How do you thank team on last working day?


Farewell Thank You Messages to Colleagues/ Sample Farewell Thank You Messages to Co-workers/ Sample Thank You Messages For Farewell/Appreciation Messages After Farewell 

If you are at loss of words to what to write in a farewell thank you card or email to your colleagues then you have reached the right spot. Here is an excellent collection of sample farewell thank you messages and goodbye messages for friends and colleagues that you can send after farewell.

Read on to find the perfect thank you farewell message which you can use to write in a card, email or SMS. Also check our collection on photo album title ideas on Farewell Photo Book Titles and Reply to Farewell Messages. 

  • Dear colleagues, time has come to part away from you. I had a lovely time working with you all. Thank you so much for your support guys! I am really going to miss you! 
  • With a grateful heart I share the feelings with you on this last day of my work today. Thank you friends for helping me to become a more experienced chap! 
  • Dear colleagues, I have been working here for long and have gained loads of experience with you all. Thank you for all the cooperation that you extended to me. 
  • Thank you friends for your great company here. Today is the last day of my service. Though I retire from my service today, your memories will always be with me. 
  • With grateful regards I thank you all, my dear colleagues, for the great opportunity that I got to share my services with you. I wish you all the best and thank you for your cherished friendship.


  • Dear friends, we sudied together all these years and spent our feelings and emotions in this institution. Today, we separate to different parts of the world. Though physically we depart, we are together in hearts. Thank you friends. 
  • Thank you all for your valuable friendship and cooperation that helped me greatly to work together. Thank you guys and keep in touch! 
    • I take this opportunity of sending you a thank you note to express my grateful regards to you, my friends and colleagues. I really enjoyed working with you all! And I am really going to miss our coffee breaks together! 
    • Thank you friends and colleagues for all your support, guidance and cooperation. I am really going to miss you guys!

    Farewell Thank You Messages to Boss/ Sample Farewell Thank You Messages to Boss/Farewell Thank You Wordings For Boss

    Before leaving your office it is nice to say thanks to your boss. Moreover, sending a farewell thank you message to boss is a great way to show your appreciation to the opportunity you had working with your boss.

    Here is a list of sample farewell thank you messages to boss to choose from, so go ahead and find the perfect wording to convey your farewell thank you wishes to your boss.

    • Today is my last day working with you and I would like to say thank you for everything we had since day one. Thank you for the trainings, advices and tips; it really help me a lot to become a better person and grow professionally. Your guidance and mentoring was truly helpful. Thank you so much Sr. /Mam. 
    • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with your team. It was a great journey! Truly, it is so hard to bid farewell but I hope we can remain in touch. Thank you very much boss! 

    • Thank you boss for all you have done. You are such a great boss for me! You have been a good friend to me. Thank you and goodbye! 
    • Before leaving I would like to take this opportunity to thank you because you made my work life easier and efficient. You are a good boss ever! Thank you! 
    • I’m sad to leave but I have to face my new endeavours. You have been so good to me and I would like you to know that I thank you for everything. I will miss you and I will take all your professional advices with me. Thank you my boss! 
    • Saying farewell and goodbye to a great and cool boss like you is hard. I’m gonna miss your magnanimous personality on the office floor. I know I can be professional and competent enough on my next endeavour because you trained me well. Thank you sr./mam (name)! 


    • Bosses like you are one in a million. Thank you for all you have done to me. You certainly become a part of my life. I will miss you and I will take all your words with me. I know that you are also happy with what I have chosen in life. Farewell my boss! 


    • I’m so lucky to be trained under your supervision. You are the boss/leader that every employee would dream. Because of your words and professional advices, I’m now confident to face my new endeavour because you enlightened my minds with good deeds and concepts in life. 
    • Bosses like you are rare. You are so professional and the best mentor ever! Thank you boss for all you have done to us, and goodbye! 
    • There is a saying that good things should come to an end. And today, before we end up everything, we would like to appreciate you as a good boss. You are so professional and it means a lot to us. Thank you boss and we will miss you all the time! 

    • Working with you for several years is such a blessing. You are the boss who inspired me a lot in so many ways. I have learned the real essence of working and hardship. I will miss you and I will pray for you. Thank you my boss for everything. 

    • It is so sad knowing you have to go. Sr. /Mam, I would like you to know that you are such a good boss. All the years, I have learned a lot. Thank you for the trainings, words and assistance you showed towards to me as well as to my colleagues. More power and God bless! 

