How are you doing beautiful in spanish

In this lesson, we will learn how to say "You're beautiful" in Spanish. Remember that all words that describe the characteristics of people or objects in Spanish must match the word they describe in gender.

How to say You're beautiful in Spanish?

How to say something is beautiful?

Here are few ways to say something is beautiful in Spanish

  • El jardín es hermoso - The garden is beautiful
  • El verano es bello - The summer is beautiful
  • El poema es bello - The poem is beautiful
  • ¡Qué preciosa casa! - What a beautiful house
  • San Francisco es un bella ciudad - San Francisco is a beautiful city
  • El bosque es muy bonito - The forest is very beautiful

How to say You're beautiful to a woman in Spanish?

If you want to say that a woman is beautiful in Spanish, the word for "beautiful" must be in feminine form. Feminine words often end in "a."

See: Gender rules in Spanish

Let's take a look at some examples below:

  • Estás bella - You look beautiful
  • Estás bonita - You look beautiful/pretty
  • Estás guapa - You look attractive
  • Estás hermosa - You look gorgeous
  • Estás linda - You look lovely
  • Eres bella - You are beautiful
  • Eres bonita - You are beautiful/pretty
  • Eres guapa - You are attractive
  • Eres hermosa - You are gorgeous
  • Eres linda - You are lovely

How to say You're handsome to a man in Spanish?

If you want to tell a man he looks "beautiful", you need to change the adjectives to the masculine ending (masculine words often end in "o"). And the adjectives mean the same thing for men. However, "guapo" means handsome while "guapa" means attractive.

For examples:

  • El es hermoso
  • Eres bello
  • Eres bonito
  • Eres guapo
  • Eres hermoso
  • Eres lindo

Bello/Bella means "beautiful" or "lovely". It's a little bit formal and can be used to describe anything, from clothes, view, to people.

Bonito/Bonita is more common than "bello" and can be used to describe anything. It also means "beautiful" but it's less strong. It's much closer to "pretty" or "nice".

Guapo/Guapa should be used to describe an attractive person, especially male.

If you want to describe several people then, add "s" to "hermosa" or "hermoso."

For examples:

They are beautiful - Ellas son hermosas (plural-feminine)

They are beautiful - Ellos son hermosos (plural-masculine)

See also: How to say Have a nice day in Spanish

Other common expressions:

  • Good morning beautiful - Buenos días hermosa
  • Hello beautiful - Hola hermosa
  • Very beautiful - Muy hermosa
  • How beautiful - Que hermoso (masculine)
  • How beautiful - Que hermosa (feminine)

Whether we use it as a conversation starter or to genuinely ask what someone’s doing, in Spanish, we ask “What are you doing?” a lot.

The 4 ways you can say “What are you doing?” in Spanish is:

  1. ¿Qué estás haciendo?
  2. ¿Qué haces?
  3. ¿En qué andas?
  4. ¿Qué andas haciendo?

Depending on your tone and how you say it, “what are you doing” can mean a lot of different things. Read on to learn all of the different ways to say What are you doing? in Spanish and find out which option is best to use!

  • All the Ways to Say What are you Doing? in Spanish
    • ¿Qué estás haciendo?
    • ¿Qué haces?
    • ¿En qué andas? or ¿Qué andas haciendo?
  • How to say WYD in Spanish
  • Conclusion

¿Qué estás haciendo?

First, we have ¿Qué estás haciendo?, which directly translates to “What are you doing?” It works in the same kind of way as in English, so we use it to ask what the person is currently doing, at this moment.

How to say What are you doing right now?

If we want to know what someone is doing now, we might add ahora (which means “now”) or en este momento (which means “at this moment”) to be more specific.

  1. ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?
  2. ¿Qué estás haciendo en ese momento?

We hope you don’t have to use it in this situation, but if you wanted to reprimand someone, you can also use ¿Qué estás haciendo? but say it in a more severe, and accusatory way. It is something you might hear a parent saying if scolding a child.

¿Qué haces?

¿Qué haces? literally means “What do you do?”. It can be used in conversation to mean what do you do for a living or for work. But it can also be used to ask what you’re doing (at the moment).

It is a more casual and informal version of ¿Qué estás haciendo? It is akin to asking “What’s up?” or “What are you up to?” in English.

¿Qué haces? can also be used to talk about what you are doing today, tomorrow, or next week, it doesn’t necessarily have to be about this exact moment. So we may say ¿Qué haces hoy / mañana / la semana que viene?, which means “What are you doing today / tomorrow / this coming week?”

¿En qué andas? or ¿Qué andas haciendo?

Another way of asking “What are you doing” is to ask ¿En qué andas? or ¿Qué andas haciendo?

These two options can be used to ask someone what they are doing at the moment, but they might also be used to ask what is up with someone.

¿En qué andas? means “What are you up to?” and ¿Qué andas haciendo? means “What is going on?” They are used when we want to know about someone’s life in general.

How to say WYD in Spanish

WYD stands for What (are) you doing. It is abbreviated to WYD in text-speak. It basically means “What’s up” or “What are you up to”. While Spanish text slang is plentiful there isn’t really an equivalent to WYD in Spanish.

The closest equivalent to WYD in Spanish is ¿que haces ? and ¿En qué andas? which are the most casual ways of asking What are you doing in Spanish.


To remember all of this, here’s a short summary of how to say “What are you doing?” in Spanish.

  • ¿Qué estás haciendo? – to ask what someone is doing at the moment of speaking.
  • ¿Qué haces? – to ask what someone is doing at the moment of speaking, that day, or at some time in the future. It may also be used as “What do you do?” 
  • ¿En qué andas?and ¿Qué andas haciendo?– to ask what someone is doing at the moment of speaking, or to ask what’s going on with someone’s life.

Keep learning about how to ask people about their state and how they’re doing

  • 18 Ways to Say How Are You in Spanish
  • 4 Ways to Say How Are You Feeling in Spanish
  • How to Respond to ¿Cómo estás? – 19 Replies Used by Locals

Sofía is a writer and copy editor from Argentina. She studied Art History in college, has a master's degree in Journalism and is currently working on her PhD on Literature and Cultural Critique.

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Gladiolus Esta Bonita translates to Its Pretty and pretty it is.

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"how are you, beautiful girl?" | Spanish Translator. "¿cómo estás, hermosa chica?"

How are you doing in Spanish to a girl?

To say “How are you?” in Spanish, start with the most basic phrase "¿Cómo está usted?” which is pronounced “koh-moh ehs-tah oos-tehd.” If you're asking a friend, you can just say ¿Cómo estás?” You can also ask how someone is with other phrases, like "¿Cómo te va?" which translates to either “How are you doing?” or “ ...

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