How does Srixon compare with Titleist?

This comparison will be focusing on the Z-Star. The XV is a higher compression golf ball (102) designed for players with faster swing speeds.

It can be difficult to tell from the box which are the newest model of Z-Stars. The 2019 version says “Spinskin with SERM” in the lower right. If you want to make sure you’re getting the latest version…CLICK BELOW TO COMPARE PRICES…

Like the Z-Star, the Pro V1 also has a higher compression version, the Pro V1x, targeted at golfers with higher swing speeds.

Because of the popularity of the ProV1, it has become the standard by which all other premium golf balls are compared. So let’s take a closer look at the Pro V1 compared to the Z-Star and see if the Z-Star can keep up.

CLICK BELOW to compare prices on the current version…


For me, feel is a huge positive for both the Pro V1 and the Z-Star. The Pro V1 had a softer feel to it. Of course Titleist has been making golf balls going back to when balls were created with wound rubber thread. These balls were much softer feeling than today’s premium balls. So I think Titleist has always had a focus on preserving some of that feel since the first Pro V1.


When it comes to spin, you want more on the short game and less with the driver. The latest Pro V1 delivers on both fronts. For a low handicapper, you really can’t go wrong with either of these golf balls when it comes to spin.

During my launch monitor testing, I found that the Pro V1 had slightly more spin off the driver than the Z-Star, but it was close enough that I don’t think it would make a whole of lot difference for any but the most precise golfers out there.

I did notice, that the Pro V1 had a little more stopping power on the shorter irons when I took it out to the course. Not a huge difference, but enough to be noticeable on the approach shots.


I was getting slightly better numbers (lower spin rate and more distance) from the Z-Star, but it was very close. I will say though, that the Pro V1 just felt good off the driver. The numbers don’t lie but hitting the Pro V1 on the sweet spot of the driver just has that “crushed it” feel. It’s difficult to describe in words but you know what I’m talking about if you ever felt it.

So while the numbers gave a very slight edge to the Z-Star for me, the Pro V1 really gave me that confident feeling after a well hit drive. That’s not insignificant. You aren’t reading a launch monitor on the course and if the feel of a ball gives you confidence, then it could have more of a positive effect on your score than a few extra yards off the tee.


Some premium golf balls have a mushy feel when putting. I don’t think the Pro V1 is quite in that category, but it does have a very soft putter feel. Again, this is a personal preference thing so go out and test it before making it your gamer.


The Pro V1 is an exceptional golf ball. The popularity is somewhat inflated due to the many playing deals Titleist has with pros so that they will use the ball. But the pros certainly wouldn’t use the ball if it was an inferior product.

These are consistently among the best golf balls every year and maintain that quality with every new model.

Who Is This Ball For?

The Titleist Pro V1 is the ball for lower handicappers that value a good combination of short game control and driver distance and don’t care about the price of the ball.

If you have a driver swing speed over 110 then you should also check out the Pro V1x using the links below. Although, I don’t think it’s as simple as higher swing speeds automatically need the Pro V1x. It would be worth trying both and testing them head to head on a launch monitor.

Click below to compare prices and check availability…


Any decision between these two balls would have to be based mostly on personal preference. Just on pure specs and performance, there is very little difference.

Once area where the Z-Star sets itself apart is the lower price. If you play a lot then you will lose or wear out your fair share of golf balls, so saving s few bucks per dozen can add up. That means an extra round or two over the course of a golf season.

So I am going to have to call it a draw on performance. Each have their pros and cons in the categories above. So grab a box of each and test them out. Overall, the Z-Star is my pick. I liked the feel of the ball better and it costs less.

What is Srixon equivalent to Pro V1?

The ball that most closely resembles the Pro V1x is the Srixon Z-Star XV. The balls above aren't all identical to the Pro V1x but they should perform pretty similarly. They all have a compression rating around the same number, they all have a high amount of wedge spin, and are built for fast swing speeds.

Which golf ball is closest to the Pro V1?

What Golf Balls Are Similar To Pro V1? There are several golf balls on the market that compete with Pro V1, such as Callaway Chrome Soft and Taylormade TP5. The ball that most closely resembles the Pro V1 is the Bridgestone Tour B XS.

Is Srixon Z

They also happen to be two of the most popular balls on the market. The Pro V1 certainly outsells Srixon (and every other ball), but the Z-Star is a worthy challenger to the quality and playability of the Pro V1, even though it may never overtake it in popularity.

Do any pros use Srixon balls?

Srixon, a global leader in golf ball technology and innovation, develops golf balls and golf clubs trusted by leading professionals around the world. Some of those players who put their trust in Srixon equipment on the PGA TOUR include Brooks Koepka, Hideki Matsuyama, Shane Lowry, and many more.


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