How long should you wait to eat after taking probiotics

Photographed by Megan Madden.

Maybe you already have a favorite probiotic supplement. Or maybe you haven't been able to find an option that works for you just yet. Either way, there may be a simple trick to boosting the effectiveness of the healthy bugs: taking them at the right time.

No need to set an alarm. To figure out when to take your probiotic supplement, consider your meal schedule, says Raphael Kellman, M.D., the author of The Microbiome Breakthrough. He suggests aiming to swallow them before or as you eat breakfast or at night before bed.

Why? “When you eat, there is a natural increase in digestive enzymes and bile salt production as your digestive system prepares to, well, digest your food," explains Gregor Reid, Ph.D., the chief scientist at the probiotic company Seed. Those enzymes and bile salts can kill the bacteria in your probiotics long before they ever get to your small and large intestines, where their real work is done. Taking the supplements when you're not digesting food (and therefore there are lower levels of these substances in your stomach)increases the chances that the bugs will survive their transit intact so they can influence your health. For these reasons, taking your supps after a meal might be a mistake, but before or as you start eating is an optimal window.

Studies back this up. One team of researchers found that the common bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have the best chances of survival when taken up to 30 minutes before a meal. It noted that those taken 30 minutes after munching didn't survive in high numbers. 

But most experts agree that consistency is more important than timing. Aim to take your probiotics around the same time every day. "Probiotics are transient microbes,” Reid says. They pass through your colon, benefiting you as they interact with other bacteria along the way, but then ultimately leave your body. So, you need to constantly replenish your supply, he says. "This is why continuous intake is important.”

Are you sabotaging your probiotics? Find out how and when to take probiotics and avoid making these common mistakes.

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How to take probiotics

Study after study has proven that probiotics work. They’re widely known as “friendly bacteria” that help maintain a healthy digestive system, and there’s even research to suggest that probiotics can improve your mental health. But do you know how to take probiotics correctly? Are you storing them properly? These sensitive bacteria need care and attention before they give you those health-boosting benefits. Find out if you’re making any of these probiotics mistakes.

(Related: 8 Things Probiotics Can Do and 3 They Can’t)

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Mistake #1: You store probiotics in your medicine cabinet

The bathroom medicine cabinet (or even a cupboard in the kitchen for that matter) can have fluctuating temperature changes, which will affect moisture in the air, and can compromise the quality of your probiotics.

It’s important to note that there are a few ways to take probiotics. While one is in food (such as yogurt and cheese), you can also take probiotic supplements. They are available in refrigerated or dry formulas. The latter can be kept at room temperatures. Foods and refrigerated supplements must be kept in a cool fridge to keep the bacteria alive. For dry probiotic supplements, check the packaging on how to store them, but generally they must be kept in a dry, dark place that’s free of moisture. However, some probiotic capsules are better kept in the fridge, says BioK scientific director Mathieu Millette, PhD, Mcb. A., RMCCM. Check the instructions on the package to ensure you’re storing them properly.

(Related: Are Any of Us Taking Supplements the Right Way?)

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Mistake #2: You stop taking probiotics when you take antibiotics

“One of the biggest misconceptions is that you should wait until your antibiotics are finished before you take probiotics,” says registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen, author of Un-Junk Your Diet: How to Shop, Cook and Eat to Fight Inflammation and Feel Better, Forever. People think that antibiotics will kill probiotics, which is true, but probiotics can ease the side effects of antibiotics (such as diarrhea, upset tummy and more). “The key to [probiotics] survival is when you take probiotics: wait two hours after your antibiotic dose so the antibiotic can move through your system and give probiotics a ‘fighting chance’. In addition, continue the probiotics for a time after your antibiotics are finished to ensure that their effects are out of your system.”

(Related: 12 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Taking Antibiotics)

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Mistake #3: You think all probiotics are equal

“It’s not good to assume that all probiotics will provide the same benefits,” says Millette. There are a variety of probiotic strains and not all strains have the same health benefits. The human body houses more than 500 different strains of bacteria. Some are for immune support. Some are for digestive issues. Some are for weight maintenance. And there are even strains for heart health.

