How long is a red nose pitbull pregnant?

There’s nothing more exciting than a pregnant pitbull! Curious about how long are Pitbulls pregnant, as well as other common questions?

Generally, Pitbulls are pregnant between 62-65 days or nine weeks. This timing will vary depending on the difference between breeding date and conception date at times. There can also be some variance in the due date if a litter size is very small or large.  

Below you’ll learn all about Pitbull pregnancy symptoms, the average size of litters, a week-by-week pregnancy schedule, and how to take care of a mom-to-be, and all of the details you’ll need to know.

How will I know if my pitbull is pregnant?

Curious as to whether or not your pitbull is pregnant? Here are some of the exciting signs that you can watch for in her first several weeks:

  • Decreased energy
  • Being more affectionate
  • Being less affectionate
  • Eating less
  • Eating more

Sure, some of those are opposites. Realistically, it can go either way and may change from dog to dog and from pregnancy to pregnancy. The best way to know for sure, of course, is by taking her to the vet for an ultrasound. More on that below!

How many puppies do Pitbulls usually have?

Typically, Pitbulls will have an average litter size of 5 puppies. They can have smaller litters, of course, and can have larger litters up to 10!

The more puppies she has, the more potentially dangerous it will be for her health. It will take more energy to help them develop, and it will take her longer to deliver them.

Can a pitbull get pregnant at 4 months?

Technically a pit bull can get pregnant at 4 months old because she is considered mature, sexually speaking.

However, it’s not a good idea to get her pregnant this young. She will often have a small litter, and it may lead to deformities in the puppies. It also will be very taxing on her.

For best results, wait until she is at least 1 year old so that she and her puppies will be as healthy as possible!

A week-by-week calendar

Now that you know the more important details, let’s take a moment to get familiar with the smaller ones that are organized into the weeks. It is essential to make sure that everything moves along slowly.

Week One

Week one would be the week of conception, of course. It could be the day of the breeding or days later. The pregnancy will take root during this week, and you’ll see no difference in your pitbull’s behavior or physique.

Week Two

During this week, the embryo, now fertilized, will move to the uterus, where it will stay for the rest of the pregnancy. You won’t be able to notice this stage either, as it is so subtle. All behaviors will be expected.

Week Three

At this stage, the embryos will attach to the uterus so that the forming puppies can get nutrients from their mother. Size-wise, they will be smaller than 1cm (0.3 inches). It isn’t possible at this point to know that she is pregnant.

Week Four

Week four is where the development starts! The spine, as well as the eye shape, will begin to form. They will be approximately 1.5cm (0.5 inches). At this point, you can probably feel the presence of the puppies on the stomach, though it will feel like a very tiny lump.  

Week Five

During this week, the puppies will start to have amniotic fluid fill in around them for protection. So even though it is a week later, you won’t be able to feel the puppies anymore. They will develop teeth, claws, and whiskers.  

At this point, you can take your mom-to-be to the vet for an ultrasound. This will help you estimate litter size and be aware of any health problems with fetuses or moms. The sooner these issues pop up, the better.

Week Six

At this point, you’ll start to notice that she is pregnant, even if it’s your first time having a pregnant dog at home. Her tummy will begin to get larger. Her nipples will darken and swell up. You’ll notice her appetite increasing and her need for exercise reducing, too.

The puppies, meanwhile, are busy getting their pigments and markings in the womb as they continue to develop.

Week Seven

At this point, the puppies are soon going to be arriving! It’s time for you to make sure that you prepare the whelping area for your mama dog and that she has access to it.

You may need to encourage her to spend time in it at first, as she won’t outright understand what’s the purpose of it! It’s important to remember that she may start to move things around or even rip up the whelping blankets. It is normal and is called nesting.

Don’t stop her or prevent her from doing whatever she wants, as it is a biological impulse and should be allowed to happen as needed.

Mom will need to eat more and more as she prepares herself for delivery, so make sure that you give her as much as she wants. Consult your vet if you are feeling uncertain as to how much she’s eating.  

The puppies will be fully developed at this point and can technically arrive at any time. It is uncommon in healthy dogs, though. They are gaining strength and extra nutrients before delivery.

Week Eight

It is perfectly normal for puppies to arrive at any point in week 8 and onward. Of course, staying for the entire 9 weeks is preferred, but there is no risk to puppies born during the 8th week.  

At this point, you’ll be able to see her active puppies moving around in her tummy. It’ll be neat to feel them, too, if she allows you to touch her stomach. She may start to distance herself from you at this point as she starts to get ready for birth.  

Only feed her if she’s hungry. Some will continue to eat a lot, and others will only eat a few kibble pieces at a time. It can be alarming, but this is perfectly normal. Again, ask your vet if you are uncertain!

Week Nine

At this point, she’ll be ready to go into labor at any point. You’ll want to be prepared at any moment for her to nest in her whelping box.

