How long does radio frequency skin tightening last

Fine lines, wrinkles and deep folds are incredibly common signs of aging. Loose, sagging skin can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, rapid weight loss or weakened collagen and elastin. We all have facial features we wish we could correct. But not everyone is financially, emotionally or physically ready for an invasive cosmetic procedure to enhance their aesthetic. At Advanced Clinics in Oklahoma City, OK, we believe everyone should feel confident in their own skin. Learn more about it especially the question you probably have in mind, how long does laser skin tightening last?

Skin Tightening: 17 FAQ Answered

1. Why Does Skin Sag?

One of the most effective methods of extending the duration of skin tightening results is taking care of your skin. But why did your skin start to sag in the first place? Advanced age is the most common cause of sagging skin. However, there are several risk factors of prematurely aged skin. The most common is smoking.

You may also experience significantly sagging skin after extreme weight gain and subsequent weight loss. A diet high in processed foods often causes sagging skin due to the lack of nutrients. Finally, regular exposure to UVA and UVB rays can lead to lines, wrinkles, folds and sagging skin.

2. What Role Does Collagen Play in Tight Skin?

Collagen, a special type of protein, and elastin, a special type of fiber, play critical roles in the health of your skin. Collagen is produced naturally in your body, but the production rate of this essential protein diminishes rapidly as we age. In fact, in our 20s we start producing collagen at a rate of 1% slower annually. Even worse, environmental factors, like pollution, tobacco use and excess unprotected sun exposure reduce our collagen production rate even further.

3. What Is Pelleve?

Pelleve is a revolutionary, FDA-approved, radiofrequency-based skin tightening treatments solution that is sweeping the nation. It works thanks to gentle, effective radiofrequency technology that warms your skin from deep beneath the surface. Over time, this stimulates your body’s natural production of new collagen. Even three months after treatment, your body continues to develop stronger, healthier, younger collagen.

4. What Are the Benefits of This Treatment?

Pelleve features numerous benefits, mostly due to its stimulation of collagen production. As stated previously, collagen is crucial for skin volume, elasticity and much more. Therefore, benefits derived from this treatment include the smoothing of:

  • Nasolabial folds
  • Crow’s feet
  • Lines on the forehead
  • Lines or folds between the eyebrows
  • Wrinkles around the mouth
  • Loose skin above or below the eye

5. How Long Does Laser Skin Tightening Last?

This is by far one of the most common questions we get asked. The results of treatment are immediate and seen after the first treatment. However, the benefits compound after a second treatment scheduled four weeks later. How long does skin tightening last? You can expect the benefits of treatment to continue improving six months after your second treatment. The most drastic improvement you will notice after treatment occurs roughly 12 weeks after your second treatment.

While the plumpness of your skin might not improve too much more after the three-month mark, the tightness, clarity and vitality of your facial skin will definitely improve for six months after your second treatment. It is only after your body stops producing new collagen at an enhanced rate that the results of treatment slowly diminish.

6. What Treatment Regimen Will Help Me Achieve the Look I Want?

How many treatments you will need depends on several factors, including your desired aesthetic, the problems you are trying to reverse and your body’s ability to produce collagen. However, most clients with significant problems with sagging skin achieve optimal results after six treatments spaced four to six weeks apartment.

7. What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Pelleve is painless. In fact, the warmth from treatment is often compared to that enjoyed during a hot stone massage. Before treatment, your aesthetician will apply a conductive gel to the treatment sites. When the handpiece is applied to your skin, you will notice a soothing, rejuvenating warming sensation. This warming sensation is not painful at all.

8. Am I a Good Candidate for Pelleve?

If you’re sick and tired of throwing away money on anti-aging creams, lotions and ointments, you might be a good candidate for Pelleve. Similarly, if you can’t stand how aged your face appears but you don’t have the time or money for an invasive facelift, you might be a good candidate for Pelleve. Remember, you don’t just have to consider the time spent during the procedure. There are also several weeks of preparation and several weeks of downtime and recovery afterward.

9. How Should I Prepare Before Treatment?

Unlike invasive medical procedures used to tighten facial skin, there’s not a lot of preparation required for Pelleve. We strongly recommend that you come in adequately hydrated on the day of your treatment. Other than that, we will review the topical products and medications you use regularly and let you know if you need to discontinue the use of one or several temporarily.

10. How Should I Care for My Skin After Treatment?

To maintain the best results, you must wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30. One of the most common reasons of sagging skin is sun damage. By ensuring you are thoroughly protected from sun damage, you will not experience an unnecessarily shortened duration of results.

One of the starkest differences between laser treatment and Pelleve is the lack of restrictions following Pelleve treatment. For example, there are no restrictions regarding when you can go outside. After more aggressive treatments, you are advised against going outside between 10 AM and 2 PM when the sun is strongest. You are also free to apply makeup immediately after treatment.

11. How Long Does Treatment Take?

Tightening your facial skin can take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. If you only want to treat a specific region of your face, such as your smile lines, forehead or the delicate areas around your eyes, you can expect treatment to take around half an hour. Most clients need three treatments spaced a month apart to achieve their desired aesthetic.