Examples include:  Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been shown to help blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies and digestion, while Lactobacillus Rhamnosus can help with blood glucose, immune function and cholesterol, and Lactobacillus helveticus reduces blood pressure, improves sleep quality and bone health.

Check the packaging, talk to your health care provider or even double-check with a pharmacist to make sure what you’re buying is what you need. Thankfully in Canada, foods with probiotic claims must be truthful and not misleading (and have scientific evidence), and supplements must meet requirements for its claims as well as science to support its efficacy, safety and quality.

(Related: Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What’s the Difference?)

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Mistake #4: You take more than one type of probiotic supplement

If you are considering “layering” your probiotic supplements for different health concerns, know that different bacteria can interact. “Think of it this way: part of the reason we take probiotics is to fight off other bacteria,” says Nielsen. “It is possible, in a multi-strain product and if you take two different probiotic products at the same time, that they can out-compete each other. Research supports this: you can include 10 strains in a single product but without proper study, you can’t be sure that one strain isn’t out-competing the other nine.” Nielsen says to check out the manufacturer’s website for clinical studies that the strains were tested together.

(Related: Everything You Knew About Probiotics Might Be Wrong)

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Mistake #5: You’re not prepping your system prebiotics

Prebiotics are food for good bacteria. But Nielsen warns that most of the research on prebiotics is done with high doses (not always available in supplement form), which can be hard on the stomach, especially for those with gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome.

So, how do you get the benefits of prebiotics to get the benefits of probiotics? “I recommend eating a diet high in plant foods, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains,” says Nielsen. “A high-fibre, plant-centred diet has been shown to have an overall beneficial effect on the flora, and will naturally include prebiotic foods such as wheat, legumes and onions.”

(Related: Raw vs. Cooked—How to Get the Most Out of Your Vegetables)

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Mistake #6: You put your probiotics into a personalized pill box

Sure, organizing your daily pills and supplements in a handy pill box will help you to remember to take them, but it could compromise how effective your probiotics are. “Like crackers, probiotic capsules will expire more quickly when exposed [to air exposure, temperature changes, light and humidity],” says Millette. And Nielsen agrees. She says to keep your probiotics in sealed individual doses away from bright light and heat.

(Related: 3 Fibre Supplements to Help You Become ‘Regular’)

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Mistake #7: You’re not taking the right dose

Like mentioned previously, the dose must be proven effective to make a claim on package in Canada. A dose is measured in colony-forming units (CFU). “Look for a product with at least 10 billion CFU, because that appears to be a minimum dosage across the scientific literature, and take as directed,” says Nielsen.

The best way to ensure you’re getting the most out of your probiotics, experts say, is to follow a balanced high-fibre food plan, understand the type of probiotic you’re taking, review its clinical research, take the appropriate dose and store them according to the package directions. And if you have any concerns talk to your health care provider. Then you’ll have no worries that your probiotics are failing you.

Next: 13 Foods High in Natural Probiotics

Originally Published: August 26, 2021

How long after taking a probiotic can you drink coffee?

“Don't take a probiotic supplement with hot food and drinks such as tea or coffee as this can lessen the chance of the bacteria getting to your gut unharmed. Give it 30 minutes after taking them before you reach for the teapot.”

How long does it take for probiotics to absorb?

The short answer: It takes most people 2 to 3 weeks to feel significant benefits when they start taking probiotics. That's because probiotics need time to accomplish their three key goals: increase your good bacteria count, decrease your bad bacteria count, and reduce inflammation.

What not to eat after taking probiotics?

Foods That Interfere with Probiotics.
Carbonated Drinks. Whether you are binging on regular or diet sodas, neither are good for your gut health. ... .
Processed Foods and Probiotics. ... .
GMO Products. ... .
Red Meat. ... .
Gluten-Rich Foods and Probiotics. ... .
Refined Oils. ... .
Dairy Foods and Probiotics. ... .
Tap Water..

What happens if you take probiotics after eating?

After you eat, your stomach's pH rises to about a four, which is much less acidic and easier for probiotics to survive, so it's best to take your probiotics alongside a meal, says Friedman.


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