How can I learn Excel the fastest way?

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Learn excel today with courses on edX. Learn about analyzing data, how to import files, filtering data, and more!

What is Excel?

Microsoft Excel is the industry standard spreadsheet program used for data calculations, analysis, visualization and much more. It can be programmed to access data from external databases and is an excellent tool for data modeling, statistics and financial calculations with built-in functions to quickly and easily perform common tasks. Proficiency in Excel is typically required for accounting, business analytics, data analysis and statistics jobs.

Learn Excel Online

Microsoft offers free Excel classes online on edX to learn both fundamental and advanced Excel skills. Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel is a 4-week, self-paced online course perfect for learners with little or no prior experience using the software. Learn how to set up an Excel sheet, perform calculations, use basic and advanced Excel formulas and create visual representations of data with charts and graphs. Learn how to quickly create different views of data with pivot tables and much more, directly from the Excel team at Microsoft.

Additional Excel training courses explore the more advanced statistics and data visualization features of the software. Learn about descriptive statistics, basic probability, random variables, Excel VBA, sampling and hypothesis testing. Perform data mashups and visualizations using data pulled from multiple sources. Some other elements you will learn on Microsoft Excel include conditional formatting, pivot tables, keyword shortcuts, and more. The advanced features courses are part of the Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Data Science, a specialization designed to get learners on a path to a career in data science or related field. If you've been looking to learn Excel, you've come to the right place.

Excel Training Classes

Microsoft provides classes for you to train your Excel skills. You can take courses ranging in difficulty, depending on your current skill level. Microsoft and the Rochester Institute of Technology provides both beginner level and advanced Excel training and courses. Microsoft provides classes such as Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel and Data Processing and Analysis with Excel allow you to learn advanced formulas, data tables, slicers and much more to continuously develop your skills in Excel and learn . You will learn how to create pivot tables, pivot charts, slicers, and much more to fill in gaps in your Excel Knowledge

Add Excel to Your Resume

To give you an idea of the vast popularity of Excel among employers, a recent keyword search of “Excel” on produced almost 600,000 results. Excel skills are marketable in almost every industry and consistently rank near the top of the list of most important skills to add to your CV. Whether you’re in healthcare, IT, finance, business intelligence or computer science, taking an Excel tutorial or short online Excel course to learn the latest features can boost your performance. Learning Microsoft Excel can be a skill that applies to most business operations. edX also offers advanced excel training courses to help promote your skill set to the next level.

Most people know the power Excel can wield, especially when used properly. But fewer people know how to make the most of Excel. If you are looking for a guide on how to improve your Microsoft Excel skills, you have landed on the right page. 

But first, let's review some MS Excel basics.

What Is Microsoft Excel?

Excel is one of the best applications available on the market for creating spreadsheets to crunch numbers and dashboard reports as well as storing and administering data. This software first appeared on the scene back in 1987, and since then it has grown to become one of the most popular pieces of software for home or business.

This program has many practical uses just waiting to be discovered, beyond the mundane basic spreadsheet function. Whether you are a beginner, or you already have some experience with the application, Microsoft Excel is a versatile tool worth mastering. However, you need to improve your Excel skills to make the most out of this powerful software and learn to use it like a pro. We’ve put together a list of unique tips that covers Excel’s basics and can greatly help you take advantage of all of Excel’s features.

In this article, we will provide an explanation of the importance of Excel skills as well as a list of seven possible Excel skills.

Excel Skills You Must Know

There are many levels of Excel skills, ranging from basic to advanced. There is a wide variety of ways to use Excel, ranging from entering numbers to calculating complex formulas. The following Excel skills should be considered for mastery. Let’s dive into some crucial elements of basic Excel training to give you an idea on how to improve Excel.

There is a wide range of Excel skills from the basic to the advanced. Excel can be used to input numbers as well as calculate complex formulas.

