How hot is Orlando Florida in May?

The weather in Orlando in the month of may comes from statistical datas on the last years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also navigating through the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Orlando in may

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Orlando in may.

The climate of Orlando in may is good

Thanks to the high temperatures, the heat is felt from dusk till dawn - morning and night. Yet, due to the rain that is gaining in abundance, the weather in Orlando throughout May is just acceptable for outdoor activities as the afternoons and the early evenings are often rainy.

Orlando at the Beginning of May

The first ten days of May are relatively dry. This means that it is still possible to enjoy the many sunny and warm days in order to get to know Mickey and his friends at Disney World. One can also frequent the many theme parks that are so much fun for both the young and old!

Orlando in the Middle of May

In mid-May, the weather deteriorates and this translates into a significant increase in the humidity level. Even if the mornings are pleasant and dry, there is a good chance that the clouds accumulating in a very short time will condense and become heavy showers - which will pour into the city in the afternoon .

Orlando at the End of May

Itis towards the end of the month that the climate throughout May in Orlando improves slightly - after the heavy rains of the previous period. Temperatures are dropping and favoring a more pleasant warmth while the sunny days count numerous once again.

Seasonal average climate and temperature of Orlando in may

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are compiled from the weather statements of the last years of the month of may.

April May June
Outside temperature
Average temperature 24°C 27°C 29°C
Highest temperature 28°C 31°C 32°C
Lowest temperature 20°C 23°C 26°C
Highest record temperature 35°C
Lowest record temperature 9°C
Number of days at +30°C 10 day(s)
20 day(s)
25 day(s)
Number of days at +18°C 30 day(s)
31 day(s)
30 day(s)
Wind speed 16km/h 15km/h 13km/h
Wind temperature 20°C 23°C 26°C
Precipitation (rainfall)
Rainfall 99mm 183mm 267mm
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
9 day(s)
16 day(s)
Record daily rainfall 62.3mm
Other climate data
Humidity 85% 83% 85%
Visibility 9.2km 9.21km 8.9km
Cloud cover 28% 27% 31%
UV index 7 7 7
Daily sunshine hours 12 14 14
Sunrise and sunset
Time of sunrise 06:00 05:35 05:28
Time of sunset 18:51 19:10 19:25
Length of day 12:51 13:35 13:57
Our opinion about the weather in may
Our opinion at good good tolerable

How was the weather last may?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Orlando in may 2022:


19°C to 29°C


20°C to 33°C


21°C to 31°C


20°C to 34°C


22°C to 35°C


23°C to 38°C


23°C to 33°C


21°C to 34°C


19°C to 27°C


20°C to 26°C


19°C to 30°C


18°C to 22°C


18°C to 30°C


20°C to 36°C


22°C to 35°C


22°C to 36°C


22°C to 38°C


23°C to 36°C


24°C to 36°C


24°C to 36°C


22°C to 31°C


22°C to 34°C


22°C to 34°C


22°C to 33°C


23°C to 33°C


23°C to 34°C


23°C to 33°C


23°C to 35°C


23°C to 34°C


22°C to 32°C


23°C to 33°C

Map: other cities in Florida in may

Cities near Orlando:

Titusville in may good weather
New Smyrna Beach in may good weather
Lakeland in may good weather
Cocoa Beach in may good weather
Ocala National Forest in may good weather
Daytona Beach in may good weather
Palm Bay in may good weather
Sebring in may good weather
Palm Coast in may good weather
Tampa in may good weather
Hernando Beach in may good weather
Vero Beach in may good weather
Florida in may: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in may.


perfect weather
very bad

Weather data for Orlando in may:

Weather data for Orlando for may are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Orlando. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Orlando can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Orlando.

Weather in april in Orlando

Weather in june in Orlando

Is Orlando too hot in May?

May. In May, temperatures start to warm towards summer levels. It can be very hot, but not as hot as the peak summer months.

Is May a good time to visit Orlando?

The best time to visit Orlando is from March to May. That's the time of year you'll find the most pleasant weather (high 50s to high 80s most days) and agreeable prices on travel and lodging (excluding holiday weekends and school recesses).

Is May a rainy month in Orlando?

Orlando weather May There's a hot and wet summer and a cooler and drier winter. You'll have some rain if you're going in May, although there's quite a lot less than the months that follow. The weather is hot and sunny at this time and if it does rain, it's not usually for long.

What month is the hottest in Orlando?

While the weather in Central Florida can be unpredictable, on average Orlando's warmest month is July and January is the average coolest month. The maximum average rainfall usually falls in June, although the summer months through August are known for frequent afternoon thunderstorms.


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