How do you say crazy girl in Spanish

That's my belief that it's crazy that you make wealth and you leave it to a foundation when you die, for others to do you don't know what.

Creo que es una locura formar un patrimonio y dejarlo a alguna fundaci�n cuando te mueras, dej�rselos a otros que t� no sabes qu� van a hacer con �l.

I did not treat my body well; I worked crazy hours and drank too [...]

No trataba bien a mi cuerpo; trabajaba muchas horas y beb�a demasiado caf�.

There is nothing that has been more

[...] important to me over the course of my lifetime than advancing the rights of women and girls.

Nada ha sido m�s importante para m�

[...] en el transcurso de mi vida que promover los derechos de las mujeres y de las ni�as.

And I always felt that my dressiest

[...] clothes were never dressy enough; other girls my age were always beautifully turned out, [...]

even if they were just headed to school.

[...] me parec�a que mi ropa m�s elegante no lo era bastante; otras chicas de mi edad estaban siempre [...] [...]

arregladas, aunque s�lo fueran a clase.

Esto enloquece a mi esposa.

[...] say of one of my characters that he is sick, crazy or perverse.

No dir� nunca de un personaje m�o que est� enfermo, loco o perverso.

The mother turned to Louise, weeping and


speaking softly in Spanish: "Here you have a lot to eat; we have

[...] so little, it is not surprising my girls are so small!

La madre se torn� hacia Luisa, gimiendo y hablando suavemente en


espa�ol: "�Aqu� tienen mucho para comer, nosotros tenemos tan

[...] poco, no es sorprendente que mis hijas sean tan peque�itas!

I know of at least six girls my age who are sick and have [...]

been sick for a long time and are not getting better.

Yo conozco a por lo menos seis chicas que est�n enfermas [...]

desde hace mucho tiempo, y que no mejoran".

The perfume girls are all crazy for him.

A las chicas de Perfumer�a las tiene locas.

What a title has been given to us by the Rockdiva par


excellence, by the craziest of all of us. Because one must

[...] be very really crazy to involve these five girls together in a record.

Vaya t�tulo nos ha plantado la rockdiva por excelencia,


la m�s loca de todas, porque

[...] ya hay que estar loca para meternos a las cinco en un disco, y m�s [...]

para atreverse a que cantemos sus canciones.

After producing three films last year - The

[...] Hairdresser, Cheeky Girls 2 and The End is My Beginning (which [...]

he also co-wrote) - Limmer is


planning to spend this year concentrating on his writing before embarking on the next production, Caius om altem Rom in 2011.

Despu�s de haber producido tres


pel�culas durante el �ltimo a�o

[...] -The Hairdresser, Cheeky Girls 2 y The End is My Beginning, [...]

cuyo gui�n coredact�- Limmer


planea concentrarse esta temporada en la escritura antes de embarcarse en su pr�xima producci�n, Caius om altem Rom, para 2011.

It took me a while to understand what

[...] that supposedly crazy man was doing there with my mother, alone, [...]

Me iba a costar tiempo entender qu� hac�a all� aquel

[...] hombre con fama de loco, a solas con mi madre, aparentemente [...]

If my crazy love story about death [...]

compels people to open up to the theme, I have reached my goal.

Si mi loca historia de amor sobre [...]

la muerte obliga a las personas a abrir su mente hacia un determinado tema, habr� logrado mi objetivo.

My family drove me crazy during my pregnancy.

Mi familia me enloqueci� durante mi embarazo.

To celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary

[...] and our 40th birthdays my wife, Doreen, and I had the crazy idea to climb the highest [...]

Para celebrar nuestro vig�simo

[...] [...] nuestros 40 cumplea�os mi esposa, Doreen, y yo tuvimos la loca idea de subir a la [...]

monta�a m�s alta de �frica, Mt.

So what does all this mean for me the

[...] next time I look at my crazy calendar?

�Entonces cual significado tendr� todo esto la

[...] pr�xima vez que vea mi calendario?

I realized through the Tostan programme that I

[...] should no longer cut my girls.

A trav�s del programa de Tostan me di cuenta de que ya

[...] no deber�a mutilar a mis ni�as.

When my girls look at me, they tell me how beautiful I am.

Cuando ellas me miran, me dicen lo linda que soy.

My girls love when I sing to them," [...]

says Jamgochian, "especially songs (with gestures), because they hear me and see me.

A mis hijas les encanta que les [...]

cante", dice Jamgochian, "especialmente algunas canciones (con gestos), porque me escuchan y me ven.

My life revolves around my 2 girls.

Mi vida gira en torno de mis dos hijas

EVE: I don't think that this will be the last important

[...] experience for me and my girls.

EVE: No creo que esta sea la experiencia menos

[...] importante para mi y mis chicas.

We didn't know much about stem cells then but we do now and I would never risk not

[...] doing it for the sake of my girls.

No sab�amos mucho sobre las c�lulas madre en ese entonces pero ahora lo sabemos y nunca correremos el riesgo de no


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