  • Master the Shortcuts
  • Import Data from a Website
  • Filter Your Results
  • Calculate the Sum
  • AutoCorrect and AutoFill
  • Display Formulas
  • Manage Page Layout

1. Master the Shortcuts

You can save precious time by learning some keyboard shortcuts. Even though most computer and Internet users today cannot imagine navigating online without a mouse or at least a touchpad, you can save a great deal of time by using only the keyboard. You are probably already familiar with using the functions of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste. Other useful shortcuts that can come in handy include Ctrl+Z, to undo the last action, Ctrl+PgUp to switch between worksheet tabs, Ctrl+A for selecting the entire worksheet, Ctrl+F to find items and Ctrl+K to insert hyperlinks. Here is a complete list of Excel keyboard shortcuts from Microsoft itself.

2. Import Data from a Website

Learning how to import data is an essential function that can greatly speed up your workflow. If you come across a website with tons of data that you find useful for one of your projects, you can convert it into a worksheet by clicking File > Import External Data and click New Web Query. When you click this tab, a new window opens that displays your browser homepage with the URL of the page highlighted. Choose the webpage you want to display, then copy and paste the link into the Address box. Click OK and voilà! Your data is imported into an Excel worksheet!

3. Filter Your Results

If you have a large spreadsheet with a lot of information on it, using the Auto filtering feature is the smartest thing you can do. To do that, click Data > Filter > Autofilter. You can then click one of the small boxes and filter the results according to your own needs.

4. Calculate the Sum

Using shortcuts to calculate the sum of an entire column or range of cells can save you a great deal of time, especially if you use Excel regularly. Instead of manually entering the formula, simply use the shortcut Alt + = after you have selected the first empty cell in the column (the one located at the end of the numbers). After you execute this command, press Tab, and Excel shows you the result.

5. AutoCorrect and AutoFill

You need to learn how to type less if you want to save even more time when working in Excel. There are two ways to do this: AutoFill and AutoCorrect. AutoCorrect automatically corrects misspelled words and typos. To enable AutoCorrect, click the Tools tab and select AutoCorrect. 

AutoFill saves you precious time, especially when you are trying to type in a numbered list manually. To activate it, go to the Edit menu, point to Fill and click Series.

6. Display Formulas

With just a single keystroke, you can toggle between Excel’s standard normal display and the display mode, which shows you how the formulas appear in the system. The formula is Ctrl + ~. Press this combination once when you are in a spreadsheet and Excel will display formulas instead of the results of these formulas.

7. Manage Page Layout

You’ll want to be sure your printouts look as good as the display on screen, so you’ll need to know how to manage page layout. You’ll find these options by clicking the Page Layout tab. Consider playing around with options like page numbering, columns, and page borders to see how they work, then branch out.

The Bottom Line

If you want to make your life easier—and possibly impress everyone in your office—all you have to do is learn these basic Excel skills. But keep in mind that regardless of your level of expertise, there is always something new you can learn about this powerful tool. Whatever you do, take some of these steps to learn how to improve Excel skills—it can not only help you keep track of your own finances, but might lead to a great job opportunity someday!

Want to learn Excel in more depth? Simplilearn offers a variety of Excel online training courses from foundational skills to Business Analytics to the Business Analyst master program, which uses Excel.

Watch our video about using Macros in Excel.

What is the quickest way to learn Excel?

Start by learning how the fundamental Excel formulas work and then take a look at how to transpose data horizontally in Excel, and some of the best ways to organize your Excel documents. Watching tutorials and reading Excel-related material is the easiest way to learn Excel quickly.

How long it will take to learn Excel?

Although it's possible to gain a basic understanding of Excel's interface and core functions in just a few hours, it can require additional time and study to master its more complex capabilities. It takes most Excel users approximately 18-20 hours to fully learn this spreadsheet application.

Can I learn Excel in 10 days?

If you practice every day and dedicate around 2-3 hours every day to learn the concepts, then you can learn it within four weeks. But, to master the concepts in Excel, you need to use the tricks and formulas on a daily basis. You need about 8-10 days to finish the Basic and Advance excel course.

How can I teach myself Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft offers free Excel classes online on edX to learn both fundamental and advanced Excel skills. Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel is a 4-week, self-paced online course perfect for learners with little or no prior experience using the software.


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