Friday the 13th game sense ability

There are quite a few versions of Jason in the Friday the 13th game. Everyone has been asking which is the best Jason in the Friday the 13th game, so we’ve taken a close look at each version of Jason skins in the Friday the 13th game to figure out which ones are the best. The Friday the 13th game Jason skins each represent a different movie version of the character. Of course it’s not just about which version is the best Jason in Friday the 13th: the Game, it’s also about what makes each version of Jason good and bad. So we’ve taken a look all of the different Jason stats in the Friday the 13th game to not only determine the best Jason, but also let you know what makes each of the different Jasons in the Friday the 13th game good or bad.

Jason Abilities

Jason has four abilities he can use to locate and kill counselors as fast as possible. At the start of each match only Morph is available. As the match progresses, each of the other abilities becomes available one at a time.

Whenever an ability is used, there’s a short period of time before it can be used again. However, if you turn off an ability before it naturally expires, the cooldown period is reduced. For example, if you use the Sense ability and don’t find any counselors close by, immediately turn it off (using the same command used to activate it) and you’ll be able to use it again much faster compared to letting the ability expire on its own.

Morph – This is the first ability Jason gains when the game starts. It allows Jason to teleport anywhere on the map he chooses. Simply select this ability, then move the red dot anywhere on the map you wish to go. Confirm the location and Jason will immediately teleport to that location. This makes it very easy to covers large parts of the map in a short time. Pick an area in the middle of a group of cabins, then use Sense as soon as you teleport to essentially scan all of the cabins at once.

Sense – If you use Sense, any nearby counselors that are scared or making noise will appear in red, making them easy to spot. In addition, if there’s noise coming from any nearby buildings, the building will glow red. Keep in mind you won’t be able to determine exactly where the counselor is located within the building, and some buildings have radios and TVs that can be turned on to fool Jason into thinking someone is inside.

Shift – When you use the Shift ability, Jason disappears from sight and his movement speed increases dramatically for the duration of the ability. It doesn’t last long, but if you’re chasing a counselor you should be able to catch them with ease using this ability. Remember that you still have the same limitations as if you were walking or running. That means you can’t Shift through trees or rocks, so be sure to move around them. In addition, you can’t slow down and it’s difficult to turn around. If you need to stop, use the same command you used to activate the ability.

Stalk – Activating the Stalk ability means that counselors will not hear the theme music that would normally alert them that Jason is close. This allows Jason to sneak up on unsuspecting counselors. However, even though they won’t hear the music, they can still see Jason just like normal. Use this ability to sneak up on a counselor from behind, then grab them as soon as you’re close.

Daggers – Jason can collect daggers scattered around the map (with at least two at his starting spawn point) placed just out of reach of the counselors. They appear as small circles from a slight distance. You can use these as projectile weapons you can throw at counselors running away from Jason or even through windows if the counselor is inside a building. A single dagger won’t bring down a counselor, but it will inflict a decent amount of damage.

Bear Traps – Most versions of Jason start with at least a couple bear traps. These are almost identical to the bear traps counselors can find inside buildings. If you find a counselor inside a building (especially if they’re camping out waiting for the police), ideally you want to activate Stalk so they don’t hear you coming, then place bear traps right outside the windows so that the counselor will be caught in the trap if they try to escape via the windows.

Best Jason Variants

  • Part 9
  • Part 6
  • Part 7

Jason from Part 9, Part 6 and Part 7 are arguably the best variations of Jason in the game. All of them excel at finding and/or catching counselors quickly and easily. If you’re up against good counselor players, speed is extremely important. They will be doing everything they can to collect the items to fix the phone, car and boat and leave as quickly as possible. The faster you can find and kill them the better off you’ll be. All three of these Jason variants allow you to do just that.

All Jason Variants

While we’ve narrowed down the three best variants of Jason, all of the Jason variations are good in their own way. In this section you’ll find our breakdowns of every Jason. You may end up finding one that you like for reasons that differ from our own, so be sure to check out each of them.

Part 2


  • Pick Axe


  • Faster running speed.
  • Start each match with more traps in your inventory.
  • Increased Morph regeneration speed.


  • Decreased Shift regeneration speed.
  • Lower hit points and less chance to block attacks and reduce damage.
  • Slower movement underwater.

Jason from Part 2 is built to be able to cover large distances in a short time. With a lower regeneration speed on Morph, Part 2 Jason and move around the map very quickly, looking for counselors a bit easier than other Jason variants. He also has a slightly faster run speed, although still slower than most counselors. This makes it a little more difficult for him since he also has a lower duration on his Shift ability, meaning you need to use it a bit closer to your victim so it doesn’t run out before you close in on them.

