How do you lob the ball in Madden 22?

Just as in real NFL football, there are different types of passes for different situations in Madden 22. The low pass is one of many in a quarterback's arsenal, and while it may not be used as much as the traditional bullet, lob, or touch pass, it's just as useful when used at the right time and against the right defense. 

But how do you throw a low pass in Madden 22? Simply hold LT/L2 and press the button of the receiver you want to throw to. Your quarterback will throw the ball to one of your receivers at a downward angle.

It's important to know that you can throw bullet, lob, and touch low passes, just as you can throw regular and high bullet, lob, and touch passes. 

  • Low bullet pass: Hold LT/L2 and hold the receiver button
  • Low touch pass: Hold LT/L2 and press the receiver button
  • Low lob pass: Hold LT/L2 and tap the receiver button

You'll know if you properly threw a low pass or not because text will show up at the bottom of the screen telling you the type of pass you threw. 

The low pass in Madden 22 is great for keeping the ball out of the hands of secondary defenders; the ball is typically knee-level or below, giving only your receiver the best chance of catching it. It's not that a low pass doesn't have a chance of getting intercepted, but it's more that the chance is very low. 

Low passes can get knocked down at the line of scrimmage by a swatting lineman, or even go straight into an O-lineman's helmet if thrown at the wrong time. 

You can throw low passes anywhere on the field, though they're best thrown in congested areas and against man coverage, where DBs are most likely to be all over your receivers. Quick outs and curls are good options for low passes, especially in short-yardage situations. 

While the low pass often means your receiver will go to the ground to catch the ball, it doesn't mean you can't gain good YAC by using it. The animation for catching a low pass sometimes sees a receiver roll on the ground, and since the NFL is a down-by-contact league, defensive players can (every once in a while) miss your receiver on the ground. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. 

Most of the time, though, you'll use the low pass in Madden 22 to gain first downs and tough TDs, though not much more. You won't be throwing too many low pass bombs, that's for sure. 

But there you have it: how to throw a low pass in Madden 22. For more, consider checking out our other Madden 22 guides. 

Madden NFL 23 gives players an incredible amount of control over passing, and not just the basics. This includes the ability to make a high throw, low throw, and touch pass. Here’s how.

Players who boot up the game for the first time are greeted with the option to use three different passing systems. Included in that is the classic system, as well as two other options that offer ways to affect the type of pass that’s thrown. This allows players to manually control whether a pass is low and hard, high and floaty, and everything in between.

It’s a lot to take in all at once but for those who are looking to play multiplayer, it’s vital to learn the different quarterback controls. Here’s how to throw a high, low, and touch pass in Madden NFL 23.

How to pass high in Madden NFL 23

To do a high lob pass in Madden NFL 23, players need to tap the receiver icon and then let it go immediately. Players can also complete a high pass by holding down L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox before pressing the receiver icon.

The arc of a pass is controlled by how long a button is held down. The length of the button press for a pass actually works inversely to the length of the ball’s flight. Because of this, players need to quickly press and release the button in order to throw a looping, high-arc pass in Madden NFL 23.

A high pass is important for getting a ball over a defender playing tight coverage on the receiver. With a properly thrown high lob pass in Madden NFL 23, the receiver will be able to catch the ball and the defender won’t have the angle to deflect it.

How to do a low pass in Madden NFL 23

Madden NFL 23 players can throw a low pass by pressing and holding the receiver button, or by holding L2 on PlayStation or LT on Xbox while hitting the receiver icon.

By pressing and holding the receiver icon button, the quarterback will perform a bullet pass. This is a low-angle, hard pass designed to make it to the receiver as quickly as possible. When properly executed, a bullet pass can thread the needle between coverage or can give a receiver an extra split second of time to get extra yardage after the reception.

It’s worth noting that a bullet pass in Madden NFL 23 does have a lower chance of being successfully caught. Depending on the stats of both the quarterback and receiver, the catcher of the ball may have a harder time reeling in a bullet pass than a softer throw. To remedy that, a touch pass can be used in certain circumstances.

How to do a touch pass in Madden NFL 23

A touch pass can be done in Madden NFL 23 by holding the receiver button for longer. 

A touch pass in football is a pass that is quick but has a relatively high arc. This is meant to have it fly over and out of reach of defenders near the line, but still have the ball in the receiver’s hands quickly.

In Madden NFL 23, the height of the pass is controlled by how long the button is pressed down. Holding the button down for a long while will result in a low, hard bullet pass. Tapping the button and letting it go will result in a floating lob pass. Doing something in the middle will do a touch pass.

To perform a touch pass in Madden NFL 23, press the receiver button for a split second then let go. Getting the timing might be a bit tricky and it may be hard for newcomers to lose the instinct to just hold the button down, but it’s a vitally important tool for any Madden player.

How do you lob the ball in Madden?

How to pass high in Madden NFL 23. To do a high lob pass in Madden NFL 23, players need to tap the receiver icon and then let it go immediately. Players can also complete a high pass by holding down L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox before pressing the receiver icon.

How do you intercept the ball in Madden 22?

How To Catch the ball in Madden 22.
Hold Y/Triangle for Aggressive Catch..
Hold X/Square for RAC Catch (running catch).
Hold A/X for Possession Catch (falls to ground to secure catch).
Press nothing = auto catch..

How do you dive for the ball in Madden 22?

To dive in Madden 22, hold the Square button (on PlayStation) or the X button on (Xbox) while sprinting forward with the ball.

How do you throw a bullet pass on Madden 22?

To throw a bullet pass, all you need to do is hold down the receiver button you're targeting. So, if you want to hit your "X" receiver, hold down the X button (A on Xbox) until the ball is out of your QB's hands. That will put that extra zip on the ball.

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