How long is too long between kittens?

How long does pregnancy last? 

Pregnancy (or the gestation period) lasts for 58 to 63 days in queens. Individual cats may vary but you should inform your veterinarian if your queen's pregnancy exceeds 64 days.

What should you feed her during pregnancy?

During pregnancy your queen should be on a well balanced diet. We recommend a good quality, commercially prepared dry food. It is not necessary, and can be dangerous, to supplement her diet with extra calcium or vitamins, provided that her diet is complete.

As the pregnancy advances the growing kittens will occupy more and more space in the abdomen. Her food consumption may double, however, she will not be able to eat as much in one meal. Therefore, it is best to offer her smaller, more frequent meals.

How will you know if she is pregnant?

Your veterinarian can often detect pregnancy by abdominal palpation between weeks 4 and 5, however, diagnosis may be difficult if your cat is nervous, tense or overweight. Pregnancy can also be detected by an ultrasound.

You may also notice increased body weight and abdominal enlargement, reddening and enlargement of the mammary glands and the production of milk.

What are the signs of labour?

About 24 hours prior to going into labour your cat may become restless, uninterested in food and begin making a "nest". Her vulva may be swollen and have a clear mucous discharge.

Abdominal contractions will then commence, the queen will strain and the first kitten should be born within 1 to 2 hours. The placental membrane often ruptures ("breaking of the waters") prior to the kitten being born but is not always the case and some kittens are born completely covered in their membranes.

Will my cat remove these membranes?

The queen will usually remove these membranes and sever the umbilical cord. If she becomes tired, or is inexperienced and fails to do so, you can gently tear the membrane from the kitten's nose and mouth. Immediately following the removal of the membrane the kitten should start breathing, move around and find a nipple and begin suckling.

How long will it be between kittens?

Cats usually rest between kittens and the time can range from fifteen minutes to an hour. After giving birth your cat will settle down, her breathing will become calm and she should be kept quiet to feed and clean her kittens.

Seeking veterinary advice

You should seek veterinary advice at any stage of your cat's pregnancy, labour or after giving birth if you are at all concerned about her or her kitten's well-being.

Approximately 40% of kittens are born tail first (breech birth). This is perfectly normal.

Please contact your veterinarian for advice should any of the following occur:

  • Your cat's gestation period lasts more than 64 days without the onset of labour.
  • Half an hour has elapsed since the onset of abdominal contractions and a kitten has not been born yet.
  • Half an hour has elapsed after the birth of a kitten, your cat is still having strong contractions and there is no sign of another kitten.
  • A kitten becomes stuck halfway and your cat is unable to give birth to it. You can apply gentle pressure to the kitten, if it does not move easily and immediately seek veterinary advice.
  • A green or dark discharge is seen coming from the cat's vulva prior to giving birth, or if a discharge is present 12 hours after giving birth.
  • If a kitten has not suckled within 3 hours.

Vaccination and worming during pregnancy

Your cat should be dewormed with an all wormer, at 4 and 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is important to ensure the cat does not infect her newborn kittens.

Your cat should be vaccinated prior to mating to ensure maximum immunity is passed on to her kittens.

Our staff will be happy to assist you with any queries you have regarding your cat's pregnancy.

Dystocia in Cats

A difficult experience is medically referred to as dystocia. It may occur as a result of maternal or fetal factors, and can occur during any stage of the labor. Abnormalities of presentation, posture, and the position of the fetus within the uterus can negatively affect the temporal relationship between the birthing offspring and the maternal birth canal.

Uterine inertia (inactivity) may be primary or secondary. Primary inertia is symptomized by a failure of the body to commence synchronous uterine contractions, and secondary inertia is symptomized by a cessation of uterine contractions due to uterine fatigue. This latter condition sometimes occurs when labor has gone on longer than the uterine muscles are capable of meeting the demands for.

There are three stages of labor. The first stage of labor entails the start of uterine contractions, relaxation of the cervix, and rupture of the chorioallantoic sac (water breaking). The female cat (queen) will purr and socialize during the first stage of labor. The purring is thought to be a self-relaxation technique.

The second stage of labor is when the fetuses are pushed out by uterine contractions. In cats the average length of full parturition (delivery) is 16 hours, with a range of 4–42 hours (up to three days in some cases may be normal). It is important to consider this variability before intervening.

The third stage is delivery of the fetal membranes. The female cat may alternate between stage two and three with multiple fetuses being delivered. She may deliver one or two fetuses followed by one or two fetal membranes, or she may deliver a fetus followed by its accompanying fetal membrane.

