How can I make my hemorrhoids smaller fast?

Are you sick of running to the local pharmacy every time you need some relief from hemorrhoids? You might want to consider trying some home remedies instead! Natural remedies have proven to help shrink them down, but make sure you’re informed before you start treating these unpleasant guests at home. 

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“First, realize that hemorrhoids are a normal part of our anatomy. Usually, they do not cause pain.” says colorectal surgeon Jeremy Lipman, MD. 

Dr. Lipman says that any change you notice around your anus should prompt an exam by your doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on. Especially if you see blood. 

Once you’re sure the symptoms are from hemorrhoids, there are many ways people may try to shrink them down. Some work well and some are harmful.

Before you try home treatments, proper diagnosis is critical. “It’s important to see your doctor for bleeding, especially if you have never had hemorrhoids before,” Dr. Lipman says. 

It’s after you’re properly diagnosed that you can start exploring these home remedies: 

1. Sitz baths 

Generally, experts recommend people with painful hemorrhoids sit in warm water for 15 minutes, several times a day — especially after a bowel movement. 

“This is one of the best treatments,” says Dr. Lipman. A sitz bath for hemorrhoids is generally available at a local pharmacy. This small bowl fits right over your toilet and offers a convenient way to soak and soothe the area. You can also just sit in a bathtub filled with warm water.

2. Psyllium husk 

Psyllium husk is a supplement that helps increase your fiber intake and softens stools to make them easier to pass. Be careful not to increase fiber too much, too quickly, as it may also cause gas or stomach cramping. 

“Use this to soften stool and make bowel movements more regular. When your stools are soft and easy to pass, your hemorrhoids are more likely to resolve. Be sure to drink plenty of water if you take this supplement,” says Dr. Lipman. 

3. Aloe vera 

The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera may help soothe inflammation of hemorrhoids. Although research isn’t available for its use on hemorrhoid relief specifically, it has shown some benefits for other inflammatory skin conditions. 

Dr. Lipman says this is safe to try only if it’s pure aloe (and not in a cream with other ingredients). 

The worst home remedies for hemorrhoids

You may have also heard of these two home remedies for getting rid of hemorrhoids fast. Unfortunately, Dr. Lipman wants you to avoid these for hemorrhoid pain relief if you can. 

1. Apple cider vinegar 

Some patients say that apple cider vinegar can bring instant relief to hemorrhoids, reducing itching and pain. 

“I don’t recommend using this remedy as it may burn the skin with overuse and exacerbate problems,” says Dr. Lipman. 

2. Tea tree oil 

Some people say the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil may reduce swelling and itching caused by hemorrhoids. Some early research found that a gel made with tea tree oil decreased symptoms, but studies are lacking. 

Dr. Lipman recommends not trying this remedy as it isn’t well studied. 

Always ask your doctor before trying a home remedy and if issues arise with any treatment, stop your attempt at an at-home hemorrhoids cure immediately.  

Remember, to help treat and prevent hemorrhoids it’s important to eat enough fiber (25 grams a day for women, 38 grams a day for men) and to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. These dietary changes can make stool easier to pass and keep the problem from recurring.

From ice to witch hazel, try these simple home remedies for hemorrhoids and find quick relief from the pain and itching.

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Load up on fibre

Looking for home remedies for hemorrhoids? Start healing from the inside out with a high-fibre diet, which can reduce the bleeding and pain from hemorrhoids. Fill your plate with fibre-rich fruits and vegetables, brown rice, whole grains, and nuts for hemorrhoid relief. Drinking plenty of water can also prevent constipation.

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Use a tea bag for hemorrhoid relief

External hemorrhoids can be soothed by applying a warm, wet tea bag. The tannic acid in the tea will help reduce swelling, ease the pain, and promote blood clotting to stop the bleeding. (Psst—tea bags can also be used to treat canker sores!)

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Avoid sitting

If you have a desk job, walk around for five minutes at least once an hour to relieve the rectal pressure that causes hemorrhoids. At the gym, avoid stationary bikes and squats, both of which can apply that same pressure. Instead, try walking briskly for 20 to 30 minutes to encourage bowel function.

This is what happens to your body when you start walking 10,000 steps a day.

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Soak with warm water

Warm water increases blood flow to help shrink swollen veins. To reap its benefits, fill your bathtub or a sitz bath, which fits over the toilet, with four or five inches of water. Take a seat in the water with your knees raised to get maximum exposure to the affected area. Dissolving a handful of Epsom salts in the tub before you start your soak will help constrict the hemorrhoids even more.

Discover 20+ common bathroom mistakes you didn’t know you were making.

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Ice up

Blood vessels swell up with hemorrhoids, but coldness can shrink them and give major relief. Fill a bag with ice, wrap a thin cloth around it, and sit on it for about 20 minutes for hemorrhoid relief. Repeat as necessary, but wait at least ten minutes between each application.

Here’s when to use ice or heat to relieve different types of pain.

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Keep it clean

Switch out your daily shower for some bath time if you can so that you can soak the anal area with warm water. Don’t use soap or alcohol-based or perfumed wipes, which could make hemorrhoids worse (don’t worry, a warm soak will still get you clean). When you’re out of the tub, use a hair dryer to dry the area gently.

Check out 40+ strange symptoms that can signal a serious disease.

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Lie down

How to treat hemorrhoids without gels or creams? Simply take the weight off your sore anal area by lying stretched out on a couch with your legs up for half an hour. You’ll improve circulation to your backside as well, improving hemorrhoid relief.

Discover these bathroom habits for healthy and comfortable bowel movements.

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Use simple toilet paper

Scented and coloured toilet paper contain extra chemicals that could irritate sensitive areas. Dampen plain, white, unscented toilet paper or use a moist towelette when you need to wipe. Follow up by applying an unscented moisturizer with a facial tissue.

Here are seven tips for healthy bowel movements.

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Give yourself permission to go

Holding in your bathroom breaks can lead to constipation, meaning you need to strain more when you do go. That could cause pressure in your abdominal and bring on hemorrhoids. Instead of focusing on how to treat hemorrhoids, find a restroom as soon as you need one to avoid them in the first place.

These home remedies for constipation can help.

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Try a potato

It sounds strange, but a compress made from potato is a surprisingly effective home remedy for hemorrhoids. When grated, the tuber acts as a soothing astringent.

Check out more old-time home remedies that really work.

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Apply witch hazel

Witch hazel is full of tannins, which help shrink blood vessels. Drench a cotton ball with undistilled witch hazel and press it against the hemorrhoid.

Next, find out the eight habits that cause hemorrhoids in the first place.

Originally Published: July 20, 2021

How do you shrink hemorrhoids ASAP?

Apply an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or suppository containing hydrocortisone, or use pads containing witch hazel or a numbing agent. Soak regularly in a warm bath or sitz bath. Soak your anal area in plain warm water for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day. A sitz bath fits over the toilet.

How can I shrink a hemorrhoid naturally?

Best At-Home Treatments Aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil, and coconut oil: These natural remedies are applied to the skin and can help soothe and shrink minor hemorrhoids. Ice application: Ice packs can relieve inflammation and pain but should never be used for longer than 15 to 20 minutes.

How long does it take to shrink hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids can be considered mild and can disappear within a week. If they last longer – or if your symptoms begin to increase in severity – you must see a doctor. Since grade 3 and 4 hemorrhoids stick out of the anal canal, they're prone to complications like strangulation and clot formation.


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