How many pages does skin of the night have?

A modern woman scares people. Her drive, her ambition, her independence. She’s an enigma, and people often hate what they don't understand. But, to William, she's the perfect woman, and he will stop at nothing to solve the mystery of her.

Cara is a top law student in London. She's got her life together and is dead set on realising her ambitions, so finding a romantic partner is not among her priorities – at least for now. Besides, she’s whole all on her own – she doesn’t need a man in order to feel complete. With loyal, genuine friends, a supportive family and an overall comfortable lifestyle, Cara is happy with her life as it is. So, when William crosses her path, it throws a real spanner in the works.

The dashing lawyer boasts the most merciless tongue Cara has ever come across, whether it’s in debate or in bed. Blunt and sharply clever, William ticks every box, and even adds some of his own – things Cara never knew she desired in a man. Before long, he puts her convictions on trial, and he drives a ferocious prosecution. Cara finds it hard to resist him, but being together could have disastrous consequences. If William wins the trial, she may lose more than just her heart.

Packed with complex characters, steamy scenes and cheeky dialogue, The Night series is sure to bring you on a journey of laughter, frustration, tears, and deep reflections you won't forget anytime soon.

This book contains several sexually explicit scenes. It is intended for mature audiences. Skin of the Night is the first book in The Night series.

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This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[hardly other woman drama, fmc is not the jealous type; fmc is very much not a virgin, but Will is the more sexually dominant one out of them (hide spoiler)]

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 ·  6,982 ratings  ·  1,098 reviews

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Dec 22, 2021 Ayman rated it it was amazing

4.5 ⭐️ BROOOOOO?!?! what the fuck?!?! i loved this book so much !! i’ve been waiting for this one turn it up !!! ok first off, this isn’t EVERYONES type of book. Meaning it’s very character driven so don’t go in expecting plot or whatever.

tropes in skin of the night: male love interest groveling, pining, work place romance, smut that last longer that 1 chapter, character driven, strong characters, best friends brother, zero miscommunication

to put into simple words this book is about a law stude

4.5 ⭐️ BROOOOOO?!?! what the fuck?!?! i loved this book so much !! i’ve been waiting for this one turn it up !!! ok first off, this isn’t EVERYONES type of book. Meaning it’s very character driven so don’t go in expecting plot or whatever.

tropes in skin of the night: male love interest groveling, pining, work place romance, smut that last longer that 1 chapter, character driven, strong characters, best friends brother, zero miscommunication

to put into simple words this book is about a law student who’s not looking for anything series and a lawyer that is literally head over heals for her.

this book was glopping, glooping, gorilla gripping, knee trembling, banana splitting, hair ripping hot. the smut scenes lasted longer than a chapter. i finished a chapter thinking it was done only for my ass to be smacked with the next chapter continuing the smut. i was flabbergasted to say the least.

this book is in british english writing which honestly made the book 10X better. for people that have the most disgusting 🤢 dishes i’ve ever seen, they sure can write (not slander, i love the english😭🤚🏽)

cara- main character, kinda insufferable at times but still a very relatable. she’s a strong independent woman that is so hard working, it’s inspiring tbh. she’s career driven and won’t shy away from proving her point and speaking up for herself. she’s badass to say the least

william- also kinda insufferable at times but it’s ok because he’s hot. this dude had me on my fucking knees y’all. he’s so blunt and straightforward, i was fucking blushing blood red and i ain’t even white. he even cried at one point and i eat shit up. like yeh men crying? give me more 🤩

this book for the most part is in Cara’s pov and there’s a couple chapters in Williams pov. it worked out fine. since this is a character driven book i’m so glad there wasn’t any huge miscommunication with these characters. these characters talk out their problems and come to solutions realistically.

i felt like i needed to light a cigarette after reading this book lowkey. that being said this book smacked my ass like a drum, made my thrussy throb, blew out my back, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. at times the air was knocked out of my ass. excuse me while i go play in traffic