    • It’s hard for us to see you go. We ask ourselves why you have to go and leave our office. But if this is the destiny, then we have to face it then. I would like you to know that we are so blessed having boss like you. Thank you for everything. We will miss you boss. 
    • It’s mixed emotion. We are sad because our best boss is leaving. But there’s a joy in our hearts knowing that you are going to trained people and make them professional just like what you did to us. God bless boss!  

    Farewell Thank You Messages to Friends/ Sample Farewell Thank You Messages to Friends

    Send the sweetest farewell message to your dear friend. Here you will find an excellent collection of short and sweet farewell messages for friends.

    Express how much you will miss him/her. Send your friend the perfect farewell message that he/she will remember forever. Read on to find the perfect sample farewelll thank you message. 

    • We have shared years of great friendship and companionship. But the hardest of all has now come. Saying goodbye to a friend like you is like a bleeding heart. Though it’s hard but we must to. Goodbye (name) and thank you for the laughters and tears we shared together. 
    • Goodbye to the coolest buddy ever. But for me this is not the end. For me, end always signifies new beginnings. The new phase of our friendship is just about to begin. Stay in touch! 
    • True friends never say goodbye. So today before you go, I would like to say “see you soon”. Have fun in your new life. Always remember that I’m just a phone call away.
    • You are friend forever! Thank you for all the memories and friendship. You better stay in touch!

    • Saying goodbye is not easy to do especially to a special friend like you. I’m looking forward to see you again. I will miss you! Thank you for being a good friend to me.
    • I will surely miss everything about you. Your presence, your laugh and your love. Take care of yourself and I can’t wait for you to come back. Take care my friend and goodbye!
    • Seeing you go is not easy for me. It not only bring tears in my eyes but also in my heart. I wish you all the best. I’m your best-friend so I’m giving you all my understanding in your decision to leave. God bless and remember that I’m always here for you. Goodbye my dear friend!
    • How I wish that our friendship has no end. But you need to go and say goodbye. I have nothing to do but to give you all my wishes and understanding. Though my heart is filled with sadness, I will still keep our friendship in my heart. Goodbye and always take care of yourself. See u soon!


    • Saying goodbye in every relationship is the hardest part. I don’t’ want to think that our friendship is about to end. I’m still a friend of yours and you were always my best friend. 
    • Not just a friend, but you are a brother/sister to me. All those memories and funny moments we had will always stay fresh in my mind. Keep in touch my dear. Though we are far from each other, we are near with these memories. Thank you and goodbye!
    • From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you for a good friend like you. I hope you will achieve all your dreams as you go. Keep in mind that you can count on me. I will miss you so much!


    • Goodbye my dear friend. I will never forget a person like you. You are wonderful in so many ways. Thank you for all the memories. See you again!
    • You are such a precious friend. I think it would be hard to adjust living a life without your presence. Thank you for the love, care and support as a friend. I will surely miss you.
    • It’s sad to hear you saying goodbye. But everything happens for a purpose. I’m just looking forward for your success and hope to see you again.
    • Thank you for being a good friend to me. I will treasure our friendship forever. Goodbye my dear and keep in touch ok? I will miss you so much!

    How do you say thank you to your team on last working day?

    Way to say farewell to coworkers.
    Use a card. A goodbye card is a simple way to show support for your leaving colleague. ... .
    Send an email. Send an email to your coworker on their last day to thank them for their support and service. ... .
    Leave a gift. ... .
    Throw a party..

    How do you say thank you to a team you are leaving?

    While I'm excited for the new opportunity ahead of me, leaving [Company] and great working relationships like this one is definitely bittersweet. I'm wishing you all the best moving forward, [Name]. And, thanks again for being a part of making my time here at [Company] such a great one!

    What do you say to your team on your last day?

    Our final day together will be on [date X] and I look forward to parting on an especially high note. It's been a pleasure managing you and the team as a whole, and I sincerely wish you luck in your future with [Company X].

    How do I say goodbye to my work team?

    Tips for Bidding Farewell to Co-Workers.
    Tell close colleagues in person. It's fine to email or message most people you've worked with. ... .
    Connect on LinkedIn. ... .
    Say goodbye via email. ... .
    Keep your message brief and to the point. ... .
    Remember the good times. ... .
    Stay in touch. ... .
    Review sample farewell letters..


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