How do I get rid of the smell of weed in my bathroom?

The bathroom is a storied place to burn one down. Whether it’s before Thanksgiving dinner, or, merely, a discrete, cozy space for you to elevate yourself –– the bathroom is one of those stereotypical pot places in which we have probably all found ourselves chiefing at some point. For the Veil team, it was a classic high school hiding spot. Both for consumptive activities, but also for hiding smelly paraphernalia. We learned a few things along the way, most of it done the hard way. Here’s a cut down of some techniques that we found enormously helpful in getting rid of odors, smoke or otherwise.

Keep the Shower On

When it comes to getting rid of smoke smells, steam is inevitably your friend. A hot, steamy shower running for the duration of your session will absolutely have positive implications on any lingering odors. Just toss a towel down by the door to really **box** yourself in there, and have at it. Added bonus: You can play off your session as you spending 30 minutes in the bathroom taking a long, luxurious shower. Those red eyes? Must be all the steam.

In fact, steam works almost in the same way that a handy-dandy little product called Veil does, when it comes to eliminating smoke odor. Evaporated water molecules bond with, and diffuse, smoke molecules –– getting rid of smoke on, that’s right, a molecular level. If you really want to ensure that you’re left with an odor-free bathroom, incorporate some soap or shampoo into that shower. Replacing bad odors with good, and all of that.

Remove All Fabrics

Funny enough, most bathrooms are actually built from materials that inherently bounce or deflect odors (I wonder why that would be……..). What will actually absorb or retain smoke smells are things like bath mats, towels, wash cloths, bath robes, etc. In fact, a lot of these items will really absorb odor, as they are made of soft, fibrous, plushy fabrics. So just get all of that stuff out of there.

This doesn’t always work for a subtle session (say, before Thanksgiving dinner in the family powder room). But, if you’re at a hotel looking to chief one or the bathroom at your house is the most lowkey place to smoke, this is a good technique. Also, this is a technique that can basically be combined with anything else in this post. You’re always going to benefit from not having fabrics surrounding you while you smoke, if odor is a concern. This includes fabrics on your body –– that’s right, smoke naked.

Burn a Candle / Use an Oil Diffuser

Use anything, really, that replaces bad odor with a good smell. It’s intuitive, and somewhat obvious, but absolutely works. Just keeping one of these guys going will have outsized effects, especially within the confines of a bathroom. The limited space will trap any odor, good or bad. 

Bonus points for keeping the fan on. This will remove all odors, bad ones AND good ones mind you But, the candle or oil diffuser being, likely, the more recent odor –– will ultimately replace the pernicious smoke odor. And in relatively short order.

Leave the Fan On

Building off of the above point, just leave the fan on. Like, for a while. Bathroom fans aren’t typically the most effective, especially for those of us living in New York City apartments. But, they do circulate air. Which is something. 

Additionally, if you blow your smoke directly into the fan this ordinarily is pretty guaranteed to, if not eliminate, at least significantly abate smoke odor. The less smoke contained within the actual confines of the bathroom, the more you will win.

Use Veil :)

Oh, did we mention that we make an odor eliminating spray specifically engineered for getting rid of cannabis odors? How silly of me to gloss over that. Well, yes. Veil is non-toxic, eco-friendly, smells great, and is proven to get rid of smoke odor in any situation. 

We worked our butts off to figure out the best ways for our product to remove the smell of weed.  On a molecular level, no less. So, along with spraying the area that you are smoking in, try spraying your clothing, fabrics in your bathroom, the area right outside of the bathroom, et. al. Veil doesn’t linger, so you can’t overdo it. The more you spray, the more effective it is. So go off! 

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Published on March 17, 2020 • Last updated August 3, 2022

Unfortunately, weed smell can be a dead giveaway that alerts others to your preferably private ritual. And while cannabis may be consumed for medicinal and adult-use purposes throughout the country, federal prohibition continues to influence public perception, which can be negative.

If you want to be mindful of your neighbors or simply want your cannabis habits to stay under the radar, respect and privacy can be preserved with a few handy tricks to hide the smell of cannabis on your person or inside your home.

