Functions of mass communication with examples

Do the Mass Communications Theories From the 1940s Still Matter?

How we communicate via today’s modern technologies may be more important than ever, but do old theories of mass communication still apply? The four functions of mass communications are: surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission and entertainment. In many ways, the four functions of mass communication are still relevant and transferable to contemporary media.

Surveillance of the Environment

Mass communication exists to observe and inform. Mass media keeps citizens informed of news and events. In times of crisis, mass media announcements offer warnings and instructions.

For example, when natural disasters occur, such as hurricanes, blizzards and tsunamis, traditional and social media outlets are the key communication tools to relay information about the path of an impending storm or to inform people about school and business closures, and how to seek shelters and find evacuation routes. Media is also used as tools of government authorities to protect citizens with important updates.

The Correlation Function

Traditional news outlets once were the only arbiters of what was selected as newsworthy and of how broadcasters and journalists interpreted information. Alternatively, newspapers tapped experts in the field. Although publishers and news stations may have had their biases, most organizations maintained the old, hard-formed principles of journalism.

Today, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook may indicate that often, no middleman exists, who can correlate events in an objective, interpretative way. Users can be fed farfetched stories that look like "real news," when, in fact, they are anything but. In particular, Facebook, has been the site of fake news stories that has caused the platform more than a few headaches. Although the company is an important part of mass media, it is not a news site.

The correlation function is not in the hands of Facebook executives, and Facebook doesn't claim it to be so. In January, 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg determined that users themselves could decide the difference between real and fake news when he wrote, “We could try to make that decision ourselves, but that's not something we're comfortable with.”

Cultural Transmission and Influencing Societal Norms

Although the first two functions are to provide and interpret news and information, the third allows media to reflect and influence societal norms. The media serve as transmitters of cultural messages, letting the masses understand what are considered acceptable forms of behavior. Cultural transmission, however, evolves. What once was taboo can become the norm when enough people embrace it and when the media report on it.

The news may be what’s happening on TV or on social media but it can also be what’s happening on television stations and on YouTube channels. In the 1950s, Lucy and Dezi slept in separate twin beds on "I Love Lucy" but the show presented Lucy as pregnant. The Brady family shared a bed on "The Brady Bunch" long before any other sitcom or television drama, and now "The Fosters" present foster kids raised by a lesbian couple. All three shows reflected the culture of the times while also setting up and condoning new norms.

Education and Entertainment

Media also serves as cultural transmitters that educates and entertains. Long before the advent of mass media, people were forced to entertain themselves. They may have participated in activities or attended live events. The advent of mass communication enabled viewers and listeners to see and hear and learn in real time from wherever they are.

Social media platforms take that entertainment factor even further. You no longer need to rely on radio broadcasters or producers to provide your entertainment. Any kid with a smartphone can upload a silly video to YouTube and make you laugh for hours.

Theories whose roots were at the dawn of mass communication are still relevant today, even though these forms of communication continue to evolve.

By its growing potential, mass communication has its functions to do by. The 4 functions of mass communication are surveillance, entertainment, correlation, and cultural transmission.

The functions of mass communication in simple terms are- Inform, Educate, Entertain and Persuade. Mass communication is a process wherein an individual, a group, or even an organization gives information to many people through various channels of mass communication such as television, radio, billboards, newspapers, articles, or even journals. There are usually two parts of communications, i.e., the sender and the receiver. 

The sender is often a professional who works in the mass communication industry and is usually linked with an organization that provides the information to the receiver. Mass communication can be very influential as it can persuade or sometimes affect the individuals' thinking, opinions, or even behavior.

One of the characteristics of mass communication is avoiding the limitation of face-to-face or direct communication. The human voice can only reach a limited number of people, and mass communication puts an end to such limitations.

Certain functions of mass communication are:

  • Surveillance
  • Entertainment
  • Correlation
  • Bonding
  • Mobilization
  • Interpretation
  • Socializing


Surveillance helps to bring about awareness through the information to the people all round the clock. Society is dependent on mass communication to know about what's going on in and around their lives through news channels and the internet. They want to keep up with the ongoing trends in politics, social media, lifestyles, or know the day's weather conditions.

Knowing what's around people brings them a sense of comfort. This information is brought to people by smartphones, television, and radio. To keep people updated more, notifications are helpful, which notify news the right way.


Mass communication is entertainment for the people where they can entertain themselves with various information, sports for the sports enthusiasts, celebrity gossip for the cinema fans, watching youtube videos, dance, music, etc. When stressed out, people turn to their phones or television for some laughs or mood lighting content.

On weekends watching movies, TV shows, Comedy shows with family and friends or dancing to your favourite songs, anything and everything can be found to satisfy the people in today's world of mass communication.


