Flights from msp to salt lake city

Distance and aircraft type by airline for flights from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport to Salt Lake City International Airport.

Origin MSP Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

Destination SLC Salt Lake City International Airport

Distance 989.62 miles

Interesting Facts About Flights from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City (MSP to SLC)

What airlines fly direct from MSP airport to SLC airport?

Each month there are several airlines that offer direct flights from Minneapolis (MSP) to Salt Lake City (SLC). Among the top airlines that consistently provide MSP to SLC flights include:

  • United Airlines - (UA) with 90 direct flights between Minneapolis and Salt Lake City monthly
  • Frontier Airlines - (F9) with 30 direct flights between MSP and SLC monthly
  • Delta Air Lines - (DL) with 240 direct flights between Minneapolis and Salt Lake City monthly
  • American Airlines - (AA) with 90 direct flights between MSP and SLC monthly
  • Southwest Airlines - (WN) with 120 direct flights between Minneapolis and Salt Lake City monthly

How long does it take to fly from MSP to SLC?

The total flight duration time from Minneapolis (MSP) to Salt Lake City (SLC) is typically 7 hours 46 minutes. This is the average non-stop flight time based upon historical flights for this route. During this period travelers can expect to fly about 994 miles, or 1,600 kilometers.

How many flights are there from MSP to SLC per day?

With 5 different airlines operating flights between Minneapolis and Salt Lake City, there are, on average, 570 flights per month. This equates to about 133 flights per week, and 19 flights per day from MSP to SLC.

How many morning flights are there from MSP to SLC?

  • American Airlines - (AA) has about 2 flights before noon, starting with the earliest at 05:30AM PST and the latest 10:22AM PST
  • United Airlines - (UA) has about 2 flights before noon, starting with the earliest at 06:30AM PST and the latest 11:15AM PST
  • Frontier Airlines - (F9) lists, on average, 1 flights departing before 12:00pm, where the first departure from MSP is at 09:15AM and the last departure before noon is at 09:15AM
  • Southwest Airlines - (WN) lists, on average, 1 flights departing before 12:00pm, where the first departure from MSP is at 06:05AM and the last departure before noon is at 07:00AM
  • Delta Air Lines - (DL) lists, on average, 6 flights departing before 12:00pm, where the first departure from MSP is at 08:05AM and the last departure before noon is at 10:50AM

How many afternoon flights are available from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City?

  • There are about 1 United Airlines flights between 12pm PST and 6pm PST, beginning at 03:10PM PST and the last afternoon flight at 05:20PM PST.
  • Between 12pm PST and 6pm there are, on average, 1 direct flights provided by American Airlines, where the earliest departing flight is at 02:55PM PST and the last departing flight is at 02:55PM PST.
  • Between 12pm PST and 6pm there are, on average, 1 direct flights provided by Southwest Airlines, where the earliest departing flight is at 12:35PM PST and the last departing flight is at 04:05PM PST.
  • Between 12pm PST and 6pm there are, on average, 1 direct flights provided by Delta Air Lines, where the earliest departing flight is at 12:52PM PST and the last departing flight is at 03:02PM PST.

How many evening flights are currently on sale from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport to Salt Lake City International Airport?

  • Southwest Airlines - (WN) with about 1 end of day scheduled flights between MSP and SLC from 6:00pm to 11:00pm.
  • Delta Air Lines - (DL) lists 1 direct nighttime flights on average from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City.
  • American Airlines - (AA) lists 1 direct nighttime flights on average from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City.

What is the flight distance from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City?

The calculated straight line flying distance from MSP airport to SLC airport is 994 miles, or 1,600 kilometers.

What is the earliest departure time out of Minneapolis to Salt Lake City?

The earliest flight departs from MSP at 05:30AM and arrives at 11:31AM at SLC.

What is the latest flight available from MSP to SLC?

The latest departure time from MSP is scheduled at 06:50PM with an arrival time of 12:20AM at SLC.

Minneapolis to Salt Lake City Flight Schedule

Scan through flights from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) to Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) for the upcoming week. Sort the list by any column, and click on a dollar sign to see the latest prices available for each flight. only offers pricing for airlines that display a check fare on the days of the week each flight is available. A dot () indicates a flight is scheduled, but online booking is not currently available.

How long is the flight from msp to salt lake?

Direct flights cover the 541 miles separating Palm Springs to Salt Lake City in about 1h 47m.

What major airlines fly into Salt Lake City?

Twelve airlines and their affiliates serve Salt Lake City International Airport(SLC): AeroMexico, Alaska Airlines, American, Delta Air Lines, Eurowings Discover, Frontier, JetBlue, KLM, SkyWest, Spirit, Southwest and United. SLC is a major hub for Delta Air Lines with about 70 percent of total traffic.

Does spirit not fly to Utah?

25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Spirit Airlines (NYSE: SAVE) will soar above the scenic vistas of Utah for the first time this spring. The airline today announced its new service to Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC), offering travelers daily, nonstop routes to Las Vegas (LAS), Los Angeles (LAX), and Orlando (MCO).

What airlines goes to Utah?

Which airlines fly direct to Utah? Delta, SkyWest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, KLM, Air France, Aeromexico, Virgin Atlantic, American Airlines, United and WestJet fly direct to Utah.


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