How do you cut a torpedo cigar without a cutter?

Sometimes you just can’t find a cigar cutter when you need one. As frustrating as those moments can be, all is not lost. This guide shows you that with a bit of imagination and perhaps a little improvising, you can successfully learn how to cut a cigar without a cutter.

How you go about cutting a cigar without a cutter will depend greatly on your surroundings and what you have available to use as a makeshift cutter. You can apply the same principles you would normally follow on how to cut a cigar to these alternative cutting tactics.

Where to Cut a Torpedo Cigar?

There are a couple of different methods of cutting a Torpedo, and these can be tailored to how much of a draw you’re looking for. The draw will determine the amount of flavour and smoke that comes through with each puff of the cigar. We’ll take a look the main two options below:

How to Cut a Torpedo Cigar With a V-Cutter

If you’re carrying a V-cutter, then you will be able to use this on your Torpedo. Because of the design and shape of the cutter, chances are you’ll end up not with a V-shape, but with a wedge, as the size of the cigar limits the amount of cap you can cut.

When using a V-cutter, we’d suggest holding the cigar with the label facing away from you and making a straight, clean cut.

We’d recommend starting just a few millimetres into the cigar and testing the draw from there, cut further into the cigar to increase the draw, but be careful not to lop the whole head!

After all, the whole point of the Torpedo is the head; taking this off would leave you with a classic Parejo.

How to Cut a Torpedo Cigar With a Straight Cutter

There are two methods you can opt for when using a straight cutter. The first is to cut the cigar horizontally at around 3mm-4mm deep, ensuring you keep plenty of the tapered head intact.

If you cut too close to the end, the draw may be tight, but too close to the band and the Torpedo becomes a regular Parejo.

Alternatively, you could look to try the angled cut. This sees the cigar being cut again with a straight cutter, but with the cutter held at a 45-degree angle.

Make sure the label is facing away from you, and the angle is down towards you. This will direct the smoke onto the palette and allow you to enjoy the full flavour of the cigar.

No matter which technique you opt for, we’d recommend using a Xikar cutter to ensure a sharp and clean cut.

If you’re looking to take a draw on your first Torpedo, or want to restock your humidor with some of the finest, then check out our selection of New World cigars online.

How do you straight cut a torpedo cigar?

Cutting a Torpedo with a Straight Cutter Any kind of straight cutter will work: a single guillotine, double guillotine, or a cigar scissors. The key here is not to cut too deep. Just cut the very tip to start and take a draw from the cigar to see if enough air is passing through it. If not, cut a little more off.

Do you need to cut a torpedo cigar?

We'd recommend starting just a few millimetres into the cigar and testing the draw from there, cut further into the cigar to increase the draw, but be careful not to lop the whole head! After all, the whole point of the Torpedo is the head; taking this off would leave you with a classic Parejo.


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