Dec 17, 2021 emily rated it did not like it

it is so bad i would give you a zero but that's not possible so i give you a one it is so bad i would give you a zero but that's not possible so i give you a one ...more

Dec 18, 2021 ☽ nis ♥ rated it did not like it

I'm getting real tired of these shit booktok recs. This book is not good at all. What the fuck are your standards for a 5 stars read honestly I'm confused I'm getting real tired of these shit booktok recs. This book is not good at all. What the fuck are your standards for a 5 stars read honestly I'm confused ...more

Jan 12, 2022 Júlia rated it did not like it

Them booktok bitches are getting paid to promote stuff like this I swear to god. I would roast it but my momma said I’m not allowed to burn trash

Dec 19, 2021 Sarah rated it it was amazing

Whether you're about to read this book or just finished it, I'll be bold enough to say that this review might be worth your time.

I think what sets this book apart from so many other romance novels is the fact that C.K. Bennett

doesn't gloss over William or Cara's sometimes questionable actions even once. This author holds her characters accountable for every.single.move. and that was unusual to see, ESPECIALLY in this genre, but—for me—in the best possible way.

Before I continue, I want to say to

Whether you're about to read this book or just finished it, I'll be bold enough to say that this review might be worth your time.

I think what sets this book apart from so many other romance novels is the fact that C.K. Bennett

doesn't gloss over William or Cara's sometimes questionable actions even once. This author holds her characters accountable for every.single.move. and that was unusual to see, ESPECIALLY in this genre, but—for me—in the best possible way.

Before I continue, I want to say to all of those who DNF and have the audacity to rate this book after that: you missed the whole point of the book, a point which becomes apparent in chapter 29 when the h communicates ALL of her issues to the H.
That’s like watching half of Fight Club and deciding it’s a shit movie…..More on that later.

One point A LOT of people seem to have missed is that the book is

clearly supposed to make you uncomfortable! Good lord, it even says so in the disclaimer. This definitely is not meant to be a typical romance at all. To be honest the romance aspect of the story is almost subsidiary.

And I don’t know why people keep saying that the H kept pursuing her; he did eventually stop chasing her. If you could read, you would have seen that it was stated several times. For reference, check out chapter 21:

“After I’d confronted him about his inappropriate behaviour, he’d actually left me alone”. A little later it continues: “Staying true to his word, it was apparent that he intended to respect my wishes”.

Let’s go to the next chapter too, just to put “the nail in the coffin” (if you know, you know lol). When William comes over in the club after Cara was trapped with that scumbag, Cara asks why he didn’t come over sooner if he saw them, the way he had earlier that night, to which William says:

“I know, but that wasn’t right of me. I didn’t want to repeat my mistake, so I left you alone. I have no right to interfere like that, and you looked like you were enjoying yourself.”

But I guess people only see what they want to see. Just a shame that you’re gonna deter other readers with your skewed perceptions and insufficient reading comprehension…..

I’m baffled by the reviews saying this is a failed attempt at feminism.

First of all, if that’s your opinion, you focus WAY too much on the H. This is first and foremost a story about our heroine Cara and how she’s tackling life as a new adult – psst, see the genre? I swear everyone these days just associates NA with smut when it’s actually supposed to tackle the challenges a New Adult faces, which Bennett has done SPECTACULARLY in my opinion. FINALLY there’s a New Adult book about women who aren’t just damsels in distress gagging on a guy’s d*ick. Cara is soooooo refreshing! She has career-goals, she has confidence, she’s independent and sexually liberated! I effing loved her.

So it seems to me that it’s through Cara that Bennett is trying to bring feminism forward: what she thinks every woman should have the right

and nerve to do (if they so please); that women are entitled to lead their lives exactly the way they want to regardless of how “silly” some people might think their reasons are. It’s the principle of it that Bennett is stressing (at least I hope think so).

