How long to not exercise after laser hair removal

Before starting a series of laser hair removal treatments, patients should know a few things, like avoiding sun exposure or waxing beforehand. But, what happens if you exercise after laser hair removal? Proper skin aftercare and following a list of what to do and not to do after laser hair removal sessions are essential for your comfort, including when you can exercise. Board-certified physician Dr. Mukhtar Anees and the dedicated team at Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)are proud to be leaders in advanced laser services for women and men in the Fort Worth and Burleson, TX areas. Contact one of our team members to schedule an in-person or online consultation today.

What areas of the body can have laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a popular elective procedure for both women and men who want a more long-term solution for unwanted hair. It is a safe and effective way to have smooth and healthier-looking skin while providing long-lasting results compared to more traditional methods, such as shaving, depilatory creams to dissolve hair, or waxing. We will discuss your cosmetic goals and areas of concern for hair removal during a one-on-one consultation at Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care). This allows us to understand your aesthetic needs and determine the right course of treatment. Laser hair removal is highly effective on various areas of the body, such as:

  • Face
  • Chest
  • Underneath the arms or armpits
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Legs

What is recovery like after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal recovery is relatively straightforward. For a day or two afterward, the treated area will feel and look like it's sunburned. Moisturizers and cool compresses may help. Fort Worth, TX patients can wear makeup the next day unless facial skin is blistering. Blisters are a rare side effect and more likely to occur in patients with darker complexions. Other potential laser hair removal side effects are swelling and redness for the first few hours. Over the next month, the treated hair will fall out. Patients should wear sunscreen to avoid sunburns and prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin. If you have a skin reaction almost immediately, a steroid cream may be applied to the affected area to reduce any discomfort.

Is exercise after laser hair removal prohibited?

Patients should avoid hot showers and exercise for at least 24 hours. During sessions, heat is applied to the treated area, resulting in swelling and redness around the hair follicles. While these are temporary laser hair removal side effects, it is essential to avoid any activity that could cause your skin to sweat or heat up, as hair follicles are extremely sensitive for 12 – 48 hours afterward. Body sweat also contains bacteria, which will aggravate sensitive hair follicles, resulting in a rash or possible skin infection. Patients should avoid exercise until temporary laser hair removal side effects have dissipated for best results and optimum comfort.

Are you looking for laser hair removal in Fort Worth, TX?

Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)is a leader in laser hair removal services and proudly offers the advanced Lumenis® LightSheer™ laser technology, which is efficient, faster, and effective for all skin types. Fort Worth and Burleson, TX patients should generally plan for at least 3 – 5 treatments over 3 – 4 weeks for optimal results. Sessions are spread out to allow the treated areas time to heal and dormant hair follicles to reach the active growth phase. During this process, exfoliating the skin, once redness and swelling have dissipated, can help treated hairs shed faster, leaving skin feeling smoother. If you are ready to learn more about laser hair removal, schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Mukhtar Anees today.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Can You Workout After Laser Hair Removal?
  • 2 Can You Exercise Before Laser Hair Removal?
  • 3 When Can You Exercise After Laser Hair Removal?
  • 4 What Exercises Should You Avoid After Laser Hair Removal?
  • 5 Scheduling Your Laser Appointment 

Laser hair removal is just a small part of how we can take care of ourselves! For many of our customers, exercise is an important part of their routine. After all, if you’re investing your time in achieving smooth, hairless skin, chances are you also care about the wellbeing of the rest of your body.  

Exercise is one of the best things humans can do to be healthy and feel great, but combining it with laser hair removal requires some thoughtful scheduling. As all of our customers are well-aware, you should not do any intense workouts too soon after getting laser hair removal. 

But how soon is too soon? What about exercising before laser? And what does intense mean, anyway? We’ll explain it all in this post! 

Can You Exercise Before Laser Hair Removal?

To start, you can exercise prior to getting laser hair removal as long as you give yourself enough time to recover. Heavy exercise increases blood flow to the skin and raises your body temperature. This makes your skin a little more prone to inflammation, but only for the period while your body is still feeling hot from your workout. 

To prevent your laser treatment from being too irritating, just plan accordingly! Give yourself enough time to shower and totally cool down after your workout. Waiting 30 minutes to an hour is usually enough. If you know that your body takes longer to cool down then give yourself that time.   

When Can You Exercise After Laser Hair Removal?

After laser hair removal, your skin will probably be a little red and tender. Laser works by heating the hair follicle, which leads to a little bit of inflammation and irritation. The last thing you want is to participate in an activity that will make that irritation worse, like exercise. 

In most cases, the skin calms down around 48 hours after your laser hair removal, so that’s when you can resume your regular physical activity. However, if your skin is taking longer to calm down, you should wait a little longer to exercise, as well. 

What Exercises Should You Avoid After Laser Hair Removal?

Meditative yoga is very different from an intense HIIT session. Following your laser appointment, it’s important to avoid any exercise that will raise your internal body temperature and lead to a lot of sweating and redness. 

You can participate in low-impact activities like going for a walk (as long as it’s not too hot outside) or stretching. On the other hand, any activities that’ll raise your heart rate like jogging, weight lifting, Zumba, crossfit, or an intense team sport are best avoided for at least two days following your treatment. 

If you do decide to participate in more relaxed activities, make sure to wear loose clothing that won’t chafe against your skin. 

Scheduling Your Laser Appointment 

Missing out on a couple of days of exercise might be a bummer, but think about it this way: we all need a rest day sometimes. Plus, just think about how much your muscles will pop when they’re no longer covered by hair!

Through our booking portal, it should be easy to find an appointment that’ll fit within your planned rest days and won’t conflict with your hot yoga class schedule. You can definitely get rid of hair without compromising your workout routine! 

How soon can you exercise after laser hair removal?

Patients should avoid hot showers and exercise for at least 24 hours. During sessions, heat is applied to the treated area, resulting in swelling and redness around the hair follicles.

What happens if I work out after laser hair removal?

Because laser hair removal destroys the base of the follicle, it temporarily interrupts the free flow of sweat through these glands. For this reason, it's important to try not to overheat for up to 48 hours after each treatment to avoid swelling, rashes, and skin irritation.

How long after laser hair removal can I sweat?

Professionals recommend waiting around 24 to 48 hours between your treatment and intense workout for the best results. During the 24 to 48 hours after laser hair removal, you must keep the skin as cold and quiet as possible, as the area around the follicles may develop redness and swelling.

Can I go to the gym the day after laser hair removal?

Exercise – Your skin will need at least 48 hours to recover following laser hair removal (a good excuse to skip the gym and put your feet up at home if you ask us).


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