How long does Voluma take to settle

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing hollow, sagging cheeks? Although it’s common to lose volume in this area of your face over time, developing hollow cheeks can make you look old, tired, or angry. Fortunately, restoring lost volume to your cheeks is easy. At Dr. Wendy E. Roberts in Rancho Mirage, California, we can rejuvenate your look with Voluma for cheeks.

Voluma is an injectable product in the Juvederm collection of dermal fillers. This FDA-approved product is a great way to achieve significant, long-lasting changes in your cheeks. In fact, this product’s results last for a much longer period of time than many other dermal fillers.

Lasting Improvements

The longevity of your results will depend on several different factors, including the amount of the product that we injected into your cheeks and how quickly your body processes this treatment. That said, your improvements are likely to last for up to two years. To prolong the benefits of this treatment, you should use high-quality products on your skin. You should also wear a hat and a strong sunscreen whenever your cheeks are exposed to sunlight.

Maintaining Your New Look

After about two years, your cheeks will gradually return to their previous appearance. If you would like to maintain your full, rounded cheeks, you can preserve your new look by receiving touch-up injections.

Why Have I Lost Volume in My Cheeks?

Your cheeks will gradually lose volume as you become older. There are a number of factors that will cause this facial feature to change over time.

The Aging Process

Even if you live a healthy lifestyle and use high-quality skincare products, the structure of your face will change as you age. In particular, the fat that pads out the middle of your face will decrease. As your fat pads diminish, your cheeks will become hollow, and your face will look thinner and more angular.

In addition to losing fat in your face, your skin will change in ways that negatively impact the appearance of your cheeks. For instance, your body will begin to produce less collagen and elastin. These important proteins help your skin fight the effects of gravity and prevent you from developing wrinkles and lines. When these proteins decline, your skin will begin to droop and sag. These developments will make your cheeks look hollow and drawn.

Habits and Lifestyle Choices

Your daily habits will also impact the appearance of your cheeks. For instance, the sun emits ultra-violet rays that can damage the elastin and collagen in your skin. As a result, if you frequently spend time outdoors without wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, you are likely to experience negative changes in the texture and appearance of your skin. These changes can accelerate the aging process that causes you to develop sagging, hollow cheeks.

Weight Loss

When you eat better and exercise more frequently, you are likely to lose weight all over your body. Since your face is relatively small, losing even a portion of the fat in your face will cause your cheeks to look hollow and drawn. Further, if you lose weight very quickly, your skin will have difficulty adjusting to this change. As a result, you will develop loose, sagging skin that makes the middle of your face look hollow and sunken.

Illness and Stress

Certain diseases can affect the appearance of your cheeks. In particular, some immune disorders and thyroid issues can cause you to lose fat in your face. Lupus and arthritis can also cause you to develop hollow cheeks. Further, going through a stressful experience can cause you to develop health issues that negatively impact your appearance.

How Does This Injectable Product Enhance My Cheeks?

Voluma uses a modified form of a substance called hyaluronic acid to enhance the appearance of your cheeks. Hyaluronic acid is a type of sugar that your skin naturally contains. This useful substance helps your skin retain moisture and volume.

When we administer the product into your cheeks, the hyaluronic acid in the solution will quickly add volume to this area of your face. After your injections are complete, your cheeks will be rounded and lifted. This change will give your face a healthy, youthful appearance.

Will Improving My Cheeks With Voluma Be Uncomfortable?

If you are using dermal fillers for the first time, you might feel apprehensive or nervous as you prepare to receive this injectable treatment. Fortunately, the injection process will not be uncomfortable or lengthy. In fact, your appointment is likely to take less than thirty minutes to complete.

A Comfortable Process

Voluma for cheeks contains an anesthetic called lidocaine. This local anesthetic will help you feel comfortable as we inject the product into your cheeks. After we have administered your injections, we will massage your target area. Massaging your cheeks will help the filler disperse evenly throughout your skin.

Minimal Downtime

Once we have finished massaging your face, you can drive yourself back to your home or office. Since the injection process is very gentle, you will feel comfortable after your treatment is complete. Instead of taking time off to recover, you can immediately resume your typical schedule.

How Quickly Does This Injectable Treatment Work?

This treatment provides very fast results, and you will see an immediate improvement in the appearance of your cheeks. However, your skin will take some time to adjust to this product, and you will not see the final changes immediately. This filler usually takes about two weeks to settle. At this point, you will see the full benefits of your treatment.

We will advise you to schedule a second appointment about ten to fourteen days after you receive your initial set of injections. During this appointment, we will examine your cheeks and talk about how your body has responded to your injections. If you would like to achieve more significant changes in your cheeks, we can administer additional injections at this point.

What Is the Difference Between Voluma and Other Injectable Products?

Voluma’s unique formulation of ingredients is specifically designed to lift and contour your cheeks. In addition to this product, we carry a wide range of injectables that are designed to address other issues and imperfections.