By showing us how Cara handles a guy like William, the author shows that, regardless of how perfect a man might be (or seem on the surface), it doesn’t matter.

If the woman doesn’t want a relationship, she’s entitled to not want it, and THAT is the feminism here. And this amuses me because, judging by the reviews, people either hate Cara and love William, or they hate William and love Cara. And, to those who hate Cara, Bennett has REALLY exposed your internalized misogyny lol. I’m embarrassed for you. Why can’t you just respect that Cara doesn’t want a relationship even if she likes the guy? She says a million times that she has other priorities—to the point where the story drags—and yet you just can’t seem to accept it. Why is that?

Bennett, if you ever read this: WELL DONE. I don’t know if this was your goal, but if it was, you are a GENIUS.

Another thought that I had: Cara is beautifully executed. She is tolerant, flawed, and unlike most of the dumb and ignorant 1-star raters on this book, actually gives people a chance to change/improve instead of just cancelling them. About one thing I do actually disagree with Cara, though: I didn’t think she was immature. She had some hypocritical thoughts here and there (who doesn't?), but she never acted on them, and I personally think that demonstrates her maturity more than anything else.

But my next point is why I think Bennett is a GREAT storyteller:

What she has done with William and Cara is represent polar perspectives to really get to the root of the problem with love in modern-day society and in light of feminism. I swear Bennett has written this book as if it were science or a social study, and she's done it so well and subtly that it unfortunately flies over most people's heads.

William is CLEARLY (at least to me) written to convey a typical conservative perspective. Yeah, he’s a feminist, IN WHICH HE STANDS FOR EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN. I digress, but I die when some of you manage to say that because he doesn’t let Cara go he’s suddenly not a feminist 💀 get a grip on what feminism actually means before you start accusing people of not being it, maybe? William NEVER questions Cara’s intellectual competence or ability to contribute to society, nor does he challenge her legal rights, DEAR GOD. Honestly, I am CONVINCED he would have behaved exactly the same way had his love interest been male. It's just his character. It has nothing to do with gender.

On that note, have any of you ever been in love? If you have, you should know it can be near impossible to give up on the person you’re in love with (at least in my experience). But basically the H is clearly conservative and not very progressive on the subject of love.

Cara on the other hand is written COMPLETELY opposite. She’s liberal, progressive, not even “monogamous” to begin with—in which she’s capable of having sex with no strings attached with random people although she has a steady FWB of three years. It’s stated early on that William doesn’t even have one-night stands (with one exception, obviously) so the difference between him and Cara is stark!

Cara’s priority is her career. William’s, after meeting Cara, is love (according to himself, see chapter 15). Can you guys really not see the gender reversal here??? Normally it’s the other way around.
And can you not see how astute this is? I bet a lot of you would have changed your tune had it been a woman in William’s shoes, and a man in Cara’s.

I once read somewhere that a great storyteller will create two characters of opposite views, and execute those believably, to really show people how different perspectives can be. There is no doubt that Bennett has managed this in my opinion. I’m actually STUNNED this is her first novel. There are great arguments on both sides. Both the h and the H have understandable views, which made it hard for me to pick a side, but I actually turned out to prefer that.

Anyway, about the point that I opened this review with: I'll admit that at certain points I was a little confused about what the author really wanted to say. But then at chapter 29 the whole thing became crystal clear. When Cara gave that speech to William where she addressed all his actions, it was OBVIOUS that Bennett was trying to say: ‘Here guys, look. Constructive and healthy communication can get you damn far. It can help you both EVOLVE, to shake off your toxic traits.’ That’s clearly what happened with William there. I mean he was almost crying listening to her!

I swear I’m so sick of this platform and the appalling intolerance people show on here. It makes me seriously worried about the world that William can get so much hate when he never ONCE does anything without Cara’s consent or things like that, and then in books like The Love Hypothesis you all turn a blind eye to the fact that Olive (the FMC) sexually assaults Adam! But for William to challenge Cara’s perspective? When HE KNOWS she likes him? Oh my God—that should be illegal!!! It’s sexist and awful!