How to get rid of weed smell in your house after smoking

The classic approach: Sai baba, satya, nag champa, agarbatti incense

Nag Champa is an incense commonly burnt in ashrams. Using the smoke of the incense is a great way to cover the smell of weed. The scent is neither masculine or feminine and usually contains a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • Champa flower
  • Benzoin resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis)
  • Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
  • Indian sandalwood (Santalum album)
  • Vanilla
  • Honey

The classic aroma was transplanted in the west at the end of the hippie trail and has remained a welcome scent for practitioners of yoga, meditation, and cannabis consumption. This is more than a great way to get rid of the smell of weed; the incense smoke can also pull double duty to visually mask the cannabis smoke if it’s still lingering.

The hippie approach: Patchouli oil

This aromatic oil is a hippie hallmark and doubles as a great way to hide weed smell. Made from the small pink and white flowers of the patchouli plant, this oil is known for its pleasant, lasting scent and supposed antidepressant and aphrodisiac qualities. Certainly makes sense: enjoy a doobie, dab some patchouli behind the ears, smell nice, and make love, not war.

The homemaker approach: Febreeze

A household staple for many Americans living with gassy pets and gassier spouses or roommates, Febreeze is a trigger-action odor eliminator. This is not the end-all, be-all of cannabis smell reduction or weed neutralizers, but for a fresh scent in a pinch, it’s a solid option.

The bathroom approach: Matches with the bathroom fan on

One of the sneakier moves to avoid weed smell on this list, smoke in the bathroom and bring along stick matches (preferably) and flip the switch on the fan. The combusting sulfur and wood smoke of the stick matches should cover a hit or two and the fan should take care of the rest.

The weed smoke eliminator approach: Ozium

Ozium is a classic smoke eliminator that every cannabis enthusiast can use. It’s an air freshener with a vanilla and lemon-type scent that grabs smoke out of the air and punches it into another realm. While it won’t completely mask the scent, it’s a great base for all of the scents you’re about to throw into the atmosphere.

The air freshener approach: Black Ice Little Trees Car Freshener

Black Ice is one of the most overwhelming scents known to man (and woman). Like, if someone would’ve had Black Ice on their person in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, they’d have had absolutely no chance of getting close enough to catch Blue—because you can seriously smell it from like, eight miles away.

Grab a pack and place them strategically around the area you need to render smell-less, and with the help of all your aforementioned other scents, it’s guaranteed to be the knockout punch for any remaining cannabis odors.

The last resort: Burnt popcorn

(Igor Kovalchuk/AdobeStock)

Few smells mask other odors better and linger in the air longer than an accidentally burnt bag of microwavable popcorn.

But beware! Respect the very delicate balance between burnt for effect and just burning the hell out of it. While the room may no longer smell of cannabis, the fire alarm is one of the loudest signals of domestic failure known to man, and that’s not the perception cannabis needs, either.

How can I get the smell of weed out of my car?

It’s important to note that it is illegal to drive when stoned, and it is illegal to smoke in your car, whether parked or in motion.

However, the smell of weed can linger on your body and carry into your car. Here are some ways to get rid of the smell of weed in your car:

  • Roll down a window: Nature’s best way of clearing out the weed smell in a car.
  • Air freshener: These are inconspicuous because they’re a common sight in cars. For a small space like a car, you may want something a little softer than the Black Ice scent mentioned above.
  • Febreeze or Ozium: As mentioned above, try one of these to neutralize the odor of weed. Many households will have a bottle or Febreeze around; Ozium may be a little harder to find.
  • Essential oils: Though not as strong, essential oils are easy to carry in your glovebox, and you can sprinkle them on your body and even car seats to hide the smell of weed.
  • Clean your car: If you’re constantly going in and out of your car smelling like weed, you might need more drastic measures to get rid of a lingering weed scent. Don’t be afraid of the vacuum and some Armor All.

Transporting weed can also stink up your car. Laws for transporting weed vary by state, but generally speaking, we recommend keeping weed in the container from the dispensary, unopened, in the truck of your car.

For more info, check out our guide on traveling with weed in your car.