She’ll be distant, shy, and often restless. These are all normal.

Do what you can to give her lots of fresh water, food if she wants it, and keep her as calm as possible by staying calm yourself.

Pitbull pregnancy labor signs

One of the most common questions that people wonder about is the sign of labor. It often isn’t as dramatic as human births.

The most unmistakable sign to watch for is her temperature. If it drops down from 99 degrees F (37 degrees C) to 97 degrees F (36 degrees C), you know it’s time for her to start popping out puppies!

You also may notice that she gets really restless and even aggressive towards you and other pets. It is all normal and shouldn’t be punished.

She’ll nest in her whelping box at this point and will, essentially, “settle down to wait.” Of course, it’s essential to keep an eye on her, but you don’t want to stress her out.

You can consider setting up a remote camera which you can watch from another room. If she is okay with you being close, you can stay in the room with her.

As far as delivery is concerned, moms often deliver puppies every 30-60 minutes. Depending on her litter size, it would be anywhere from 1-24 hours.

Be prepared to be up and awake the entire time if there is a problem, or consider switching back and forth between various residents in the home.

How to take care of a pregnant pitbull

Ensuring that you take care of your mom-to-be is essential when you are looking at increasing her overall comfort and health and that of the puppies.

Caring for her properly is going to be crucial. There are several things to focus on, including:

  • High-quality food
  • Proper exercise
  • Regular checkups with a vet

When it comes to the best choices of all of these things, you can check with a vet. They’ll help you know what food to get and how much to give her as she progresses in her pregnancy.

You can also check with them on exercise types and amounts at various stages. They’ll make recommendations, too, of course, on when she should come in for regular checkups.

Some other things to consider on Pitbull pregnancy

If this is your first time having a pregnant pit bull, you’ll also want to consider a few other details for her health and that of the puppies (and you).  

Consider dietary supplements

Dogs can have prenatal supplements just like humans can. You can ask your vet what kinds to get and how to best give them to her.

It is excellent for helping ensure that she gets all of her nutrients and passes them onto her puppies.

Prioritize that whelping area

Some well-meaning pet parents don’t think of setting up a whelping area or doing it very effectively.

This whelping area is essential for everyone’s health and safety. Mom must feel safe when she delivers, and if she doesn’t like her spot, she will disappear somewhere else (that you may have a hard time getting to) to deliver.  

Prepare a room that is entirely separate from other pets, kids, and humans, ideally, one with a door that you can close to keep everyone out while she delivers.

Ensure that she has free access to the whelping space for a while before delivering and that you keep all other animals out.

A safe and secure whelping area is crucial for everyone’s health. A mom in labor and its aftermath when she is resting and sharing her first few days with her puppies will be aggressive.  

Have your vet on-call

If you’re really nervous, which is to be expected, ask your vet to offer you on-call services that you can activate when she goes into labor.

Some will and some won’t, of course, but it could do a lot to ease your mind, knowing that you’ve got help on the phone if you have a question or concern.

Video of a pitbull giving birth

Nervous about the birthing process? Below is a video that will help you understand what to expect when your pitbull is actively in labor and delivering.

It is excellent for first-time pet parents or those concerned about the symptoms or noises their delivering pitbull makes.

Plus, you’ll get some great advice on how to make your whelping space safe and sound.

In Conclusion

Pitbull pregnancy lasts 62-65 days or nine weeks. It isn’t uncommon for puppies to be born during week 8, though. You can often get an ultrasound for her at Week 5 to confirm for sure.

A pregnant pit bull is a time of celebration and excitement for pet parents. This guide will help you know what to expect from start to finish of these new furry additions to your family.

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How many puppies can a red nose pitbull have?

A Pitbull will have an average of 5 puppies per litter. This is a common number of puppies for a medium-sized dog. However, it may range from just 1 (called a “singelton” puppy) up to 10 pups!

How long does a pitbull take to give birth?

Pregnancy in dogs, also called the gestation period, normally ranges from 57-65 days with an average of 63 days. With a planned breeding, you should record the exact date of mating. If there are two matings, make a note of the dates and expect birth to occur between 63 and 65 days later.

How do I know when my pitbull is ready to give birth?

What are the Signs of a Dog in Labor?.
Nesting. ... .
Her Body Temperature Drops Below 100 Degrees. ... .
She May Want You Around More. ... .
She May Want You Around Less. ... .
Vomiting. ... .
Hardened Abdomen. ... .
Incessant Licking of the Genital Area. ... .
Enlargement of Mammary Glands..

How do you know when a pit is pregnant?

During pregnancy, your dog will have increased vaginal discharge and enlarged nipples. This change is easy to spot as Pitbulls have tiny body hair on their bellies. An increase in nipple size is an important hormonal change as the expectant mother prepares for milk production.


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