Yeah right! What’s sexist is treating her differently because she’s a woman, which William clearly doesn’t. He treats her like an equal.

I swear you guys all need therapy as well as lessons in critical thinking and empathy. Also, in how to read.


I’m not even gonna apologize for the length of this. I did some of you a badly needed service.

To C.K. Bennett: thank you for respecting my intelligence and for writing something I have never seen before. This was a true gift.



Dec 20, 2021 Pinewi rated it did not like it

CRACK COCAINE! That’s what the people who enjoyed this book are on, they’re on crack!

In all seriousness this book really lacked in the plot department, not to mention the main character, Cara, was intolerable. She had this, ‘I don’t know why other girls
don’t like me’ thing going and the more you read the more you understand why some girls can’t stand her.

Remove the poorly written sex and all the good reviews would disappear.

Maybe it’s cause I can’t take the British slang seriously during the s

CRACK COCAINE! That’s what the people who enjoyed this book are on, they’re on crack!

In all seriousness this book really lacked in the plot department, not to mention the main character, Cara, was intolerable. She had this, ‘I don’t know why other girls
don’t like me’ thing going and the more you read the more you understand why some girls can’t stand her.

Remove the poorly written sex and all the good reviews would disappear.

Maybe it’s cause I can’t take the British slang seriously during the sex scenes (American moment I guess) but I have a sneaking suspicion that the sex was just bad; I’m just trying to justify not liking it.

Please don’t waste your time, if you’re only reading for the smut you will be disappointed, if you’re reading for the romance, you will be disappointed; the U.S and Russia have more chemistry and sexual tension than the two protagonists.


Skin of the Night is a book that leaves you richer than when you first started it. And I mean that in so many ways. Firstly, C.K’s masterful use of the English language is splendid. In my humble opinion, her talent rivals that of the greatest of the world of literature. The richness of her prose makes you wonder if she’s only using 26 letters, like everyone else. Making such artful sentences with so little is either witchcraft or genius. Although I’m utterly bewitched by her work, the latter is Skin of the Night is a book that leaves you richer than when you first started it. And I mean that in so many ways. Firstly, C.K’s masterful use of the English language is splendid. In my humble opinion, her talent rivals that of the greatest of the world of literature. The richness of her prose makes you wonder if she’s only using 26 letters, like everyone else. Making such artful sentences with so little is either witchcraft or genius. Although I’m utterly bewitched by her work, the latter is more likely to be the right answer.

But what I loved the most about it was that while the language is breathtakingly opulent and elegant, she still manages to bring you some of the most authentic and hilarious banters I’ve ever read. This author’s humor is out of this world (the Brits’ caustic sense of humor really is a personal fave), and she has a knack for coming up with the most convincing and credible dialogues. Her characters feel entirely real.

And this is another type of riches you gain while reading this incredible, incredible book. I feel like Cara, Will, Jason, and a few others are actual friends and acquaintances of mine. C.K’s attention to detail and unrushed storylines allow you to know these characters in a way that feels genuine, almost intimate. I've had the chance to read much more than this first opus, and these characters really feel like a part of me, lingering in my mind even long after I'm done reading.

Although, while these are the reasons this first installment was such a fantastic read, these aren’t what sticks with you the most, they aren’t the biggest, most important treasure you’ll gain. No, what really struck me was the message behind this book. While some people will undeniably miss the point and find Cara’s independence irritating, I find it to be precisely the reason why this book is so different from anything else. C.K has represented in Cara what any modern woman should aspire to be. While I’m entirely different from our fierce heroine, I find myself wishing I was more like her, wanting to follow the example she’s setting.