Hyaluronic-Acid Based Fillers

Many of our dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid to improve your appearance. For instance, there are several other hyaluronic-acid based fillers in the Juvederm collection. These products are designed to be used on specific locations on your face. For example, Juvederm Ultra Plus XC can plump your lips. Juvederm Vollure XC can minimize wrinkles around your mouth and nose.

Other Dermal Fillers

In addition to a wide variety of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, we can use other types of dermal fillers to improve your skin. For instance, Radiesse is a thick dermal filler that contains calcium-based microspheres that will strengthen the structure of your skin. This filler is great at addressing wrinkles and fine lines that cannot be treated with hyaluronic acid-based products.

We can also use Sculptra to smooth your skin. This dermal filler uses a gentle substance known as poly-L-lactic acid to encourage your body to make additional collagen fibers. This process will make your skin tighter and firmer for up to two years.


In addition to dermal fillers, we also use a group of injectable products known as neurotoxins. These products do not contain hyaluronic acid or calcium-based microspheres. Instead, these products use a substance called botulinum toxin to minimize your wrinkles. Once we administer these products into your target area, they will stop your nerve signals from telling your muscles to make the movements that cause your skin to crease and fold.

Our neurotoxins include Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin. We frequently use these products to address wrinkles and fine lines that appear on various locations on your face.

Combining Treatments

Using Voluma for cheeks will not preclude you from trying out other injectable products. In fact, it’s common to receive a combination of dermal fillers and neurotoxins. For example, we might enhance your face by injecting Botox into wrinkles between your eyebrows and administering Voluma for the cheeks. Alternatively, we might combine Voluma with a dermal filler that smooths your smile lines.

Can I Use This Product During a Liquid Facelift?

It’s common to receive Voluma in your cheeks during a liquid facelift. A liquid facelift is a minimally invasive treatment that uses a variety of injectable products to rejuvenate your skin. This technique is a great way to enhance multiple features of your face without going through an invasive procedure.

We will complete your liquid facelift over a series of two to three appointments. During these sessions, we will administer a customized combination of fillers into your face. To give your body sufficient time to react to your injections, we will schedule these treatments over a period of several weeks. Although your results will be unique, the benefits of a liquid facelift may last for one to two years.

Is This Product Safe?

This product is a very safe, effective way to enhance your cheeks. The hyaluronic acid that this product uses to add volume to your skin is a widely used, well-tolerated ingredient. In fact, medical professionals performed more than seven hundred thousand treatments using hyaluronic acid-based fillers in 2019.

We have extensive training and experience using this dermal filler. In fact, Dr. Roberts is a Certified Voluma Master Injector and Physician Trainer. During your appointment, she will use her deep understanding of facial anatomy to analyze your skin and cheeks. This process will allow her to determine whether you can safely receive this product.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for This Anti-Aging Treatment?

Since this product uses gentle ingredients to plump your cheeks, you are likely to be a good candidate for Voluma. In general, you will achieve the best results if you are a healthy person who wants to correct volume loss in your cheeks. To protect your safety, we will examine your cheeks and talk about your medical history before we administer your injections.

Certain allergies and other health conditions can prevent you from using Voluma in your cheeks. In particular, you cannot receive Voluma if you have an allergy to lidocaine or to the Gram-positive bacterial proteins that are contained in the injectable solution. Further, you should not have a history of anaphylaxis or multiple severe allergies.

Rejuvenate Your Cheeks

Voluma is a fantastic way to plump your cheeks and add volume to your face. This injectable product is designed to enhance this area of your face in a natural-looking, attractive manner. Even better, the improvements in your cheeks may last for up to two years. To learn more about the benefits of using Voluma in your cheeks, contact us at Dr. Wendy E. Roberts in Rancho Mirage, California for an initial consultation today.

Does Voluma get better over time?

Answer: Fillers improvement over time. Once the fillers settle in, and your tissue heals from injections, your results can truly be seen as they are! Voluma and Volbella are hyaluronic acid fillers, which do not stimulate collagen on their own.

Will Voluma smooth out?

At the completion of injecting Voluma, we palpate our patients face to insure that there are not lumps or bumps from the Voluma. If any are felt, they can be easily massaged down and smoothed out. There can be a bump from a deep bruise, these resolve within a few days. Can other fillers be used with Voluma?

How long does it take for Voluma swelling to go down?

Voluma usually does not produce a large amount of swelling, although there is always the risk of some bruising. Swelling normally is down within a few days and brushing can last 7-10 days.

Does Voluma feel lumpy?

After a Voluma treatment, a lumpy bumpy feeling in the area is completely normal. This is due to a combination of the small droplets of Voluma being placed on the bone as well as swelling which occurs with any injection. The droplets are massaged in immediately after the treatment in the office by Dr.


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