How far is salisbury nc from me

What's the distance to Salisbury, NC from me?

 driving distance in miles

Compare the distances and find out how far are we from Salisbury, NC by plane or car.

 flight distance in miles

 Travel time to Salisbury, NC


How long does it take to drive?

This depends on how many miles Salisbury, NC is from your current location, and takes into account average driving times with traffic and highways or local roads.


How long does it take to fly?

The distance from Portland, Maine to Salisbury, North Carolina is:

896 miles / 1 442 km driving

774 miles / 1 245 km flying

For a quick answer, use to get the Portland to Salisbury distance.

More trip calculations

Distance from Portland, ME to Salisbury, NC

The total driving distance from Portland, ME to Salisbury, NC is 896 miles or 1 442 kilometers.

The total straight line flight distance from Portland, ME to Salisbury, NC is 774 miles.

This is equivalent to 1 245 kilometers or 672 nautical miles.

Your trip begins in Portland, Maine. It ends in Salisbury, North Carolina.

Your flight direction from Portland, ME to Salisbury, NC is Southwest (-132 degrees from North).

The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to get from Portland, ME to Salisbury, NC. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance ("as the crow flies") and the driving distance if the route is drivable. It uses all this data to compute the total travel mileage.

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Distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find distances based on actual road trip directions, or the straight line flight distance. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. The database uses the latitude and longitude of each location to calculate distance using the great circle distance formula. The calculation is done using the Vincenty algorithm and the WGS84 ellipsoid model of the Earth, which is the same one used by most GPS receivers. This gives you the flying distance "as the crow flies." Find your flight distances quickly to estimate the number of frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate. Or ask how far is it between cities to solve your homework problems. You can lookup U.S. cities, or expand your search to get the world distance for international trips. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

The center of each city listed is within 36 miles of Salisbury, NC.

Scroll down the page to find a list of big cities if you're booking a flight between airports, or a list of smaller surrounding towns if you're doing a road trip.

Map of local cities around Salisbury, NC

Major cities near Salisbury, NC

This is a list of large cities closest to Salisbury, NC. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Salisbury, NC. You can also look for cities 4 hours from Salisbury, NC (or 3 hours or 2 hours or 1 hour) or just search in general for all of the cities close to Salisbury, NC.

More trip calculations

Local towns near Salisbury, NC

This is a list of smaller local towns that surround Salisbury, NC. If you're planning a road trip or exploring the local area, make sure you check out some of these places to get a feel for the surrounding community. You can also search for cities 100 miles from Salisbury, NC (or 50 miles or 30 miles).

Nearest cities

Travelmath helps you find cities close to your location. You can use it to look for nearby towns and suburbs if you live in a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any airport, zip code, or tourist landmark. You'll get a map of the local cities, including the distance and information on each town. This can help in planning a trip or just learning more about a neighboring city so you can discover new places.

Places to visit about 150 miles from Salisbury, NC

150 miles:   Bladenboro, NC

149 miles:   Piedmont, SC

149 miles:   Bluefield, WV

148 miles:   Eastover, NC

147 miles:   Hollins, VA

147 miles:   Wade, NC

147 miles:   Red Bank, SC

147 miles:   Canton, NC

147 miles:   Riner, VA

147 miles:   Middleburg, NC

145 miles:   Yale, NC

145 miles:   Pearisburg, VA

144 miles:   Parker, SC

144 miles:   Lexington, SC

144 miles:   Hope Mills, NC

These are approximate driving distances in a radius from Salisbury, North Carolina. Search for vacation spots within driving distance for a day trip or weekend getaway. There are many towns within the total area, so if you're looking for closer places, try a smaller radius like 100 miles. If you're willing to drive farther, try 200 miles.

Please note that these cities are closest to your specified radius of 150 miles. You can switch to the largest cities within 150 miles (even if they are closer), or search for places to eat. Not sure where to go? Take a day trip from Salisbury, or if you have more time you can explore weekend trips from Salisbury, but make sure you also check road conditions around Salisbury. Looking for small towns or communities around Salisbury, North Carolina? Get a full list of up to 500 cities nearby Salisbury.

Change your settings:

RV campgrounds 150 miles from Salisbury, NC

State parks 150 miles from Salisbury, NC

More cities around 150 miles away

Here are more cities based on a flight circle radius of 150 miles. The driving distance may be different from the straight line flight distance.

150 miles:   Conway, SC

150 miles:   Clemson, SC

147 miles:   Anderson, SC

144 miles:   Wilson, NC

143 miles:   Madison Heights, VA

141 miles:   Lynchburg, VA

141 miles:   Goldsboro, NC

140 miles:   Greenwood, SC

136 miles:   Greeneville, TN

132 miles:   Timberlake, VA

134 miles:   Easley, SC

132 miles:   Kingsport, TN

125 miles:   Henderson, NC

Travel time from Salisbury, NC

cities within 1 hour of Salisbury, NC
1½ hours from Salisbury, NC
places within 2 hours of me in Salisbury, NC
explore 2½ hours from Salisbury, NC
3 hr radius map from Salisbury, NC
3½ hr drive from Salisbury, NC
places within 4 hours of me in Salisbury, NC
within 4½ hours of me in Salisbury, NC
5 hour drive from me in Salisbury, NC
5½ hour drive from Salisbury, NC
within 6 hours of Salisbury, NC
7 hour drive from Salisbury, NC
driving 8 hours from Salisbury, NC
9 hours from Salisbury, NC

Distance from Salisbury, NC

cities within 10 miles of me in Salisbury, NC
within 20 miles of me in Salisbury, NC
30 mile radius of Salisbury, NC
40 mile drive from Salisbury, NC
located 50 miles from Salisbury, NC
100 mile radius from Salisbury, NC
within 150 miles of Salisbury, NC
200 mile road trip from Salisbury, NC
distance of 250 miles from Salisbury, NC
driving 300 miles from Salisbury, NC
350 mile trip starting from Salisbury, NC
400 mile drive from Salisbury, NC
drive for 450 miles from Salisbury, NC
500 miles from Salisbury, NC
day trips from Salisbury, NC

What is Salisbury NC known for?

Salisbury is the oldest continually populated colonial town in the western region of North Carolina. It is noted for its historic preservation, with five Local Historic Districts and ten National Register Historic Districts.

What towns are close to Salisbury North Carolina?

Cities near Salisbury, North Carolina:.
Kannapolis, NC..
Lexington, NC..
Concord, NC..
Mooresville, NC..
Statesville, NC..
Clemmons, NC..
Cornelius, NC..
Thomasville, NC..

Is Salisbury North Carolina a good place to live?

Salisbury is an overall nice town with a cute downtown and nice lake in the county. The public school system however leads much to be desired, and there is a large amount of crime especially in the areas surrounding downtown.

How far is Salisbury NC from the ocean?

Distance conversions.


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