So for that, thank you so much, C.K. It was about time someone showed the world that women do not owe men anything for the sole reason that they are being nice and charming. It was about time we had a female lead whose strong-mindedness isn’t just to give her something unique and original, only to deflate after a few advances from her irresistible love interest. No, Cara is a strong and fascinating protagonist who’s got her head firmly planted on her shoulders, and who won’t let a man spin it right round. It takes a LOT to make her stray from the course she’s set for herself so solidly, and her resolve is admirable. It’s only the readers’ own weakness that might make her pass as annoyingly resolute.

Don’t get me wrong, William Night is, by any possible means, a swoon-worthy, irresistible, utterly charming piece of perfection. Just like you’ve never read a character like Cara, I doubt you’ve come across one like Will. The man breaks the stereotypes of the genre, and of the confident, rich, and absolutely dashing business lawyer. He is God-tier, be it anatomically or mentally, and you’ll certainly fall for him, despite his mistakes and his faults. And although I myself am not equipped to handle such a man, Cara is the perfect candidate for the job (one more reason to want to be like her!).

While I sat there, absorbed by the book, I could see how they were both perfect for each other in many, many ways. Still, I had to accept that Cara is free to make her own choices, regardless of how hard William attempts to sweep her off her feet. It is her life, her body, her future, and she is in charge of it, which was inspiring. Her strength is to be praised and admired, and I can only hope people will take after her, even the slightest bit.

And that, in my opinion, is the most important thing you’ll get from this book if you understand its message. C.K has magnificently exposed and denounced society’s double standards and internalized misogyny with this story. Switch the genders, and not a single reader would blame a man who refuses a chance at love to prioritize his career instead. But since our main character is a woman, it will sit wrong with some.

My, my… A woman’s purpose in life has got to be finding a man and thinking of establishing a family. It seems impossible that – just like many men – she’d rather avoid romantic entanglements and make a name for herself instead.

It is truly a shame that some people will misunderstand the point and give this extraordinary piece of literature a bad review. All that because their own preconceived notions prevent them from enjoying the “anomaly” that is Cara Jane Darby. But what I do hope for is that this will at the very least plant a seed in their mind. Hopefully, this fertile, minuscule bit of enlightenment might grow bigger. Given some time, those readers, who didn’t understand Cara then, might grow a strong and healthy tree of knowledge in there, which will change their view on women's place in society.

Cara and Will's story will follow me my entire life, either in the way I view my own womanhood or for the standards I should set for myself. Other than that, I can affirm with certainty that the Night Series will be read, re-read, and re-re-read... until the books are so worn out that I need to invest in new ones. What an amazing cover you've come up with, by the way. This little jewel will sit on my shelf as a testimony of my love for this romantic saga.

So, thank you again, C.K. Bennett, for this marvelous story. I cannot wait to read what you have in store for us, and will be waiting with batted breath for each of the incoming sequels.

Much, much love from France <3


Jan 22, 2022 TJ ☾ rated it liked it

guys, i'm dying. the highlight of this book is when the hero is asked how he lasts so long during sex and responds:

“Kegel exercises. I even go so far as to get erect, and then I tie some weight to my erection and try to lift it using only my penis. Progressive overload, you know? It’s a brilliant method to improve your endurance.”


this book is so freaking funny, especially towards the end i had to put it down several times bc i was deadass bent over laughing. the way they fight like hardin

guys, i'm dying. the highlight of this book is when the hero is asked how he lasts so long during sex and responds:
“Kegel exercises. I even go so far as to get erect, and then I tie some weight to my erection and try to lift it using only my penis. Progressive overload, you know? It’s a brilliant method to improve your endurance.”


this book is so freaking funny, especially towards the end i had to put it down several times bc i was deadass bent over laughing. the way they fight like hardin and tessa skdfiufjb someone needs to send these characters to jail (except aaron, my bb who deserves better 🥰)

if i had found this book on wattpad when i was like 14..... shiiii it would've been over for everyone involved. this book would've been my bible and these insufferable characters would've been my blueprint for romance. thank god christian grey stepped in so i had a well rounded view of love instead 🤡


