Frozenerror cant modify frozen array

Ruby 2.7 has added FrozenError#receiver to return the frozen object on which modification was attempted. It is similar to NameError#receiver. This can help in pinpointing the frozen object.


In Ruby, we use freeze on objects, to make sure objects are not allowed to be mutated by others. If we try to modify such a frozen object, it will throw a FrozenError.

a = [].freeze #=> [] a << 1 rescue (e = $!) #=> #<FrozenError: can't modify frozen Array>

But with this error, its not easy to simply identify or perform some cleanup operations on the frozen object

We can also manually initialize and throw a FrozenError:

raise"Error Message")


When we try to modify frozen object, it gives FrozenError. With this error, we can pinpoint the frozen object by calling FrozenError#receiver method.

a = [].freeze #=> [] a << 1 rescue (e = $!) #=> #<FrozenError: can't modify frozen Array> e.receiver #=> []

While initializing the FrozenError, we can pass the frozen object as the second argument.

# Trying to initialize FrozenError with receiver as second argument error ="Error Message", [].freeze) #=> #<FrozenError: Error Message> error.receiver #=> []


FrozenError#receiver gives us the flexibility to handle the FrozenError exception specific to receiver, in a graceful manner.

# Defining sub_scorer which is used at multiple places # and based on some condition it is updating scores def sub_scorer(scores) ... scores << 50 if condition ... end # Defining final_scorer which may call sub_scorer def final_scorer begin scores = [10, 20, 30].freeze sub_scorer(scores) rescue FrozenError => e # We can now gracefully handle Frozen object violations # based on the receiver if e.receiver == scores return "Can not modify scores" else return "Can not modify frozen objects" end end end final_scorer #=> "Can not modify scores"


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static VALUE

frozen_err_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)


ID keywords[1];

VALUE values[numberof(keywords)], options;

argc = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*:", NULL, &options);

keywords[0] = id_receiver;

rb_get_kwargs(options, keywords, 0, numberof(values), values);

rb_call_super(argc, argv);

err_init_recv(self, values[0]);

return self;


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