Preventing weed smell before and during smoking

Smoking in the shower

Another bathroom consumption method is to smoke your pot while the shower is running. Turn the shower to maximum hotness—the smoke smell will dissipate along with the steam into your bathroom fan. This is traditionally called a “Hawaiian Hotbox.”

For some added cannabis odor-masking, place a towel at the bottom of the door or even use a small spritz of your smell-good shower toiletries to replace the smell.

Airtight containers are not hard to come by

A good Tupperware, mason jar, or, if you’re in a pinch, a Ziploc bag inside another Ziploc bag, can really go the distance. There are also vacuum-sealed containers on the market, like OXO food storage containers, that will work extremely well for storing your pungent cannabis.

If you can, get a UV-protective airtight container and keep all cannabis plant matter out of both direct and indirect sunlight to preserve its quality over time.

Most weed bought at a dispensary will come in a plastic, airtight bag, which will do a good job of concealing the weed’s smell. Even if you get weed delivered to you, it’ll often come in an airtight container.

DIY sploof: Toilet paper roll + rubber band + dryer sheet

You can try making your own sploof.

Get a toilet paper or paper towel roll, place a fabric softener sheet at the end, and strap it to the roll with a rubber band. The idea is to fill the roll with smoke, so exhale slowly so smoke doesn’t shoot directly out the other end.

Know that cannabis smoke will escape either way, but if done correctly, much of the odor will be diffused.

Buy a spoof or smoke filter

Manufactured smoke filters, or sploofs, are becoming more popular. Try a Sploofy—this portable carbon filter is an excellent choice for travelers and cannabis consumers who need to conceal their weed smoke.

Sploofy’s replaceable filter system and nearly magical ability to swallow up enormous clouds of smoke make for potent camouflage on-the-go or at home.

Try vaping instead

A vape pen might not completely eliminate the smell of weed, but vaporizing weed will significantly diminish odors compared to smoking. Vape pens are cheap and easy to use and are great for minimizing the smell of weed wherever you happen to smoke.

  • There are plenty of vape pens and vaporizer products available online with options available at multiple price points for a variety of budgets.
  • Vape pens allow you to smoke wherever you want without having to fill the room with air fresheners, turn on all the fans in your house, or burn a perfectly good bag of microwave popcorn that, frankly, never did anything to deserve it.
  • Learn to use a vape pen—note your preferred temperature, and ensure the battery stays charged and ready for use. Cannabis oil cartridges for vape pens tend to be more expensive than flower.


How to not smell like cannabis after smoking

How to get rid of weed smell in your hair and on your body

If you don’t want your house or apartment to smell like weed, odds are that you don’t want your breath, hair, or body to smell like cannabis either. Fortunately, there are plenty of products available at just about every grocery store to help mask the smell.

When it comes to breath, your best options are a pungent chewing gum, possibly something mint-flavored. Alternatively, you can freshen up that breath by brushing your teeth or gargling some mouthwash.

Perfume, cologne, and body spray are excellent options for your body, and it’s important to remember that a little goes a long way.

This article was originally published on March 14, 2017; it was updated on March 23, 2022.

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How do you get rid of smoke smell in bathroom?

Use vinegar. Pour distilled white vinegar into several small bowls and place them around the room where they will not be disturbed. The vinegar will help absorb the odors.

Can you smell weed through walls?

Though the smell won't travel through walls, it has a habit of slipping into every open window and crack, making smoking in a house or apartment a tricky affair for those looking to remain discreet. So if your neighbours next door have good noses, or simply don't support marijuana, you may want to be cautious.

How long does it take for bathroom to air out?

So what's a homeowner to do? First and foremost, be sure your current bath fan exhausts outdoors. Next, be sure you run your bathroom fan long enough to make sure it provides sufficient air-exchange to dry out your bathroom, which can take as long as 20- to 30-minutes.

Does smoking in shower get rid of smell?

Myth #3: Run a hot shower while you're smoking. The steam from the hot water will definitely neutralize the smell and if you have a bathroom fan, the smoke smell will most likely get sucked into it. But what about the steam, does steam get rid of smoke smell? The short answer is no.


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