How long does it take to get from Earth to the edge of space?

Short answer: A few minutes.

Long answer: The semi-official "start of space" is 100 km above sea level. This is called the Kármán line. Most rockets get to this point within a few minutes of launch, but it takes longer to reach their final orbit (or other destination). The exact timing depends on the rocket and other factors. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Space Shuttle: Kármán line in 2½ minutes, orbit in 8½ minutes.
  • SpaceX Falcon Heavy: Kármán line in 3½ minutes.


  • It can take anywhere from 6 hours to 3 days to get to the International Space Station, depending on the spacecraft and mission profile.
  • It took the Apollo astronauts about three days to get to the Moon. Although the Moon is much farther away than the ISS, the Apollo spacecraft travelled more directly and quickly.

Even older shuttles will get you into space pretty quickly

The Russian Soyuz booster rocket FG with Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft lifts off from the launch pad at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan

The trick to any space launch is getting the spacecraft off the ground in the first place.

It takes a lot of energy to fight back against the Earth's gravitational pull. But once you've started - you're going to go up pretty quickly.

So, how long does it take to get into space?

Firstly, let's definite what "space" is. If we're talking about the end of the Earth's atmosphere, it's generally accepted to be about 100km (62 miles) upwards. This is called the Karman Line. It means you've gone past the Thermosphere and are now into the Exosphere.

For a bit of context, the International Space Station is orbiting the planet at between 435km (205 miles) and 435km (270 miles) of altitude.

How long does it take to get to space?

The Long March-2F carrier rocket carrying China's Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft blasts off from the launch pad (



The American shuttle - which has now been retired - would cross the Karman Line at two minutes and 30 seconds after launch.

It would get up to the altitude of the International Space Shuttle and into proper orbit after about eight minutes and thirty seconds.

Russian Soyuz rockets would make the trip in about the same time.

For a bit of a comparison, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy (the most powerful operational rocket in the world) launch crossed the Karman Line after 3 minutes and 24 seconds.

It was carrying an electric sports car and backed it up with 2.9 million pounds of thrust from a couple of rocket boosters and a core engine. That's roughly equivalent to 18 Boeing 747 jumbo jets all facing directly upwards.

How does it feel for the astronauts?

Russia's brand new Soyuz rocket lifts off from Baikonur, taking 3-man crew to ISS (



Getting into space is a pretty demanding journey - and it takes a physical and mental toll on astronauts.

"If you think about it, we're accelerating a 4-1/2 million pound system from zero miles per hour to its orbital velocity of 17,500 miles per hour in those 8-1/2 minutes. So it's a heck of a ride for the astronauts," explained Mike Leinbach, a launch director at NASA.

"They typically experience about three times the force of gravity during most of the ascent, and once we reach orbit, when the main engines cut off, they go from that three-G acceleration to zero acceleration virtually instantaneously, and that's when they become weightless on orbit.

Staying in orbit

Once astronauts are in orbit and aboard the space station, they have to keep it going at a certain speed to stay up there.

Otherwise you start getting space stations raining down on the planet.

The ISS is moving at 28,163 kph (17,500mph) in orbit around the Earth.

Of course, the astronauts aboard won't feel this speed - the only sign they have is looking down to see planet Earth rotating beneath them.

Will regular people get to go into space?

One day - but probably not for a long time.

Amusingly, one US-based start-up company has an ambitious plan to launch a "luxury hotel" into low-Earth orbit.

The "Aurora Station" will give space tourists an amazing view of planet of Earth and is supposed to be an "affordable" way for citizens to enjoy space.

Of course, with a twelve night stay aboard starting at around $9.5 million (£6.8 million) we'd take issue with the affordable part.

"We are launching the first-ever affordable luxury space hotel," said Frank Bunger, the CEO and founder of Orion Span - the start-up behind the idea.

Speaking at the Space 2.0 Summit in San Jose, California, Bunger explained that the company was building the hotel itself and that, when finished, it'll be about the size of a large private jet.

How far away is Edge of universe?

The light-travel distance to the edge of the observable universe is the age of the Universe times the speed of light, 13.8 billion light years.

How close is Earth to the edge of the galaxy?

It is estimated that the edge of the Milky Way lies about 950,000 light years away from the galactic center while the Earth lies about 26,670 light years away from the galactic center. Therefore, the Earth lies about 923,330lightyears away from the edge of the Milky Way.

How long would it take to reach the edge of the galaxy?

Travel Time At 17.3 km/s, it would take Voyager over1,700,000,000 years to traverse the entire length of the Milky Way. Even traveling at the speed of light, it would take nearly a hundred thousand years!

How long does it take to get back to Earth from space?

From launch to docking, a spacecraft typically takes between 6 hours and 3 days to travel from Earth to the International Space Station.


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