How long is the recovery for wisdom tooth removal

It can take up to 2 weeks to fully recover after having your wisdom teeth removed (extracted).

During this time, you may experience:

  • pain – this is worse if you had a complicated extraction
  • swelling of your mouth and cheeks – gently pressing a cold cloth to your face helps to reduce the swelling
  • a stiff, sore jaw – you may have bruised skin around your jaw for up to 2 weeks
  • an unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • tingling or numbness of your face, lips or tongue (although this is uncommon)

Self-care advice

To reduce pain and help yourself to recover, it can be helpful to:

  • use painkillers recommended by your dentist (always follow the dosage instructions)
  • avoid heavy levels of activity and exercise for a few days
  • use an extra pillow to support your head at night
  • avoid rinsing, spitting or hot drinks for 24 hours
  • avoid anything that may dislodge the blood clots that form in the extraction site
  • avoid drinking alcohol and smoking
  • eat soft or liquid food for a few days and chew with your other teeth
  • gently rinse the extraction site with antiseptic mouthwash recommended by your dentist. Do this after 24 hours and repeat regularly over the next few days
  • use warm water with a teaspoon of salt as a mouthwash to reduce gum soreness and inflammation

Working and driving

It's usually recommended that you take a day or 2 off work after having a wisdom tooth removed.

You can drive immediately after a local anaesthetic.

Do not drive for 24 hours if a sedative was used. Do not drive for 48 hours if the extraction was done under general anaesthetic.

Returning to normal

After any swelling and bruising have disappeared, your mouth should return to normal.

You'll usually be able to brush your teeth normally after a few days. Make sure you finish any course of antibiotics you're taking.

You may have to go to a check-up appointment around a week or so after the extraction. At this point, your dentist will remove any remaining stitches.


As with any procedure, removing your wisdom teeth carries some risks. But, these risks are usually small.

Risks can include:

  • dry socket – where a blood clot does not develop in the tooth socket, or if the blood clot becomes dislodged
  • nerve injury – this can cause pain and numbness
  • infection – yellow or white discharge coming from the extraction site with a high temperature, pain and swelling
  • bleeding

Dry socket

This can happen 3 to 5 days after surgery. The empty socket causes an ache or throbbing pain in your gum or jaw, which can be intense. There may also be an unpleasant smell or taste from the empty tooth socket. If you look into the socket, you might be able to see exposed bone rather than a blood clot.

You're more at risk of developing dry socket if:

  • you do not follow your dentist's instructions after the extraction
  • you smoke
  • you've had the condition before
  • you're over 25 years old
  • you had a complicated extraction

Talk to your dentist if you suspect you have dry socket. They can flush any debris out of the socket or cover it with a medicated dressing.

Nerve injury

Nerve injury is rare. This can cause pain, a tingling sensation and numbness in the tongue, lower lip, chin, teeth and gums.

In most cases, the damage is temporary, lasting for a few weeks or months. But, it can be permanent if the nerve has been severely damaged. A nerve injury can make things such as eating and drinking, difficult and painful.

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

While you can get back to your normal, day-to-day routine after just a few days, it will take up to 2 weeks to fully heal and recover from a wisdom tooth extraction at Jackson Family Dentistry. 

Wondering what to expect after Dr. Ben Heffter or Dr. Pako Major removes your wisdom teeth? Read on, and we’ll provide you with a quick overview of the healing and recovery timeline.

Immediately After Surgery

Right after surgery, you’ll have gauze packs placed over your surgical sites to absorb blood. As blood clots form in your mouth, you may need to swap these a few times if they become soaked with blood. 

You will likely experience some pain or discomfort after your numbing and sedation wear off. You should drink plenty of clear liquids and eat a diet of liquid foods like milk, broth and thin soups, yogurt, and other such foods that don’t require chewing.

In addition, don’t use a straw or spit forcefully for at least 2-3 days. This could dislodge your blood clots. You can brush your teeth normally, but do not brush the extraction sites. Use a prescription oral rinse or salt water rinse to keep your extraction sites clean. 

1-3 Days After Surgery

During this time, you should avoid heavy exercise and exertion. After about 2-3 days, you can usually start eating slightly more solid foods like mashed potatoes, applesauce, pudding, and jello. 

Pain and discomfort tend to peak and then fade within 1-3 days after surgery. You may notice other symptoms like bruising, swelling, and inflammation around the extraction sites. This is normal.

3 Days To 1 Week After Surgery

The 3-7 days after your surgery will be when most of your pain, discomfort, and other symptoms will begin to fade. After a week, you will be able to eat more solid foods, but you should still avoid very tough and crunchy foods. You can eat things like pasta and rice.

You can also start brushing the extraction sites very gently after a week. Brush your other teeth normally, then gently brush the site to remove any food or other debris.

2 Weeks After Surgery 

About 2 weeks after surgery, your extraction site should feel almost completely normal. It may not look fully healed and it may be tender and sensitive to the touch, but otherwise, it should not interfere with your daily life at all.

You can go back to eating pretty much all of your favorite foods, and brushing and flossing your teeth normally. It will still take a bit longer for the underlying extraction site to fully heal, but this process will continue without you having to do anything special to care for your mouth.

Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed In Jackson? Contact Us Today!

Having your wisdom teeth removed can be intimidating. But at Jackson Family Dentistry, Drs. Heffter and Major use the latest techniques and technology to simplify the process, and we offer sedation dentistry to keep you comfortable throughout your appointment. 

Contact us online or give us a call at (262) 677-3003 to schedule a consultation with Drs. Heffter and Major right away, and find out if your wisdom teeth need to be extracted.


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