How long is the unbearable lightness of being book?

In this novel - a story of irreconcilable loves and infidelities - Milan Kundera addresses himself to the nature of twentieth-century ‘Being’ In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance, its weight. We feel, says the novelist, ‘the unbearable lightness of being’ - not only as the consequence of our private acts but also in the public sphere, and the two inevitably intertwine.

Juxtaposing Prague, Geneva, Thailand and the United States, this masterly novel encompasses the extremes of comedy and tragedy, and embraces, it seems, all aspects of human existence. It offers a wide range of brilliant and amusing philosophical speculations and it descants on a variety of styles.

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How long is the unbearable lightness of being book?

4.11 (412,347 ratings by Goodreads)

4.11 (412,347 ratings by Goodreads)

How long is the unbearable lightness of being book?
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'A cult figure.' Guardian
'A dark and brilliant achievement.' Ian McEwan
'Shamelessly clever ... Exhilaratingly subversive and funny.' Independent
'A modern classic ... As relevant now as when it was first published. ' John Banville

A young woman is in love with a successful surgeon; a man torn between his love for her and his womanising. His mistress, a free-spirited artist, lives her life as a series of betrayals; while her other lover stands to lose everything because of his noble qualities. In a world where lives are shaped by choices and events, and everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance and weight - and we feel 'the unbearable lightness of being'.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being encompasses passion and philosophy, infidelity and ideas, the Prague Spring and modern America, political acts and private desires, comedy and tragedy - in fact, all of human existence.

What readers are saying:
'Some books change your mind, some change your heart, the very best change your whole world ... A mighty piece of work, that will shape your life forever.'

'One of the best books I've ever read ... A book about love and life, full of surprises. Beautiful.'

'This book is going to change your life ... It definitely leaves you with a hangover after you're done reading.'

'A must read - loved it, such beautiful observations on life, love and sexuality.'

'Kundera writes about love as if in a trance so the beauty of it is enchanting and dreamy ... Will stay with you forever.'

'A beautiful novel that helps you understand life better ... Loved it.'

'One of those rare novels full of depth and insight into the human condition ... Got me reading Camus and Sartre.'

'One of the best books I have ever read ... An intellectual love story if ever there was one.'
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Product details

  • Paperback | 320 pages
  • 126 x 198 x 19mm | 247g
  • 21 Aug 2000
  • Faber & Faber
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • Main
  • 9780571135394
  • 22,547

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About Milan Kundera

Milan Kundera was born in Brno and has lived in France for over forty years. His internationally acclaimed and bestselling novels including The Joke (1967), Life is Elsewhere (1973), The Farewell Waltz (1976), The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (1978), The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984), Immortality (1991), and the short-story collection Laughable Loves (1969).
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How long does it take to read The Unbearable Lightness of Being?

The average reader will spend 5 hours and 20 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).

Is The Unbearable Lightness of Being easy to read?

Not for all readers! Besides,this novel is perfect for those who are very open-minded,mature and in quest for other ways of looking at life.So,if you're used to read easy books that do not require much thinking,Kundera's book might not be the one for you.

Was The Unbearable Lightness of Being banned?

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Czech Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí, novel by Milan Kundera, first published in 1984 in English and French translations. In 1985 the work was released in the original Czech, but it was banned in Czechoslovakia until 1989.

What is the book unbearable lightness about?

In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera tells the story of two couples, a young woman in love with a man torn between his love for her and his incorrigible womanizing, and one of his mistresses and her humbly faithful lover.