Foods that put your body in fat-burning mode

Consuming certain foods can lead to a reduction in body fat. When a person adds these fat-burning foods to the diet, they can burn fat and lose weight over time. Such fat-burning foods include eggs, nuts, and oily fish.

The term “fat-burning foods” may apply to those that produce fat loss by stimulating metabolism, reducing appetite, or reducing overall food intake.

All foods stimulate metabolism. However, some types of food, such as chili peppers, might have a larger impact on metabolism than others. Eating these foods may lead to weight loss.

Certain foods, such as nuts, can also offset hunger for longer than others. Consuming these foods may help control appetite and reduce overall food intake, leading to weight loss.

In this article, we examine some fat-burning foods that could help people lose weight. We also take a look at how best to include these foods in the diet.

Nuts are very nutritious. They are high in protein and good fats, which are both beneficial for offsetting hunger over long periods.

Importantly, people can incorporate nuts into a healthful diet without gaining any weight.

For example, one study from 2011, published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, found that including nuts in the diet over 12 weeks led to improvements in diet quality, without any weight gain.

Fish is a type of healthful food that contains vital omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish such as salmon are particularly high in long-chain fatty acids that are difficult to find elsewhere.

Fish is also high in protein. Dietary protein can offset hunger, and it is an important tool for weight loss.

Yogurts can vary in their nutritional content. Plain yogurt, such as Greek-style yogurt, is the most healthful. It contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.

Yogurt also contains different types of protein, such as casein and whey. A study from 2014 that appears in the Nutrition Journal shows that eating high-protein yogurt can have benefits for appetite control, offsetting hunger, and lowering overall food intake.

Peas are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy.

Split peas also contain proteins that can offset hunger.

A 2011 study that appears in the Nutrition Journal explains that the protein contained within dried peas has a greater impact on reducing hunger than whey protein from milk.

Eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients important to health, report the American Heart Association (AHA). They are high in cholesterol, but there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that eating cholesterol causes high cholesterol in the body.

Eggs are also an excellent source of protein and can help control appetite. A study in the journal Nutrition Research found that eating eggs at breakfast had a positive impact on controlling hunger and food intake later in the day.

Chili peppers contain the chemical capsaicin, which could have benefits for weight loss.

A 2012 systematic review, published in the journal Appetite, shows that capsaicin may increase fat burning and reduce appetite. These effects may help lead to weight loss.

Coconut oil contains a high level of medium-chain triglycerides. This is a specific type of fat that may have a range of health benefits.

A meta-analysis from 2015, which appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that these medium-chain triglycerides could lead to weight loss. However, more studies are needed to confirm the results.

Many scientists believe that medium-chain triglycerides can increase energy consumption and reduce fat stores.

In some cases, it is possible to base a meal on a fat-burning food. For example, it may consist of oily fish such as salmon with vegetables. Another option is to have eggs with whole-grain toast for breakfast.

For vegetarians and vegans, plant-based meals that are rich in protein can be a useful way to aid weight loss. Mixing fat-burning foods such as split peas with other beneficial sources of protein is one way of doing this. Examples of this include split pea soup, or split pea dal.

It may also be beneficial to choose fat-burning snacks such as nuts. Such snacks are more able to satisfy hunger and control appetite than others, such as chocolate or chips.

Certain foods can help a person burn fat and lose weight. However, it is important to remember that fat-burning foods must be part of a healthful diet overall. Also, a person must engage in regular physical activity to burn fat and lose weight.

These foods are unlikely to cause any noticeable fat loss on their own.

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Forget about restrictive diets. Instead of eating less of something to lose weight, we're here to tell you that eating more of certain foods will increase your ability to burn calories by putting your body into balance and boosting your metabolism. Sign us up!

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"Berries are packed with fiber (up to 9 grams a cup!) and antioxidants, but contain less sugar than most fruits. That combo makes them a satisfying and healthy choice," says Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN for the Good Housekeeping Institute.

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"If you've been eating the standard American diet, you have an overgrowth of the gut bacteria that trigger cravings, and you'll keep eating the same way," says Robynne Chutkan, M.D., author of Gutbliss. Fermented foods like kefir are naturally prebiotic, meaning they encourage the growth of good bacteria and help your body break down food more efficiently. Not a fan of the drinkable yogurt? Sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickled veggies work the same way.

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Your avocado toast obsession might be a good thing, since a 2013 study linked regular avocado-eaters to lower waist circumference and BMI. And the monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy and filling, meaning you're less likely to snack on processed food later in the day, according to London.

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Wild salmon has more brain-, heart-, joint-, and gut-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than any other food, plus it's low-glycemic, meaning it prevents insulin spikes and fat storage around the middle. "The key to staying lean is the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids," says William Sears, M.D., author of The Omega-3 Effect. "And the fats in salmon are satisfying, making it difficult to overeat."

