How do you say hay in spanish

3 Translation results for hay in Spanish

noun | verbo | verbo


Example sentences of

hay noun

  • their credit card debt isn't hay—it'll take years to pay it off
  • dragging myself out of the hay on such a cold, dreary morning seemed like an act of sheer masochism
  • their credit card debt isn't hay-it'll take years to pay it off
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hay verbo

there is, there are

haber verbo

to have, has

Related phrases for hay

  • hit the hay - (informal, figurado) irse al sobre, irse al saco

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Reverse translation for hay

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There is often confusion for English speakers when using hay and está.  Let's see the difference:

The Spanish "hay"

Hay means "There is/there are". We use hay when we are talking or asking about the existence of something/someone.

Generally the order can present itself in two ways, here's the first:

Verb (Hay) + indefinite article (un/una) + noun + [somewhere]

For example:

Hay una farmacia en mi barrio.There is a chemist in my neighbourhood.

Here's the second way:

[Somewhere] + verb (hay) + indefinite article (un/una) + noun 

For example:

En mi barrio hay una farmacia.In my neighbourhood there is a chemist.

You can use the plural definite articles unos/unas but very often we omit them as they are not necessary:

Hay (unos) bares en la plaza del pueblo.There are (some) bars in the village square.

The Spanish "está"

"Está" means "It is" and "están" means "They are". We use estar to locate things/people somewhere.

The general order of the sentences with estar is:

Definite article (el, la, los, las) +noun + verb (está/están) + somewhere 

For example:

El parque está en la parte norte de la ciudad.The park is in the north part of the city.

La iglesia está al lado del colegio.The church is next to the school.

El bar de Miguel está en la esquina.Miguel's bar is on the corner.

Have a look at how we would use both hay and está in a simple conversation:

¿Hay un parque por aquí?Is there a park over here?

Sí, hay un parque cerca.Yes, there is a park nearby.

Someone is asking about the existence of a park nearby. Notice how after hay we use the indefinite article "un" (the same way in English the indefinite article "a" is used)

Once the speaker knows there is one, he/she asks where it is:

¿Dónde está el parque?Where is the park?

El parque está allí a la derecha.The park is there on the right.

Notice how now they are using "está" to locate it. Now they don't use the indefinite article "un/una" but the definite article "el/la" (the same way in English "the" is used)

Be careful when using "dónde hay..."instead of "dónde está..." as this can be confusing.

We sometimes use dónde + hay for a first question, even when we haven't yet discovered the location, because we are assuming that the place we are asking about does exist. For example:

Señora, por favor, ¿dónde hay una farmacia por aquí?Madam, please, where is there a pharmacy around here?

Notice that after hay there is still the indefinite article (una).

Don't forget the accent on está/están

See also:

  • Using el or la to say "the" in Spanish (singular definite articles)
  • Using los or las to say "the" in Spanish (plural definite articles)
  • Using un, una to say a/an in Spanish (singular indefinite articles)
  • Using unos, unas + plural nouns to say some / a few in Spanish (Artículo indefinido -plural)
  • Using hay = there is / there are in Spanish
  • Ser vs Estar in Spanish: Using estar in Spanish (not ser) when talking about locations


You can also watch the video below with Gordon and Cynthia from Lightspeed Spanish explaining how hay and está works.

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Sí, hay un parque cerca.Yes, there is a park nearby.

¿Dónde está el parque?Where is the park?

El parque está allí a la derecha.The park is there on the right.

Hay (unos) bares en la plaza del pueblo.There are (some) bars in the village square.

El bar de Miguel está en la esquina.Miguel's bar is on the corner.

Señora, por favor, ¿dónde hay una farmacia por aquí?Madam, please, where is there a pharmacy around here?

Hay una farmacia en mi barrio.There is a chemist in my neighbourhood.

En mi barrio hay una farmacia.In my neighbourhood there is a chemist.

¿Hay algún cine por aquí?Is there any cinema round here?

La iglesia está al lado del colegio.The church is next to the school.

El parque está en la parte norte de la ciudad.The park is in the north part of the city.

¿Hay un parque por aquí?Is there a park over here?

¿Cómo estás mean in english?

¿cómo estás? hello! how are you?

¿Que hay mean in spanish?

What does "hay" mean? - It means "there is" or "there are".

¿Cómo se mean in spanish?

It can be translated as How do you say ...? or How is ... said?.

¿Como no in spanish?

¿cómo no? [example] of course {adv.}


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