We live in a world where we are now dependent on mass communication to feed us information about what is happening worldwide. However, everything on the internet available is not 100% true. Ultimately everything on the internet is written, edited, uploaded by someone. It could contain facts, interpretations, conspiracy, critizations, half-truths, etc., yet it is very important and upto us to filter the content being projected at us.

Media also helps to connect different elements of society. Raising enough money to treat an illness for an individual is one such example. Correlation addresses how the media presents facts that we use to move through the world.


Mass communication, especially mass media, helps to bring people together, which, in turn, leads to a bonding function among the public and media. It helps people of the same kind to connect better and embrace differences when it comes to others. Moreover, it helps expose people to all kinds of people around the member. Thus, enabling a person to see from the other's perspective too. An example is people who have similar interests can create a forum to gather and get introduced.


Mass Communication can reach a large number of people; that is why events occurring thousands from them, people are still aware. Be it gaining people's support for an event or a protest can be done via this. It helps connect people over a wide geographic area, the world seems small and the globe connected. This is a boon for us humans but sometimes also a bane. 


Media gives us facts and relevant data, but they provide other information such as the importance of particular information and educate the public about its significance and alert them.

Mass media usually interpret messages to its audience or viewers in more or less ethical ways. The mass media use objective interpretations to portray their opinions, and they may differ from individual to individual.

Mass communication helps people socialize with others and portray how others work, think, and live. In turn, people get accustomed to how to behave and recognize what values are. Be it talking about their favourite books, authors, personalities, movies, games, etc. Moreover, it brings people of the same interest together, thus creating new social groups where people can link and bond with each other.

Characteristics and Features of Mass Communication

Mass communication plays a vital role in today's world. People are hungry for information, which drives the huge platform of mass communication to grow larger and stronger every day. Both Journalism and Mass communications are similar in their fields but do have different principles to them, and both streams are equally important on their own.

Mass communication seeks to convey essential and relevant data to the large masses, and journalism aims to give information on one particular piece of information at a time to a huge number of people.

Listed below are some of the key features and characteristics of Mass Communication.

  • Rapid

Messages communicated through media like television, mobile phones, and televisions are transmitted very little to no time to their audiences, irrespective of their geography. Newspapers and magazines take a few days to be distributed but can even cover the remotest areas where technology couldn't. 

  • Freedom

Individuals are free to choose channels, media houses, movies, etc., of their interest, and none can coerce them. 

  • Unbiased

The information and target audiences might be biased, but the technology is the same and follows equal rights policy. 

  • Wider Options

A very distinct feature of mass communication is the variety it offers. One can choose from a million movies, channels, etc. the diversity of options is so huge that people of all kinds can find what interests them most. We have also seen the channels alter their popular demands. 

  • One-way Flow

The flow of information is one way; it is outward and not inward. 

  • Heterogeneous Audience

Mass Communication's audiences are limited to a specific set of people, but the audiences consist of different ages, gender, geographical region, culture, tradition, religions, and languages. 

  • Wide and Vast

Mass Communication covers a very wider area, and the number of people goes beyond billions.

  • Requires Professionals

The Mass Communication industry requires professionals such as anchors, journalists, RJs, PRs, producers, engineers, directors, etc.

  • Uses Electronic Devices and Modern Technology

Mass Communication uses electronic devices to transmit and receive information. It uses tech devices such as mobile phones, television, radio, computers, etc., as these are faster and portable. 

  • Maintains Anonymity

People can choose to keep their identity anonymous unless chosen otherwise.

Scope of Mass Communication

There is an array of opportunities for graduates in mass communication and even more. So with the increase in today's technology, a mass communication path is best for people who have good communication skills. In addition, it's better to have general awareness about the things that go on around the world. If name and fame are what you're looking for, this is one of the best fields to be an influencer.

Below are the job opportunities for Mass Communication graduates.

  • Take up journalism 
  • Become a TV producer 
  • Take up an event management
  • Becoming a cameraperson for a reputed mass media company
  • Becoming a public relations officer
  • Media planner
  • Work in a publishing house as a publisher
  • Take up the role in the corporate communications
  • Become a radio jockey with the right skills
  • Copywriter and can even start a copywriting firm with the required skills and knowledge

What are the function of mass communication?

The four functions of mass communications are: surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission and entertainment.

What are the 5 functions of mass media?

Key Takeaways.
The mass media serves information, interpretation, instructive, bonding, and diversion functions..
As a gatekeeper, the media functions to relay, limit, expand, and reinterpret information..

What is mass communication examples?

Mass communication is practiced multiple mediums, such as radio, television, social networking, billboards, newspapers, magazines, books, film, and the Internet.

What are the 7 functions of media?

The Media and its Function.
Information. Sending and sharing of information is the major function of media. ... .
Education. Media provides education and information. ... .
Entertainment. The other important function of media is the entertainment. ... .
Persuasion. ... .
Surveillance. ... .
Interpretation. ... .
Linkage. ... .


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