Dec 17, 2021 Kelsee rated it did not like it

This book had so much potential. But finding out it was on wattpad makes so much sense. It was so drawn out and the dialogue was so unrealistic. I got bored and gave up. DNF

Jan 02, 2022 Katerina rated it did not like it

I will never, ever listen to BookTok. The false advertisement is… 🤧😒 Poorly written. Poor grammar. It was hilarious that "Black woman" was capitalised. The leads are terribly unlikable. A dragged-out mess. What are your standards for a 5 star book? Embarrazzzinngg.Cara
The obnoxious, and disrespectful AF female protagonist who was full of double standards and seemed to try to justify her manipulative behaviour with some misguided notion of feminism. Don't accuse me of slut shaming. The entire nov
I will never, ever listen to BookTok. The false advertisement is… 🤧😒 Poorly written. Poor grammar. It was hilarious that "Black woman" was capitalised. The leads are terribly unlikable. A dragged-out mess. What are your standards for a 5 star book? Embarrazzzinngg.Cara
The obnoxious, and disrespectful AF female protagonist who was full of double standards and seemed to try to justify her manipulative behaviour with some misguided notion of feminism. Don't accuse me of slut shaming. The entire novel revolved around her rationalising keeping two guys on ice through some conflict avoidance strategy as she wields the moral high ground.

She informs the male protagonist that she is willing to give him a chance but she brings her fuck buddy home that night to sleep with. They were arguing semantics at that point; she argues that she said she would *think* about dating him. But here, I was thinking a little integrity doesn’t go amiss, does it MISS GIRL? Communication, where?

She bursts into tears when her fuck buddy tells her he has feelings for her and that they should either cut it off or move forward into a relationship. Lol.

There's also the matter of her sleeping in bed with her straight male friend, the lead's younger brother, and seeing him naked. Boundaries = non-existent. Readers would be affronted if the male lead slept in the same bed as the female lead's sister and saw her naked. I don’t care that their relationship wasn’t “sexual”.

Every aspect of her life was messy; she was unprofessional, she was entitled.

“Jason!” I yelled when I’d spent hours chasing sleep to no avail.
A few seconds later, his familiar footsteps sauntered down the hall towards my bedroom. As he opened the door, I was presented with the view of his naked body, and I swallowed upon the sight. He would make a lucky woman very happy someday, and – hopefully – before his beauty withered with age.
“You called?” While rubbing his face, he leaned against the doorpost.
“Could you sleep here tonight? I can’t sleep. I need cuddles.”
A soft smile reached his lips before he nodded his handsome head and approached. “Of course, love,” he said and climbed into my bed.
“I love you,” I cooed.
“And I love you,” he replied and hooked his strong arm around me to scoop me into his familiar embrace.

Weirdos. That’s the MAIN GUY’s brother.

Male Lead (whatever the fxck his name was)
I had the same feelings about the male lead. He’s not absolved. Male protagonist was desperate, yet refers to Francesca, a woman that fancies him as “desperate”. He lacks self-respect and basic decency. The ability to accept and respect the wishes of others. There’s persistence, and then there’s this level of manipulation. She said no. Have one milligram of pride even if she’s dangling that carrot. I hate this terminology most of the time, but genuinely he was giving me the fictional ick. GOD AWFUL. Part of me wished she reported him. Prep boy sleaze.

Want to know how I *knew* this book was written by an American?

They used the term "resume" instead of "CV," and words like "bogus".

The first couple chapters started out hot when they met in the club and reacquainted, but it quickly devolved into sheer idiocy.

Students in UCL debating the status of the monarchy when it has been ceremonial for years. 95 year old Lizzie wasn’t the one to declare air strikes in Syria; she isn’t dealing with national emergencies. The Prime Minister is the Head of the State. Reading that conversation was beyond frustrating, because I could smell the stupid. Is it that hard to research something for ten minutes?

