Exchange rate from cfa to dollars

You have currently selected the base currency Central African CFA franc and the target currency United States dollar with an amount of 1 Central African CFA franc. In the menu, you can select the desired exchange rates of about 160 international currencies from the two lists. Additionally, the currency calculator allows you to calculate historical exchange rates in addition to the current rate. The results are displayed in a table with the closing rate of the previous day, the opening rate as well as the lowest and highest rates of the respective date.

These values represent the daily average of rates that Convertworld receives from various sources. Last updated: January 4, 2023 at 12:05 AM CET. Convertworld assumes no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever related to the use of information contained on this site.

West African CFA franc (XOF) to U.S. dollar (USD) Chart

This XOF/USD chart lets you see the relationship between the two currencies several years back in history.

Facts about U.S. dollar (USD)

The dollar (currency code USD) is the currency of the United States. It is normally abbreviated to the dollar sign $, or alternatively US$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies. It is divided into 100 cents. Adopted by the United States Congress in 1785, the U.S. dollar is the most-used currency in the world. Several countries use the U.S. dollar as their official currency, and many others allow it to be used in a de facto capacity. It is also used as a reserve currency by many countries. In 1995, over US$380 billion were in circulation, of which two-thirds was outside the United States. By 2005 that figure had doubled to nearly $760 billion with an estimated half to two-thirds being held overseas, which is an annual growth of about 6.6%.

The best XOF to USD rate over a historical period can be determined using the history chart and prices below:

Chart: 7D | 1M | 3M | 6M | 9M | 1Y

Tuesday 3 January 20231 XOF = 0.0016 USDMonday 2 January 20231 XOF = 0.0016 USDSunday 1 January 20231 XOF = 0.0016 USDSaturday 31 December 20221 XOF = 0.0016 USDFriday 30 December 20221 XOF = 0.0016 USDThursday 29 December 20221 XOF = 0.0016 USDWednesday 28 December 20221 XOF = 0.0016 USD

For full history please visit XOF/USD exchange rate history page

The best XAF to USD rate over a historical period can be determined using the history chart and prices below:

Chart: 7D | 1M | 3M | 6M | 9M | 1Y

Tuesday 3 January 20231 XAF = 0.0016 USDMonday 2 January 20231 XAF = 0.0016 USDSunday 1 January 20231 XAF = 0.0016 USDSaturday 31 December 20221 XAF = 0.0016 USDFriday 30 December 20221 XAF = 0.0016 USDThursday 29 December 20221 XAF = 0.0016 USDWednesday 28 December 20221 XAF = 0.0016 USD

For full history please visit XAF/USD exchange rate history page

On this page convert XAF to USD using live currency rates as of 04/01/2023 19:02. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Central African CFA Francs to Dollars charts. Invert these currencies?

Use this currency calulator for live currency conversions as you type.

(XAF) Central African CFA Franc 1 XAF = 0.0016 USD

US Dollar (USD) 1 USD = 618.6718 XAF

Countries using this currency: American samoa, British indian ocean territory, Ecuador, El salvador, Guam, Haiti, Marshall islands, Northern mariana islands, Palau, Panama, Puerto rico, Timor-leste, Turks and caicos islands, United states, United states minor outlying islands, Virgin islands (british), Virgin islands (u.s.),

On this page convert XOF to USD using live currency rates as of 04/01/2023 19:02. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live West African CFA Francs to Dollars charts. Invert these currencies?

Use this currency calulator for live currency conversions as you type.

(XOF) West African CFA Franc 1 XOF = 0.0016 USD

US Dollar (USD) 1 USD = 618.6718 XOF

Countries using this currency: American samoa, British indian ocean territory, Ecuador, El salvador, Guam, Haiti, Marshall islands, Northern mariana islands, Palau, Panama, Puerto rico, Timor-leste, Turks and caicos islands, United states, United states minor outlying islands, Virgin islands (british), Virgin islands (u.s.),

How much is $1 US dollars in CFA francs?

Latest Currency Exchange Rates: 1 US Dollar = 614.6203 West African CFA Franc. On this page convert USD to XOF using live currency rates as of 03/01/2023 02:54.

How much is 1000 mille francs cfa in us dollars?

Are you overpaying your bank?.

Which currency is the highest in the world?

Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) The Kuwaiti dinar continues to remain the highest currency in the world owing to Kuwait's economic stability. The country's economy is primarily reliant on oil exports because it has one of the world's largest reserves.

How much is $1 US dollar in France?

US dollars to French francs conversion table.


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