How many ms are in a minute?

Here you can convert the Time unit Minute into the unit Millisecond and vice versa you can convert Millisecond into Minute. By clicking the "Swap units" icon, you will always obtain the desired conversion in the calculation result, i.e., min to ms or ms to min. With the following calculator you can also calculate any other Time unit.

Info about "Minute"

The minute (min) is not part of the SI International System of Units, but it is approved for use with the SI. The minute is derived from the base unit second. This makes it a legal unit of measurement.

Therefore, 1 minute equals 60 seconds, or 1 second equals 0.0166667 minutes.

After the day had already been divided into 24 units in ancient Egypt, Greek astronomers began 2000 years to divide each of these 24 units into 60 units using the Babylonian sexagesimal system. These 60 units were known as the "diminished part" (Latin: pars minuta), and this led to the term called “minute”. The “minutes” were again subdivided into 60 subunits (i.e., a "second diminished part" (Latin: pars minuta secunda), which in turn is termed "second". Therefore, the minute was defined astronomically as one-60th of an hour, and thus as one-60th of one-24th of a day.

It is now known that the earth's rotation slightly slows down, so the astronomical days always become minimally longer. The basic unit of time (the second) is now measured by atomic clocks, which are more accurate than the astronomical day. Therefore, a leap second must be added every 2 to 5 years in order to synchronise the atomic clocks with the earth's rotation again. As a result, a calendar minute then lasts 61 seconds.

Info about "Millisecond"

The unit millisecond or thousandth of a second can be traced back to the basic unit second. Here, 1 millisecond corresponds to 0.001 seconds or 1 second corresponds to 1,000 milliseconds. The prefix "milli" in the term millisecond stands for one-thousandth of the base unit second.

This unit belongs to the International System of Units (SI).

For example, while an accuracy of a tenth of a second is sufficient for sprints in athletics to detect the difference between a few centimeters ahead, thousandths of a second in a car race in milliseconds are required to clearly determine the winner.

Basis for conversion Minute (min) to Millisecond (ms) and vice versa

The abbreviation for the "Time unit Minute" is min. The abbreviation for the "Time unit Millisecond" is ms.

Formula for the conversion of Minute (min) to Millisecond (ms) and vice versa

The calculation from Minute to Millisecond shall be made using the following conversion formula:

 Conversion formula Minute to Millisecond 

Determine the number of Millisecond from Minute

Minute × 60000

Formula for the conversion of Millisecond (ms) to Minute (min)

The calculation from Millisecond to Minute shall be made using the following conversion formula:

 Conversion formula Millisecond to Minute 

Determine the number of Minute from Millisecond

Millisecond × 1.6666666666667E-5

Overview table : How many Minute are in Millisecond ?

Minute min ⇒ Millisecond ms0.01 min  are  600 ms0.02 min  are  1 200 ms0.03 min  are  1 800 ms0.04 min  are  2 400 ms0.05 min  are  3 000 ms0.06 min  are  3 600 ms0.07 min  are  4 200 ms0.08 min  are  4 800 ms0.09 min  are  5 400 ms0.10 min  are  6 000 ms0.20 min  are  12 000 ms0.30 min  are  18 000 ms0.40 min  are  24 000 ms0.50 min  are  30 000 ms0.60 min  are  36 000 ms0.70 min  are  42 000 ms0.80 min  are  48 000 ms0.90 min  are  54 000 ms1 min  corresponds to  60 000 ms2 min  are  120 000 ms3 min  are  180 000 ms4 min  are  240 000 ms5 min  are  300 000 ms6 min  are  360 000 ms7 min  are  420 000 ms8 min  are  480 000 ms9 min  are  540 000 ms10 min  are  600 000 ms20 min  are  1 200 000 ms30 min  are  1 800 000 ms40 min  are  2 400 000 ms50 min  are  3 000 000 ms60 min  are  3 600 000 ms70 min  are  4 200 000 ms80 min  are  4 800 000 ms90 min  are  5 400 000 ms100 min  are  6 000 000 ms200 min  are  12 000 000 ms300 min  are  18 000 000 ms400 min  are  24 000 000 ms500 min  are  30 000 000 ms600 min  are  36 000 000 ms700 min  are  42 000 000 ms800 min  are  48 000 000 ms900 min  are  54 000 000 ms1 000 min  are  60 000 000 ms

Overview table : How many Millisecond are in Minute ?

Millisecond ms ⇒ Minute min0.60 ms  are  0.00001 min0.70 ms  are  0.00001 min0.80 ms  are  0.00001 min0.90 ms  are  0.00001 min1 ms  corresponds to  0.00001 min2 ms  are  0.00003 min3 ms  are  0.00005 min4 ms  are  0.00006 min5 ms  are  0.00008 min6 ms  are  0.00010 min7 ms  are  0.00011 min8 ms  are  0.00013 min9 ms  are  0.00015 min10 ms  are  0.00016 min20 ms  are  0.00033 min30 ms  are  0.00050 min40 ms  are  0.00066 min50 ms  are  0.00083 min60 ms  are  0.00100 min70 ms  are  0.00116 min80 ms  are  0.00133 min90 ms  are  0.00150 min100 ms  are  0.00166 min200 ms  are  0.00333 min300 ms  are  0.00500 min400 ms  are  0.00666 min500 ms  are  0.00833 min600 ms  are  0.01000 min700 ms  are  0.01166 min800 ms  are  0.01333 min900 ms  are  0.01500 min1 000 ms  are  0.01666 min

What other readers have also read

Source information

As source for the information in the 'Time units' category, we have used in particular:

Last update on November 29, 2022

The pages of the 'Time units' category were last editorially reviewed by Stefan Banse on November 29, 2022. They all correspond to the current status.

How long is a 1 millisecond?

A millisecond (ms or msec) is one thousandth of a second and is commonly used in measuring the time to read to or write from a hard disk or a CD-ROM player or to measure packet travel time on the Internet. For comparison, a microsecond (us or Greek letter mu plus s) is one millionth (10-6) of a second.

How do you convert ms 1 to minutes?

Please provide values below to convert millisecond [ms] to minute [min], or vice versa. ... Millisecond to Minute Conversion Table..

How many m/s are in a minute?

1 minute = (60 seconds / 0.001 seconds) milliseconds. 60000 milliseconds makes a minute.

Is 60 seconds a 1 minute?

Thanks to the ancient civilizations that defined and preserved the divisions of time, modern society still conceives of a day of 24 hours, an hour of 60 minutes and a minute of 60 seconds.


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