How many ml does it take to make 2 teaspoons?

Convert between teaspoons and milliliters (tsp and mL) using this calculator tool and conversion tables. Also, find out how many milliliters there are in a teaspoon. This converter is part of the full cooking calculator.

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How Many mL Are in a Teaspoon?

The teaspoon comes in a couple of sizes, depending on where you are in the world:

  • The US Teaspoon measures 4.92892 mL. It is commonly referenced in recipes in the United States.
  • The Metric Teaspoon measures 5mL. It is used in the UK as well as Australia, Canada and the Commonwealth.

Teaspoons (US) to mL Conversion Table

Teaspoons (US)Milliliters
1 teaspoon 4.9289 mL
2 teaspoons 9.8578 mL
3 teaspoons 14.7868 mL
4 teaspoons 19.7157 mL
5 teaspoons 24.6446 mL
6 teaspoons 29.5735 mL
7 teaspoons 34.5024 mL
8 teaspoons 39.4314 mL
9 teaspoons 44.3603 mL
10 teaspoons 49.2892 mL
Figures are rounded to 4 decimal places. Teaspoon is level, not heaped.

Teaspoons (Metric) to mL Conversion Table

Teaspoons (Metric)Milliliters
1 teaspoon 5 mL
2 teaspoons 10 mL
3 teaspoons 15 mL
4 teaspoons 20 mL
5 teaspoons 25 mL
6 teaspoons 30 mL
7 teaspoons 35 mL
8 teaspoons 40 mL
9 teaspoons 45 mL
10 teaspoons 50 mL
Teaspoon is level, not heaped.

Other Cooking Converters

Should you wish to convert between other cooking weight and volume units, you can do so on this website. Individual converters are available for cups and grams, cups and ounces and others in our cooking section.

If you have any suggestions for this teaspoons to milliliters converter, please contact me.

Online Calculators > Conversion

2 Teaspoons to ml to find out how many ml is 2 teaspoons. To convert 2 tsp to ml, simply multiply 2 tsp by 4.929 to get milliliters. How much is 2 teaspoon in ml?

Convert 2 tsp to ml

Teaspoons Milliliters
Teaspoon Conversion
US Teaspoon:
US Liquid Pint:
US Liquid Gallon:
US Liquid Quart:
US Legal Cup:
US Cup:
US Tablespoon:
US Fluid Ounce:
Imperial Gallon:
Imperial Quart:
Imperial Pint:
Imperial Cup:
Imperial Fluid Ounce:
Imperial Tablespoon:
Imperial Teaspoon:

How Many ml is 2 Teaspoons?

The 2 teaspoons to ml will not only find out how much is 2 teaspoon in ml, it will also convert 2 teaspoons to other units such as pint, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, milliliter, and more.

2.5 teaspoons to ml
3 teaspoons to ml

Created by Gabriela Diaz

Reviewed by Jack Bowater

Last updated: Oct 13, 2022

With Omni's tsp to ml converter, you'll instantly be able to convert any volume in teaspoons to milliliters. Do you need to know what's the equivalence of 2 teaspoons in milliliters or 1/2 tsp to ml? Then this tool is your ally 😄 We invite you to keep reading and find:

  • How to convert ml to tsp; and
  • A ml to tsp conversion table filled with the most commonly used amounts.

How to use the tsp to ml converter

Simply enter the volume in teaspoons (tsp) that you'd like to know in milliliters (ml), and the converter will show you the ml result in the row below. Simple right? 😉
Now that you know how to use it, why not test some values? For example, what's the converter's result if we'd like to convert 0.25 tsp (1/4 tsp) to ml?

How do I convert tsp to ml?

To go from teaspoons to milliliters:

  1. Use the conversion factor of 5 milliliters per metric teaspoon, 1 tsp = 5 ml.
  2. Multiply the volume in tsp that you'd like to convert by the conversion factor 5 ml/tsp. i.e., if you'd like to convert 2 tsp to ml: 2 tsp * (5 ml/tsp) = 10 ml. And that's it!

tsp to ml conversion chart

In this tsp to ml conversion chart we included some of the most popular conversions from metric teaspoons to milliliters:

Teaspoons [tsp]

Milliliters [ml]

























More volume converters


How much are 2 teaspoons in ml?

10 ml. To get this result yourself, use the conversion factor of 1 tsp = 5 ml. i.e. 2 tsp x (5 ml / 1 tsp) = 10 ml.

How much is 1 tsp in ml?

5 ml. By employing the conversion factor of 1 metric tsp per every 5 ml you can get this result. i.e. 1 tsp x (5 ml / 1 tsp) = 5 ml.

Is 1/2 tsp equal to 2.5 ml?

Yes, that's correct! 1/2 tsp or 0.5 teaspoons (tsp) equals 2.5 milliliters (ml). This is because every metric teaspoon corresponds to a volume of 5 milliliters.

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Does 2 tsp equal 5 mL?

If you use a teaspoon, it should be a measuring spoon. Regular spoons are not reliable. Also, remember that 1 level teaspoon equals 5 mL and that ½ a teaspoon equals 2.5 mL.

How many mL are in a teaspoon?

For nutritional labeling and medicine in the US, the teaspoon is defined the same as a metric teaspoon—precisely 5 millilitres (mL).

How many milliliters is 2 teaspoons of medicine?

For example, a flatware teaspoon could be as small as one half teaspoon (2.5 mL) or as large as 2 teaspoons (10 mL).

Does 2 tablespoons equal 30 mL?

2 tablespoons are equal to 30 ml. How much is 60 ml in tablespoons? 60 ml equals 4 tablespoons.