12. Can I Combine Pelleve With Other Cosmetic Treatments?

You can absolutely combine Pelleve with other cosmetic treatments. For example, dermal fillers are one of the most popular complementary treatments for Pelleve. Dermal fillers feature hyaluronic acid and help to tighten your skin by plumping up areas lacking volume, such as gaunt cheeks, nasolabial folds and crow’s feet.

Neuromodulators, such as Botox and Dysport, feature a neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin A. This neurotoxin blocks the electrical signals from your neurons to the receptors in your muscles, reversing hyperactivity. This is particularly effective at tightening skin that is sagging and wrinkled due to overactive muscles.

13. How Can I Extend the Results of Treatment?

To extend the results of your treatment, keep your skin as healthy as possible. Take Vitamin A, C and E supplements if you don’t meet your recommended daily allowance of these nutrients through diet alone. If you smoke, stop. One of the best things you can do for your skin is to eliminate all sources of tobacco and tobacco products, like e-liquid, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.

While your body goes into overdrive to rid itself of harsh, dangerous chemicals, it can’t perform other functions, like producing collagen and keeping your skin hydrated. You should also minimize your consumption of alcohol. If you don’t want to stop drinking completely, imbibe no more than the number of servings recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Women should consume no more than one serving of alcohol daily, and men should consume no more than two servings of alcohol daily. If you take steps to protect or improve your skin health, you can extend the results of Pelleve by roughly four to six months.

14. Could Kybella Help Me Achieve My Ideal Aesthetic?

Kybella can also be used as a skin tightening treatment. This injectable prescription medication reduces submental fullness (fat beneath your chin) or bands of fat around your neck. This treatment takes only 15 to 30 minutes and has no associated downtime or recovery. You are free to go back to your daily routine as soon as treatment is over. Two to three treatment sessions are usually needed to achieve your desired aesthetic. But once you reach your goal, you shouldn’t need another treatment for years.

The fat loss, caused by deoxycholic acid consuming the localized fat deposits, is permanent. The results of tighter skin can last several years. Once you notice your skin starting to sag again, ask us about a Nova thread lift with Nova threads.

15. What Is a Nova Thread Lift?

A Nova thread lift is a non-invasive alternative to a neck lift, chin lift or body lift. This treatment requires no incisions and uses bioabsorbable sutures so you don’t need to come back in and have them taken out. This highly customizable treatment can be used to correct sagging skin virtually anywhere on your face and body. Among the most popular treatment sites are the upper arms, neck, knees and jowls.

16. How Long Do the Results of a Thread Lift Last?

As with any cosmetic treatment or procedure, the longevity of results depends on you. It’s not feasible to avoid pollution entirely, but if you do your best to keep your skin healthy by staying hydrated, wearing sunscreen and getting adequate nutrition, you will find that the results of your thread lift can last anywhere from one to three years.

17. How Long Do the Results of Injectables Last?

As mentioned previously, the result of tightened skin from Kybella can last several years. Regarding dermal fillers, you can expect the results to last anywhere from six months to two years after your final results are visible. This depends on several factors, including how quickly your body metabolizes hyaluronic acid, the brand of dermal filler used, the specific formula used, how many units were injected into the treatment site, your age, your health and other factors.

The skin tightening results of neuromodulators typically last around 18 months. As with dermal fillers, this depends on several factors, including how regularly you receive such injections, the number of units injected into the treatment site, your desired aesthetic and other factors. During your initial consultation, we will assess your current skin health and quality, review your aesthetic goals and help you come up with a treatment plan that will help to get you there quickly, safely and for many months to come.

Put a Fresh Face Forward Today

Advanced age, tobacco consumption, weight fluctuation and sun damage often cause wrinkles, lines, folds and general skin sagging. However, you don’t have to settle for less than ideal skin. Pelleve can shave years off your face. To learn more about what you can expect from  , contact the professional aesthetic experts at Advanced Clinics in Oklahoma City, OK today to schedule your initial consultation. 

How often should you do radio frequency skin tightening?

Not a Quick Fix: RF requires time and several sessions before visible signs of improvement. Energy based bio-stimulating treatments naturally require a course of treatments, inducing benefits gradually over serval months. It is recommended having treatments every 3-4 days ideally.

Is RF skin tightening worth it?

RF therapy may help tighten loose skin on your body by stimulating the production of collagen. A 2017 study found that 24 of the 25 people who underwent 5 to 8 sessions of RF therapy sessions saw an improvement in their body shape. Twenty-three people were happy with their results.

Can radio frequency damage your skin?

Side effects are typically minimal and short-lived, limited to mild and temporary swelling, redness, and tingling, depending on the treatment. RF treatments can also be performed safely in tandem with injectables, microneedling, or other minimally-invasive treatments.

How long does RF take to show results?

Collagen Production Continues After Treatment The real magic occurs over the subsequent weeks as your skin responds to the treatment and production of collagen and elastin increases. Final results are typically seen around 3-6 months after your last treatment.


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