How do you get excess wig glue off your skin?

Your lace wig adhesive is an important component in creating the perfect look you‘ve been dreaming about. Its main function is to hold everything in place, keeping your cap and lace where they should be. As you come near the time when you need to take off your wigs, however, the task of taking off your wigs makes you nervous. You may wonder to yourself: “How to remove lace glue from my skin and hair without ripping off those edges?”

Turns out, the wig-removing glue-dissolving mechanism is not super complex when you learn the process of how to remove wig glue from your hair. However, even the most experienced wig lovers may scratch their heads at the actual steps and all the supplies involved in this process. Our beauty editor today would like to give you a simple, safe, and effective guide in removing lace wig adhesive.

How to remove lace glue safely & effectively: our five easy steps

Now removing glue from your lace frontal wig should never be done haphazardly. In fact, if you are not careful, you can put an end to your edges or ruin expensive hair units. While the latter costs you money, the former scenario is a painful one we wish you never have to go through. 

For this reason, it is important that you are careful when you are learning how to remove lace wig glue. Follow our time-tested protocols and your edges will be intact.

Step 1: Melt the Glue with an alcohol-based solution

The product you use will determine the outcome of this process. You have to have the right product in order to take the glue/adhesive out of your hair. Since you have already glued down the frontal to the wig cap, making use of an alcohol solution will be a wise choice.

Our first choice in how to remove lace glue would be an alcohol-based solution

One of our go-to products that get this done cheaply and effectively is the Solimo 70% Isopropyl Alcohol from Amazon. We highly recommend this product and they also can be a nice addition to your medicine cabinet.

What you need to do first is to dispense a healthy amount of this rubbing alcohol into a clean towel. Use this towel to wipe your hair, going into all the nooks and crannies around your lace part. This gets the job done since alcohol makes the glue become soluble. Now after a while, you will be able to lift the lace off your head.

Step 2: Pull up your lace frontal

After you have done rubbing alcohol on your lace frontal edges and wait for a while, you can now start pulling the lace off your wig cap. Gradually pulling the lace off will reveal patches of glue that sit on your head. Gently take this glue off your forehead with the alcohol solution until all of your head is free of any glue remnant. With all of your forehead clear and shiny, you can now handle the next step – your wig cap.

Step 3: Remove your wig cap

Next stop, you will want to remove the wig cap from your hair. Since the wig cap has direct contact with your hair, you need to make sure to do this step gently. Be patient and careful when pulling off your wig cap. Take your time since we don’t want anything being hurt in this process.

Step 4: Remove glue from your hair

When you have removed your wig cap completely, be sure to take off any remaining wig glue that may still linger on underneath. While there can be many ways to achieve this, we think the best way is to use styling strips. You can easily get these from Amazon or the Beauty Supply store. 

Styling Strip is an ingenious way to get off all the residual adhesive

Soak your styling strips in isopropyl alcohol for 5 minutes and then wrap them on your hair. The styling strips will meltdown and dissipate any residual glue on your hair. After you take off your styling strips, comb the hair glue out of your hair. By following this approach, you keep your hair and scalp healthy and free from any product build-up. It is also key to preserve your hair health and prevent hair loss in the future installation process.

Step 5: Apply hair conditioner to lock the moisture in

Now that you have to wipe off and take out all of the glue, the crucial final step is to moisturize your hair. This step is very important since the rubbing alcohol in the last step will have a drying effect on your cuticle and hair strands. While most alcohol can evaporate quickly on your hair and skin, we want to do all we can to ensure healthy, robust hair. So once you have done cleaning, time to replenish moisture and emollient by rubbing conditioner on your hair and edges. The restore in moisture will help your hair shine and become soft once again.

Lace front glue remover alternatives: when you don’t feel like alcohol

While alcohol is an amazing product when you need to remove glue, we think that we should also include alternative products to help address the needs of people with sensitive skin. Many people do report that their skin tends to break out or dry out unnecessarily when they come into contact with alcohol. So what do you do when you need to know how to remove ghost bond glue without touching the common rubbing alcohol. For this option, we include 3 other options for you to choose from:

Vaseline or Emollient oil

Something we all have within our cabinet, Vaseline is perfect for chapped lips and many other kinds of skin conditions. Also perfect for people trying to remove lace glue from their scalp, this option is a safe and gentle one. 

Vaseline can act as a gentle Ghost Bond remover

To make this work, simply apply some Vaseline on your lace wig glue and keep it there for several minutes. Then use a soaked towel to wipe down the vaseline. The emollient nature of vaseline will dissolve the glue and the mechanical action will slowly erode the adhesive. Repeat this process 2-3 times until the glue is completely gone.

Warm water mixture

Another easy and simple option is to use a warm water mixture. So simple and easy but this solution will require you to spend more time than our fan-favorite alcohol solution.

How to remove lace front? Mix baking soda with water!

To go about this route, you can first dilute a little bit of salt or baking soda with warm water. These ingredients will help break down the bond of the pesky glue. Then transfer this mixture to a spray bottle and then start spraying to your hairline. Keep the mixture on your hair for 10 minutes while wearing a shower cap. This method is the most gentle but people who are not into waiting might not feel like this is the best use of their time.

Hair oils / Skincare oils

If your hairline has taken enough beating and you want to employ something that won’t aggravate the drying problem, then oil can be an ingenious choice. What is suitable for your hairline can be any kind of oil: skincare oil, hair oils, even baby oils can do the trick.

Oil is an amazing mild and effective lace wig glue remover

Pour oil on a paper napkin and then start wiping the glue as if you are using the makeup wipe. Gently lift the lace and let the oil seep through to help burn off the glue on the lace front. Once the lace can come off comfortable, continue to apply oil on your forehead to clean the glue off with your napkin completely.

How to wash the glue off your hairpiece?

Now that you have taken care to use the appropriate lace front glue remover and finish cleaning your edges, the attention should shift to get rid of the glue on your hairpiece. We find what works best for this is just regular dishwashing soap.

Remove Adhesive From Wig only require you dishwashing liquid and a used toothbrush

Firstly, take your lace frontal wig or full lace wig to the sink. Then, turn the wig inside out to expose the lace part and then wet these lace parts with tap water. Put a few pumps of dishwashing liquid onto these parts. Next, start massaging the soap onto the lace to make sure the soap permeates the whole lace area laden with glue.

Finally, get a used toothbrush and start brushing from the center of the lace part outward. Repeat and apply even more soap to the lace until you can rinse off the glue and soap completely.

After you have learned how to remove lace glue as well as cleaning the lace base well for your next install, we hope you spend enough time practicing all the steps we listed above. Don’t forget to take care of your natural hair, as well as washing, drying, and styling your hairpiece after each time you take off your wig. With enough practice, you will realize using glue is not as intimidating and actually very manageable.

How do you get wig glue off your skin without alcohol?

One of the easiest hacks in removing lace front glue without alcohol is using a mixture of water with a little bit of salt and baking soda, but you need to understand that this is also the most time-consuming hack in all four. Before anything else, add and mix water, salt, and baking soda in a container.

Does Vaseline remove lace glue?

Vaseline or emollient oil are safe and gentle options to remove lace front glue from scarp. Wipe some Vaseline or emollient oil on the lace wig glue and keep it for a few minutes. Then use a wet towel to wipe out Vaseline or emollient oil. You need to repeat this step several times to completely remove the glue.


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