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Certain compounds in grapefruit help your body use insulin more efficiently, which keeps your blood sugar in check and can also help burn calories. Maybe just don't sprinkle it with sugar before eating.

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"Eating omega-3 fatty acids, which walnuts are full of, activates fat-burning by changing your insulin resistance," says Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet. "They're also an important part of a low-glycemic diet, which studies show burn 300 calories more per day than a high-glycemic one."

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This grain is everywhere for a reason: "Quinoa is a fantastic alternative to acid-forming grains such as wheat and barley," says Eating the Alkaline Waycoauthor and nutritional therapist Vicki Edgson. "It provides long-lasting energy and feeds on the good bacteria that live in your gut naturally to prevent bloating."

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Not everyone's a fan of this fish, but if you do like it, you're in for a real treat. In addition to low mercury and lots of omega-3 fatty acids, sardines are rich in vitamin B and cholane. "And unlike industrial or inhumanely raised animal products, high-quality protein like sardines aren't inflammatory," says Hyman.

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Jerusalem Artichokes

Also known as sunchokes, these root vegetables are high in inulin, a prebiotic that promotes good bacteria in your body. Having trouble finding them? Other high-fiber foods that pack lots of inulin include asparagus and most leafy greens.

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Good thing this green is in every grocery store and on most menus these days. An alkaline food, it's high in fiber, which slows the release of glucose to prevent insulin spikes. "It's also packed with energizing iron and magnesium, which helps reduce stress hormones in the body," says Edgson.

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Olive Oil

Ditch the butter, put aside the cooking spray, and coat your pan in olive oil. Like fish oil, it's full of omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your gut, brain, and other organs working efficiently, thus regulating your appetite.

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Hemp Seeds

Hemp isn't just beneficial in beauty products. Sprinkling the seeds on cereal and salads can also be great for your body. "Hemp seeds contain alpha-linolenic acids, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which studies show help boost metabolism," says registered dietitian Frances Largeman-Roth.

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Green Tea

Try it instead of coffee for today's 4 p.m. pick-me-up. "Green tea supports the thyroid in its production of the hormone thyroxine, revving up the metabolism for several hours," says Edgson.

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Brown Rice

This natural whole grain is high in chromium, a mineral that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. The result? Reducing insulin resistance and fat storage.

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If you always start your day with eggs, we've got good news: High-protein breakfasts, especially ones that include eggs, have been linked to weight loss, reducing belly fat in the process, according to London.

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Steel-Cut Oats

If you're looking to eat healthier carbs, go for steel-cut oats, which are known for being a metabolism-booster. "A resistant starch actually 'resists' being broken down in the small intestine, and studies show that it helps you feel fuller for longer," says Largeman-Roth.

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Starting your day with a banana could be great news for your metabolism, thanks to all the potassium they contain. "Potassium helps your body regulate minerals and fluids in and out of your cells and may potentially increase basal metabolism, a measure of calories burned at rest while awake," says registered dietitian nutritionist Jackie Newgent.

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Hot Peppers

Ready to turn up the heat? Adding a little spice into your life could fire up your metabolism in a big way. "Research suggests that capsaicin, the naturally-occurring compound found in hot peppers that gives them their burning sensation, can be helpful for weight loss because of its potential ability to generate heat, burn calories, and break down fat," says Newgent.

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Coconut and Palm Oil

Sure, olive oil is great. But coconut oil is beneficial for your metabolism too — especially when you mix it with palm oil. "Consuming blended coconut and palm kernel oil has been shown to increase both energy expenditure and fat metabolism," says Laura W. Lagano, a New York City-based integrative clinical nutritionist.

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Fermented Foods

Many fermented foods — like miso, tempeh, and unsweetened plain Greek yogurt — contain probiotics that can help regulate gut function and banish bloat.

How do I put my body in fat burning mode?

12 Ways to Promote Long-Term Fat Loss.
Start strength training. ... .
Follow a high protein diet. ... .
Get more sleep. ... .
Eat more healthy fats. ... .
Drink unsweetened beverages. ... .
Fill up on fiber. ... .
Choose whole grains instead of refined carbs. ... .
Increase your cardio..

What are the top 3 fat burning foods?

Try eating these top ten foods to burn your body fats quickly..
Salmon. Fatty fish, like salmon, are good for your heart and lower your triglycerides. ... .
Coconut Oil. Coconut oil has many health benefits. ... .
Eggs. ... .
Berries. ... .
Avocados. ... .
Grapefruits. ... .
Apple Cider Vinegar. ... .
Full-Fat Greek Yogurt..


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