Part 3


  • Axe


  • Faster running speed.
  • Weapons deal more damage.
  • Harder to break free of his grip.


  • Chance to be stunned by counselor and duration of stuns are higher.
  • Decreased Sense duration and range.
  • Decreased Stalk duration.

While the strengths of Jason from Part 3 are great, they don’t make up for his weaknesses. He can be easily stunned and doesn’t have the Sense range of many other Jason variants. This makes it more difficult for him to finish off a counselor once he’s closed in on them. It doesn’t help that he has a lower Stalk duration meaning counselors will know he’s coming from the musical cues any time Stalk is unavailable.

Part 6


  • Spear


  • Start each match with Throwing Knives in your inventory.
  • Increased Sense duration and range.
  • Increased Shift regeneration speed.


  • Lower hit points and less chance to block attacks, reducing damage.
  • Slower running speed.
  • Decreased Morph regeneration speed.

If all of the counselors are located pretty close together, or at the very least you don’t need to look all over the map to find them, then Jason from Part 6 is arguably the best in the game. His increased range and duration on Sense make it much harder for counselors to hide from him, especially if they have a lower Stealth stat. Couple this with his faster Shift regeneration speed and it’s very difficult to counselors to get away once Jason finds them. His running speed is slower and he has to wait a bit longer between map Morphs, but that’s a small price to pay for these strengths.

Part 7


  • Machete


  • Increased Sense duration and range.
  • Faster movement underwater.
  • Harder to break free of his grip.


  • Slower running speed.
  • Start each match with less traps in your inventory.
  • Decreased Shift regeneration speed.

The biggest weakness of Jason from Part 7 is that he has a decreased Shift regeneration speed. That means he has to wait longer between uses of Shift. To compensate he has increased Sense duration and range so he can find counselors easier. If you’re good at using Sense and Shift to find and hunt down counselors, this Jason should work very well for you. However, if you encounter multiple counselors at once, you’ll need to be good with Stalk so you can sneak up on one, kill them, then quickly Shift to catch the second one. If you encounter more than two counselors at once, it will be difficult to kill all three before at least one escapes.

Part 8


  • Fire Axe


  • Faster movement underwater.
  • Increased speed when breaking down doors and walls.
  • Increased Stalk duration.


  • Decreased Sense duration and range.
  • Slower running speed.
  • Easier for counselors to break free when grabbed by Jason.

Jason from Part 8 is one of the weakest variations of the character unless you’re very good at using his abilities. He has increased Stalk duration and he can break through walls and doors faster than other Jason variants. However, this really only helps if you find counselors inside buildings. When you factor in his decreased Sense duration and range, slower movement speed, and the fact that counselors can break free of his grabs easier, this Jason struggles to take down good counselor players.

Part 9


  • Axe


  • Increased Shift regeneration speed.
  • Chance to be stunned by counselor and duration of stuns are lower.
  • Increased Stalk duration.


  • Slower running speed.
  • Lower health (hit points) than other Jason variants.
  • Start each match with less traps in your inventory.

It’s hard to argue against Jason from Part 9 being one of the better variants in the game. With the ability to use Shift more often thanks to the increased regeneration speed, plus a lower chance of being stunned by counselors and increases Stalk duration, once Part 9 finds a counselor, they’ll have a hard time getting away. Even a group of counselors will find it difficult to escape a good player using Jason from Part 9. He doesn’t run quite as fast, but with the ability to use Shift more often, that’s not a huge concern.

We’ve also got some advice if you’re playing as a counselor and can even help you play as Jason more often. All of this and more can be found in our Friday the 13th game hub!

How does sense work in Friday the 13th?

Jason's "Sense" primarily focuses on detecting counselors. The higher a counselor's fear, the more prominently they show up. Noise is also recognizable through large sound rings that display while in 'Sense' mode.

How does Jason's sense ability work?

Sense – This ability of Jason's allows him to easily detect nearby Counselors based on their fear levels. Counselors with higher fear levels will glow a more intense shade of red. Shift – The Shift ability allows Jason to disappear and move extremely quickly for a short duration.

Can Jason sense you in a hiding spot?

While a counselor is hiding, Jason cannot detect them with his Sense ability (unless his Rage ability is active). Hiding also switches the camera to first-person view, and can be aimed to look at different areas if you need to examine the environment.

What does Jasons rage do?

Rage Ability for Jason is the ultimate ability. Upon automatic activation, Jason's abilities are heightened significantly, and he is able to burst through breakable Doors and Walls scattered throughout the camp. Jason players can raise the rage meter by multiple different things.


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