Explaining the eucharist to 8 year olds

Every single Sunday when we go to Mass, I can count on our priest to tell us that the Eucharist is the reason we all show up to church each week. Nothing is more important. Well, this year, I am pretty sure we have seen more young people take their first communion than in any other year. They are at such a fun and innocent age, I always love to ask them, “How was it?” To hear the importance of the Eucharist explained by a 7-8 year old child helps me not take it for granted. I love to hear the excitement in their voice. I love to hear them talk about how it tasted, and what it felt like to receive Christ for the very first time.

Our daughter, Grace, has made tremendous strides growing in the Catholic faith since taking her first communion. We no longer have to tell her to be quiet, kneel with us, or pay attention to what is going on. She takes Mass very seriously now. Her love for the Catholic Church is very inspiring to me. And, if you ask her, she will tell you that her favorite class at school is “Religion.” So, I decided to interview her about her first communion and her excitement for her friends taking their first communion this year. Sometimes we need to look at things through a child’s eyes to be reminded how beautiful our faith truly is.



  • Catechetics, Communion, Dads, dads, kids

Doug Johnson

Doug Johnson is husband to pro-life advocate Abby Johnson, and stay at home dad. They have 5 kids. He is a convert, entering the Church Easter of 2011. Theology of The Body is what drew him to the Catholic Church and he is excited to learn more. Along with pro-life work and his kids, he enjoys sports, movies, and being a beer snob. You can read his other work at his website, DougOnTap.com.

The purpose of receiving Holy Communion in the Christian religion is to remember the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ through tangible means, namely the bread and wine. Children typically learn about Communion through formal church instruction, such as catechism classes, or from their parents. The age that children receive Holy Communion varies from denomination to denomination; usually the children are rather young. Some churches require a child to be baptized or take catechism classes prior to receiving Communion. Teaching children about Holy Communion is one way to encourage them in their personal faith.

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Take kids to mass or worship services often. Seeing you and the other parishioners receive Holy Communion will spark interest in kids about the sacrament. Explain that the bread represents Jesus’ body and the wine, His blood. Emphasize that these are simply symbols that stand for the willing sacrifice Jesus made by dying on the cross. Their participation in Holy Communion is an expression of their desire to let Jesus into their hearts.

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Read to the children passages from the Bible that pertain to Holy Communion. For example, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 describes the actions of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, when he offered up the bread and wine to his disciples as symbols of his impending persecution and death. Explain that He died willingly for all Christians, following God's will to be the Savior. Tell them that just as Jesus celebrated with His followers, he wants them to celebrate until He comes again by taking part in Holy Communion.

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Start a conversation with kids about what they understand Holy Communion to mean. Ask them why Holy Communion is important to their faith. Emphasize that Jesus loves them unconditionally, and every time they celebrate Holy Communion, they are reaffirming that love. Use terms kids can understand; describe Jesus as their friend and someone who will always hear them and who wants to help them live in the Christian faith.

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Describe the First Holy Communion ceremony to children so that they know what to expect. Tell them what kind of clothing is appropriate. Girls generally wear white dresses designed specifically for this religious occasion, and boys wear a suit or nice pants, a shirt and a tie. Let them know they will process into the church, surrounded by friends and family, and will receive Communion from the priest or minister. Show them how to hold their hands and how to express the appropriate reverence after receiving the sacrament by bowing their heads and praying to God.

About the Author

After attending the University of Missouri St. Louis, Stephanie Rempe worked as a documentation manager in the finance industry 10 years before turning to her first love, writing, which she's been doing professionally since 2008. She currently divides her time between Missouri and her fiance's hometown in Oregon. In addition to her freelance writing, Rempe is working on a romance novel and short stories.

How do you explain Eucharist to a child?

First, remember always to be honest with children; they have a keen sense for these things. We believe the Eucharist is the real presence of Jesus, His body, blood, soul, and divinity. Do not be afraid to share that truth; trust in the Holy Spirit to not only guide your words but also open their hearts to receive it.

What is the Eucharist in simple terms?

: a Christian ceremony in which bread is eaten and wine is drunk as a way of showing devotion to Jesus Christ : communion. celebrate the Eucharist.

What is the sacrament of the Eucharist for kids?

The Sacrament of First Eucharist (Holy Communion) It is the sacrament that nourishes and strengthens the whole community and indeed makes us 'Church and Body of Christ for the world'. In preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist, your child is preparing to receive Jesus at Holy Communion for the first time.

Why do we celebrate the Eucharist for kids?

Children's First Holy Communion Each time we celebrate the Eucharist we affirm the faith that we professed in Baptism and Confirmation. The sacrament of Holy Communion brings to completion the Christian process of initiation. In this sacrament, we remember what Jesus did for us in his life, death, and resurrection.

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