“I think the Royal Family serves a unique diplomatic purpose, as well as an important general role in society. When or if a new war breaks out, the whole nation will be looking to Her Majesty the Queen, not the Prime Minister.”
“Er, to be fair, I think they’ll be looking to both,” Aaron intervened. “They certainly looked to Winston Churchill during the Second World War.”

* 🤢 Yes, Politics in WW2. Great comparison.

Also the amount of times the word “witty” was used. Neither character was particularly witty. When you self confess your wit, you’re not witty.

There was both OM/OW sex on the page and it wasn't safe. He walked in on her with OM. I read the book based on male pining and assumed it was safe (dumb ol’ me). However, this is a Wattpad book that was published, so there is that which speaks for itself. This review is genuinely just a reminder to myself at this point not to trust Tiktok recs.


Some of the reviews of this book may have been rendered misleading following the release of the 2nd edition in September 2022, which contains considerable changes to the story. This is strictly to inform prospective readers that the 2nd edition, published in 2022, differs significantly from the 1st edition, released in 2021.

Stow your tray tables and move your seats to the upright position because this series is taking off.

In the first book from The Night series Skin of the Night follows the unique first meeting and romantic commencement between Cara Darby, a dedicated law student, and William Night, a resolute lawyer, and let me tell you this: everything about the book is glorious. It was one of those read-until-2am-but-wait-please-don't-end kind of books that has you thinking about it for days after you’re d

Stow your tray tables and move your seats to the upright position because this series is taking off.

In the first book from The Night series Skin of the Night follows the unique first meeting and romantic commencement between Cara Darby, a dedicated law student, and William Night, a resolute lawyer, and let me tell you this: everything about the book is glorious. It was one of those read-until-2am-but-wait-please-don't-end kind of books that has you thinking about it for days after you’re done.

The plot will have you going on an emotional roller-coaster saying things like: ‘oh my god...fools...just get together...kiss already...except also don’t because your sentiments are so well justified!’ It’s a genuine battle of the wills (pun intended). Additionally, the dialogues are so witty and the general banter among the characters is utterly amazing. Claire really does have a special way with words, and it is so clear in all the little things you pick up on that make you go OOooooOOO!

This book should need to come with a warning that the characters are only fictional. William is on a god-tier level from the get-go but, what I especially appreciated was how Cara had such a strong sense of self that existed both in her quiet decisions and loud proclamations and, even though she causes distress at times to William, it is amazing to see a sex-positive, ambitious woman who knows what she wants out of life. Further from this heartfelt relationship, it also helps that the sexual tension between Will and Cara is off the charts. Honestly, these two could make a fire extinguisher spontaneously combust – the world hasn’t seen such unimaginably explosive chemistry since the Big Bang.

Overall, from the first page to the last, Claire captivated my head and heart by her skilful writing, relatable characters, and distinctive plot. I would 100% recommend this book to all romance or women’s fiction readers – it will set the standard for how you judge other books.

Go well 🚾, into the night.


This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I liked the first third of the book. But the endless/repetitive banter became annoying. It was the same thing, over and over. By the end, I just felt bad for Aaron. I found Cara annoying (and in desperate need for a girlfriend to tell her she’s ridiculous), and Will was endearing at first (then he just got possessive and manipulative). This came highly recommended, and I really did not like it. I almost DNF multiple times throughout the book. The actual writing/banter/smut is really good, but it I liked the first third of the book. But the endless/repetitive banter became annoying. It was the same thing, over and over. By the end, I just felt bad for Aaron. I found Cara annoying (and in desperate need for a girlfriend to tell her she’s ridiculous), and Will was endearing at first (then he just got possessive and manipulative). This came highly recommended, and I really did not like it. I almost DNF multiple times throughout the book. The actual writing/banter/smut is really good, but it’s just very repetitive. To the point that I am not going to read the sequel, and I’m sure I could predict what’s going to happen. ...more

Ebook giveaway from Goodreads

Guys like Will are a gigantic red flag, but girls like Cara are obviously colorblind. That's it. That's the review.

