How long do PS4 controllers last before stick drift


I first got my PS4 in 2014 right as it came out. I remember waiting in line and then raiding the Walmart store as soon as they opened early that day. When I got my PS4, I knew for sure that I would be using this thing for years to come without any plan to use a different platform…..and I was right! I still use that same PS4 to this day (it’s now at my brother’s house and he plays it more than I do).

In short: we’ve had our PS4 for 7 years and in terms of controller durability, they’re still running strong! But is that the case with everyone’s situation? This article will help you understand how long they last, things you can do to preserve their lifetime, and what to do if they break (because not all hope is lost for them)!

So how long does a PS4 controller last?

A PS4 Controller last about  7 years. At the 7 year mark, you will notice your PS4 controller’s battery life declines from 8 hours to 6 hours per charge. Depending on the user’s care, the joysticks may become less sensitive or develop “stick drift.” Any hardware problems can be easily fixed using online tutorials to help your controller last a lifetime. 

In this article:

  1. The traits that deteriorate first
  2. What to do about it
  3. Additional resources for preserving controller lifespan

Why PS4 Controllers Degrade Over Time

  • Battery Life: PS4 controllers are like phones- the battery life is the first thing you notice change the older they get. This isn’t something that can be prevented, but rather slowed down (even then, there isn’t much you can do about it and that’s completely okay). Even if the battery life declines by a couple hours per charge, you can still use it to last you the entirety of a gaming session. Our PS4 controllers are 6 years old, we simply plug them in the charge after every session instead of leave them lying around. We recommend charging docs since you can’t get a controller that comes with batteries. 
  • The Analog Joysticks: People who are exceptionally rough with their controllers or don’t store them properly after use will probably notice a decline in this aspect (specifically stick drift). Stick drift in one sentence: when the controller naturally causes a slight movement in one direction because the analog sticks do not naturally set in their zeroed out position. The best and easiest thing you can do to prevent this for a lifetime: store your controllers in an upright position where they won’t get tumbled around. When I traveled a lot for work I kept one of my xbox controllers in my backpack a lot and they got kicked around when they were in there. I noticed I started getting stick drift when I would use it but I was still able to play games just fine.

*Stick drift is where one or both of the joysticks will cause in-game movement even when they’re supposed to be resting in a neutral position where the player isn’t touching either of them

  • Button Responsiveness: This is something I’ve never really had an issue with. Input lag tends to be a communication glitch between the PS4 and the controller, and a simple restart of the system and controller is all that is required. Button lag should not be a problem at all no matter how old your PS4 controller gets. Food and grime tends to get in-between the cracks if you eat a lot while playing but this still shouldn’t drastically affect your controller’s button responsiveness.

How To Increase Your PS4 Controller’s Lifespan

  • Battery Life: Don’t use fast-charging cords. As mentioned earlier, there isn’t a whole lot you can do to keep the battery life as strong as it was per charge as you got it in the beginning and that’s totally okay. The best practice is to get a charging doc and put them here after every gaming session vs the speed chargers. A lot of people say that you’re supposed to drain the battery completely and then charge them to keep the battery life as long as possible- and this works great if you have two controllers and only use one at a time. For people who have one then I recommend this. You don’t want your controller dying mid-session; plugging it in after every use will still keep the battery life going strong regardless. 
  • Use Analog Stick Protectors. These are super convenient rubber nubs that go on both joystick tops. The natural rubber on PS4 controller’s rub off over time even if you’re super careful. If you put these nubs on before or after that happens, you’ll improve its functionality immensely.
  • Always store your controller somewhere safe after use. So many controllers break because someone sits of them or throws them around in storage drawers throughout their room without considering how that impacts the controller’s functionality. If you set up a dedicated place to store them after use, you won’t have any issues in this aspect.

Are there repair services I can find online? 

Yes, BUT I highly recommend doing it yourself for two reasons: the money you save doing it yourself will be less than buying new and the tutorials online are super useful.

Other than the actual circuitry of the PS4 controller, there is a solution to repairing any part of the controller you’re having trouble with.

This resource on iFitIt is the single best resource I’ve found throughout my research. It literally has any tutorial (with pictures) that you could ask to find. There’s also a ton of good YouTube videos online that show you how to do it step by step. Luckily, all of the PS4 controllers are made exactly the same regardless of whether you’re using the PS4 Pro or the regular model. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of tutorials on the PS5’s but I would hope that no one is running into issues with that just yet!

Related Questions

Does Best Buy offer PS4 controller repair services? The short answer is no, they do not. I called Rachel, a member of Geek Squad in my local area and this is what she said:

“Best Buy does not offer controller repairs unless you purchased a PS4 Console through us and signed up for Geek Squad Protection Plan. We can do a one time repair on your controller but this is only for people who purchased a console for us and got the protection plan.”

I’m not sure why they don’t offer this repair service to everyone, but I’m glad I called instead of walking into the store thinking I would get help.

Does button lag mean my controller is getting old? No, as mentioned earlier, it’s usually a sign that there is a compatibility glitch between the PS4 and the controller and that means you need to restart both devices.

Other Notes:

7 Gaming Accessories That Are Actually Useful. A short article on some good accessories you can use to enhance your PS4 and gaming experience if you use a desk. The best ones from this article that I’ve used and implemented are the Cable Drops (first link in that article).

How Long Do Game Controllers Last? This article covers similar topics but it related to the XBOX, PS4, and Nintendo Switch and how you can preserve the lifespan of all these other controllers (there’s some differences throughout).

Does The PS4 / PS5 Actually Support Surround Sound? This article has a super helpful resource at the end that will give you an answer in seconds as well as other useful things to know. This was a common question asked on the internet for people that have gaming headsets and external speakers alike. You might be wondering this if you’re considering getting a PS system as your media player device as well.

Thanks for reading! If you have any other questions or comments feel free to reach out at and I’ll do my best to respond. I’m currently taking article suggestions so feel free to send those over if you have any. I appreciate the feedback I’ve received from many of you already. Thanks again and be sure to check back regularly for new articles!

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Does PS4 controller get stick drift?

Causes of PS4 Controller Drift If your character or the camera keeps moving when you're not touching the controller, the problem's source is likely analog stick drift. PS4 controller drift can be due to one of two things: The analog stick is dirty. The analog stick or the potentiometer is damaged.

Can dropping a controller cause stick drift?

A more common cause is dust or debris inside your controller. Over time, that grime can build up and affect the electrical components. Analog stick drift can also be caused by damage to your controller, either from someone dropping it or excessive wear and tear.

Does resetting PS4 controller fix drift?

Sometimes a simple reset can get your controller working again. Unplug and turn off your DualShock controller. Find the reset button on the back of your controller near the L2 button. Use a small tool (like a paperclip) to push and hold the reset button for at least 5 seconds.


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