Gods gonna trouble the water meaning

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God’s Gonna Trouble the Water

Wade in the Water and God’s Gonna Trouble the Water are the same traditional African American spiritual or sorrow song. The song's rhythmic refrain, Wade In the Water, expresses the idea of purification and today, is often sung at baptisms as a reaffirmation of life. Certainly the idea of cleansing sin through immersion is seen in the ritual of baptism.

The legend is that a person would be healed by entering the water when the angels came to "trouble the waters". Additional meaning was given to the song in the South before the abolishment of slavery as it is known as a Coded Slave Song. It's message was that the trackers and bloodhounds would lose the scent of a run away slave once he entered the waters; thus the hidden meaning of the troubled waters washing away the scent of a man keeping he or she safe.

Ken Lyon of RI's award winning Celtic Band, Pendragon and formally of the 1960s Tombstone Blues Band does a wonderful version of this song. It is also the 3rd cut of Original Carter Family in Texas - Vol 1 released in 1978 by Old Homestead and cut #7 on Reflections on the Carter Family released in 1981 by Take II Productions.

Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water

Who’s that yonder dressed in red
Wade in water
Must be the children that Moses led
God’s gonna trouble the water

Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water

Who’s that yonder dressed in white
Wade in the water
Must be the children of the Israelite
God’s gonna trouble the water

Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water

Who’s that yonder dressed in blue
Wade in water
Must be the Children that’s comin’ through
God’s gonna trouble the water
God’s gonna trouble the water

Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water

If you don’t believe I’ve been redeemed
Wade in the water
Just see the holy ghost looking for me
God’s gonna trouble the water

Wade in the water, wade in the water children
Wade in the water, God’s gonna trouble the water

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We are forever standing at the edge of our tomorrows. The view can be disconcerting at times, with troubled waters ahead, waters that we fear. Reverend Karla Miller prays an eloquent prayer for such times.

Dang it God.
That’s all.
No, wait, there is more.
Peel me open,
Make me listen,
Lead me into troubled waters,
Show me how to trouble some waters.
I’m not the most articulate or savvy or smart,
I care. I am afraid. I am not afraid. I am both/and.
I will not rest when others can’t.
Teach me.
Lead me.
I am ready.
My hands and feet and mind and heart are yours.

– Rev. Karla Miller, Published at //revgalblogpals.org/2017/01/25/wednesday-prayer-73/

Sometimes, though, God is the one who troubles the waters, and we make our choice about going forward or remaining safely on the edge. I have always been moved by the spiritual songs of the slaves. Harriet Tubman used the song “Wade in the Water” to tell escaping slaves to get off the trail and into the water, ensuring that the dogs slavecatchers used to track them couldn’t sniff out their trail. “Wade in the Water” is one of their most inspiring freedom songs.

Wade in the water;
Wade in the water, Children.
Wade in the water;
God’s gonna trouble the water.

It can be a freedom song for us, too, every time we dare to step into waters that God has troubled. It is our faith, of course, that assures us that God troubles the waters before us, and that when we step into them, we take that step trusting in a God who wants only our good. May our prayer be “Lead me into troubled waters, God, and show me how to trouble some waters” so that the world might change, so that my life might change. Amen.

Published by kathymfindley

I am an ordained Baptist minister now serving in the world as retired clergy. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, friend . . . pastor, hospital chaplain, spiritual director, patient mentor, victim advocate, trauma counselor, child forensic interviewer, teacher, writer, watercolor artist, iconographer, calligrapher, chef and blogger. View all posts by kathymfindley

What does it mean when God troubles the water?

In the bible story, the water is troubled first. And bitter water can be used metaphorically to describe a life of sorrow and turmoil resulting from disobedience to God (Jeremiah 9:15).

What is the biblical meaning of Wade in the Water?

Stirred or troubled waters may shake up your faith, but God calls us to wade in the water and go through the troubling with faith in Him in order to get to the other side, the Promise Land.

What is significant about the man at the Pool of Bethesda?

The Savior performed many miracles during His earthly ministry, including the one He performed at Bethesda. Ultimately, healing comes from the Savior Himself, but we can help continue His work of making people whole as we minster to those who face sickness, grief, or disabilities.

Who wrote the gospel song Wade in the Water?

14: Lucie Campbell, Gospel's 1st African American Woman Composer The prolific composer and teacher who encouraged new talent, created the repertoire and expanded gospel's audience through the largest African American organization: the National Baptist Convention.


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