Symptoms and Types

Symptoms of dystocia:

  • More than 30 minutes of persistent, strong, abdominal contractions without expulsion of offspring
  • More than four hours from the onset of stage two to delivery of first offspring
  • More than two hours between delivery of offspring
  • Failure to commence labor within 24 hours of the drop in rectal temperature - below 99° F (37.2° C) (Note that drop in rectal temperature is not always consistent)
  • Female cries, displays signs of pain, and constantly licks the vulvar area when contracting
  • Prolonged gestation – more than 68 days from the day of mating (See Breeding, Timing)
  • Presence of bloody discharge prior to delivery of first offspring or between fetuses
  • Diminished or absent Ferguson reflex (stimulation or pressure to the dorsal [upper] vaginal wall to elicit abdominal straining [feathering]); the lack of this response indicates uterine inertia



  • Oversize fetus
  • Abnormal presentation, position, or posture of fetus in the birth canal
  • Fetal death


  • Poor uterine contractions
  • Ineffective abdominal press
  • Inflammation of the uterus (usually caused by infection)
  • Pregnancy toxemia (blood poisoning), gestational diabetes
  • Abnormal pelvic canal from previous pelvic injury, abnormal conformation, or pelvic immaturity
  • Congenitally small pelvis
  • Abnormality of the vaginal vault
  • Abnormality of the vulvar opening
  • Insufficient cervical dilation
  • Lack of adequate lubrication
  • Uterine torsion
  • Uterine rupture
  • Uterine cancer, cysts or adhesions (due to previous inflammation)

Predisposing Factors to Dystocia

  • Age
  • Brachycephalic (short-headed) and toy breeds
  • Persian and Himalayan breeds
  • Obesity
  • Abrupt changes in environment before cat goes into labor
  • Previous history of dystocia


You will need to give a thorough history of your cat's health, including any information you have about your cat's lineage, and details of any past pregnancies or reproductive problems. Your veterinarian will palpate (examine by touch) your cat's vaginal canal and cervix.

Your veterinarian will take samples for testing; at the minimum, a packed cell volume (PCV), a total protein, a BUN (blood urea nitrogen), a blood glucose, and a calcium concentration measurement. Your cat's blood progesterone levels will also be measured.

X-rays are crucial for determining the approximate number, size and location of the fetuses. X-rays may also show if the fetuses are still alive, but an ultrasound can give even more subtle measurements, such as indications of fetal stress, assessing placental separation, and the character of the fetal fluids.


Cats that are in distress and have been diagnosed with dystocia should be treated on an inpatient basis until all of the offspring have been delivered and until the mother has stabilized. If uterine contractions are absent and there is no evidence of fetal stress, medical treatment will be initiated. Your cat's condition may be due to low blood sugar, low levels of blood calcium, inadequate oxytocin production by the body or an inadequate response to normal oxytocin production.

Agents used to promote uterine contractions should not be administered when obstructive dystocia is possible, as they may accelerate placental separation and fetal death, or may cause uterine rupture. Oxytocin, glucose and calcium can be supplemented as needed.

Manual delivery may be necessary to deliver a fetus that is lodged in the vaginal vault.

Your veterinarian will use digital manipulation to reposition the kitten, since this method provides the least amount of damage to the kitten and mother cat. If the vaginal vault is too small for digital manipulations, instruments, such as a spay hook or non-ratcheted forceps, may be used to assist in delivery. Throughout the process, your veterinarian will use adequate lubrication, always placing a finger in the vaginal vault to direct the instrument and always taking great care to protect the lives of both mother and kittens. With queens the use of instruments is not normally recommended because of the small size of the vaginal vault.

Extreme caution should be used under these circumstances. Undesirable complications include mutilation of the fetus and laceration of the vaginal canal or uterus. Traction should never be applied to the limbs of a live fetus. If there is a failure to deliver the fetus within 30 minutes a Cesarean section is indicated.

Living and Management

If your cat is a breed predisposed to dystocia, or if your cat has a personal or familial history of dystocia, ask your veterinarian about the possibility of scheduling an elective cesarean section before your cat can go into labor. It must be timed as precisely as possible to ensure the health of the mother and kittens. If you suspect early in labor that your cat is suffering from dystocia, contact your veterinarian immediately so as to prevent further complications in the lives of the mother and kittens.

Image: Orhan Cam via Shutterstock

How long should I wait between kittens?

Intervals between kitten births are variable. On average the intervals last ten minutes to an hour. So-called interrupted labor is sufficiently common in the cat to be considered a normal occurrence.

Can a cat have kittens 12 hours apart?

Cats can give birth days apart, even when they are delivering the same litter of kittens. This happens for a number of reasons, especially since cats can “pause” their birth for a period of 24-36 hours.

How do you know if there are still kittens inside?

How to Tell if a Cat Still Has Kittens Inside.
She's panting..
She's making a lot of noise..
She's straining..
There is a fluid-filled bubble in the birth canal..
She is licking her genital area..
A placenta has not yet passed after the last kitten..
She is aggressive or highly protective..

How do you know if a kitten is stuck in the birth canal?

She will be dull and lethargic, ignore her kittens, refuse food, become polydipsic, and may vomit. A purulent, foul-smelling vaginal discharge is present along with fever. Abdominal palpation may cause the queen pain and the uterus usually feels thickened.


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