How do I shut down a subreddit?

If you want to erase your presence on Reddit, you may decide that deleting your account is the best way to do it. Here’s how.

Reddit is a great platform for communities, with subreddits covering every interest imaginable. You can ask questions, post funny pictures, or share your most private thoughts with millions of other reddit users.

You’re not limited to a single account, either. If you want to post anonymously, you can create a throwaway Reddit account to post under the radar. You may want to delete your Reddit account at some stage, however, especially if it’s only temporary—here’s how.

What Happens When You Delete a Reddit Account

Before you rush to delete your Reddit account, you should probably be aware of the consequences.

Deleting your account does not mean that any submitted posts, comments, or other Reddit content you’ve shared will be erased. Post threads will remain with titles, original posts, and other comments intact. Your Reddit account name will disappear, but the content itself will remain.

What you will lose is your list of subscribed subreddits, as well as access to any private messages you may have shared with other Reddit users. Post and comment karma, along with other Reddit perks like Reddit Premium, will also end at this point.

You’ll need to delete individual posts and comments first before you delete your account if you want to erase them. You can do this for all your posts at once using the Nuke Reddit History extension for Google Chrome, but there’s no built-in method for doing this.

Make sure you’re really sure about deleting your Reddit account before you decide to proceed. The process can’t be reversed, so if you change your mind afterwards—too late!

How to Delete Your Reddit Account

If you’re sure you want to delete your Reddit account, here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Open the Reddit website and sign in by pressing Log In button in the top right.
  2. Once you’re signed in, click your account name in the top right. From the drop-down menu, click User Settings.
  3. In your Reddit user settings, press the Deactivate Account button to begin the deletion process.
  4. Confirm your username and account, then check the I understand that deactivated accounts are not recoverable checkbox. Provide a feedback comment (explaining why you’re deleting your account), then press Deactivate.
  5. You’ll need to confirm your choice, so press Deactivate again to confirm.

Your account will be permanently deleted at this point. As we’ve explained, this process is irreversible, so you won’t be able to restore your account once you’ve done this.

Making the Most of a Reddit Account

If you’re a Reddit newbie, you might not realise the potential a Reddit account can bring. There’s a subreddit for every interest imaginable, from the boring to the ridiculous. If there isn’t the right subreddit for you, you could always start your own.

Don’t be afraid to block the website to step back if you get too addicted, though. After all, you can always use YouTube to view funny content instead.

If you’ve found an abandoned or unmoderated community and you’d like to gain moderator privileges, or the top moderator of a community you already moderate is inactive, you can submit a request through r/redditrequest. 

Please read the rules and sidebar before submitting your post. Any additional information can be found in the r/redditrequest FAQ.

r/redditrequest is for:

  • Requesting ownership of abandoned communities or communities with inactive moderators
  • Requesting to remove inactive top moderators from communities that you moderate

Your request will be reviewed by Reddit admins. Please note that requests can take up to four weeks to be reviewed. There is a widget on the sidebar of r/redditrequest with an estimate as to how long requests are currently expected to take. You will receive a message on Reddit after your request has been reviewed.

If you moderate a community where the top mod is not actively moderating but is active elsewhere on Reddit you can follow the top mod removal process. 

If you’re having issues with a request that you have already submitted please reach out to the r/redditrequest modmail and a Reddit admin will get back to you. 

Can I delete a Reddit community?

Because communities on Reddit are shared spaces that in many ways belong to the members of the community as much as the creator, there's no way to delete a community. However, if you created a community that you don't want anymore or don't have use for, you can remove yourself as a moderator.

How do I delete a community?

Tap the community you want to delete. Tap Delete community. Check the box next to “I understand that I'm deleting this Community and that I won't be able to undo it.” Tap Delete community.

How do I get to my Subreddit settings?

Reddit Help Your community settings can be found in the Other section of your moderation tools. This is where you fill in some blanks that will tell users what your community is all about.

Why can't I delete Reddit account?

Double-check to make sure you entered your username and password correctly. If you're unsure about your password, reset it before deleting. If you're having trouble deleting on, try deleting on


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