? I cannot find this feature.

    What categories did you use?


  34. Why isn’t the Dark Lord on the list ?

    • I don’t know if you are still looking for this information but Dark Lord is in the B+ Column. I happened across the name while looking for my own Heroes.

  35. FANTASTIC list!! I along with my alliance have been having discussions about who we should prioritize and rank up and this is a terrific conversation piece and is very well put together. Thank you so much for doing this.

    My only question is when will you be adding the Villains Family to your rankings or did you intentionally leave them out? I only ask because I have DarkLord and Crystalis newly added to my roster and was wondering what your thoughts were on them.


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Who is the strongest hero in empires and puzzles?

Mother North is the Best hero in all of Empires and Puzzles because she's the most reliable reviver in the game.

Who is the best 3 star heroes and puzzles?

#1 Bertulf (Best 3 Star Heroes Empires and Puzzles)

Who should I limit break empires and puzzles?

Limit Breaking Costumed Heroes Costumed heroes must be Limit Broken twice: once for the hero, and then additionally for the costume. If you don't plan on using the costume, there is no benefit in Limit Breaking the costume (just do the hero).

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