(9/50) Popsugar 2022 / Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (1)

Ebook giveaway from Goodreads

Guys like Will are a gigantic red flag, but girls like Cara are obviously colorblind. That's it. That's the review.

(9/50) Popsugar 2022 / Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (1)


Nov 03, 2021 Simra rated it did not like it

I hated this book. Cara was so fucking annoying man, her insistent reluctance towards the H till the very end of the book pmo. Whilst she was fucking her fuck buddy the entire book. Bruv there was no chemistry between the mcs i swr to god. You could argue there was more fucking chemistry between h and her fuck buddy. My days I couldn’t stand her. The repetition excuse of why she couldn’t date the H cuz of career god damn we get it no need to repeat throughout the whole damn book. The H was so da I hated this book. Cara was so fucking annoying man, her insistent reluctance towards the H till the very end of the book pmo. Whilst she was fucking her fuck buddy the entire book. Bruv there was no chemistry between the mcs i swr to god. You could argue there was more fucking chemistry between h and her fuck buddy. My days I couldn’t stand her. The repetition excuse of why she couldn’t date the H cuz of career god damn we get it no need to repeat throughout the whole damn book. The H was so damn manipulative and sly to get the h. There was no depth to her character she was so two dimensional. ...more

Jan 14, 2022 naz rated it it was ok

never going to believe another word that comes out of booktok i swear

genre: romance
trope(s): best friend’s brother, boss/employee
plot: 📖📖📖📖📖/5
writing: ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️/5
characters: 👤👤👤👤👤/5
steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5
overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Starting this book, I had no doubt that it was going to be amazing, both because I’ve read the unedited online version at least three times because of the sheer quality, and because of the compelling voice of the authors and how she has complete control over her well-formulated and fascinating characters.

The writing in this book, and the ones to com

genre: romance
trope(s): best friend’s brother, boss/employee
plot: 📖📖📖📖📖/5
writing: ✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️/5
characters: 👤👤👤👤👤/5
steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5
overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Starting this book, I had no doubt that it was going to be amazing, both because I’ve read the unedited online version at least three times because of the sheer quality, and because of the compelling voice of the authors and how she has complete control over her well-formulated and fascinating characters.

The writing in this book, and the ones to come in the future are so descriptive that I feel the character’s elation when they laugh, and their sickness when forced to endure jealousy and unfair situations. And this never changes, no matter how many times I read it.

Of course I’ve already read this book multiple times so I know how it ends, and though many amazing changes have been made to improve the story this time around it still feels like the first time every time because there are so many levels to dissect. I made 188 annotations, and I know that if I were to read it again, each time would bring me more moments to add to that number.

50% of the way through the book and could hardly believe how Claire managed to improve an already perfect(in my opinion) book. I was blown away by this type of quality when I found it on Wattpad over a year ago, and was still reeling as I continued to read this edited version. I’ve only been able to recognize a few author’s works by their tone and voice alone, and Claire’s unique writing makes her one of them.

Cara’s self awareness, witty sense of humour, intelligence, and fierce femininity serve to make her one of the best female leads I’ve ever read, whereas her perfect counterpart and the only man that could ever be her equal is William with his cunning, determination, intelligence, overwhelmingly sexy physical description and his way with words. And though they are so flawed, those traits only serve to make them feel that much more relatable and human, unlike the typical fictional fantasy-like characters. It’s refreshing to have a character that I can relate to and aspire to be more like at the same time.

My sincerest congratulations to Claire for publishing this book. I’m so grateful, though it was random, that I was one of the lucky few to receive an ARC. I’ve loved following along with this story as the chapters were uploaded individually online, to now, and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us readers in the future.


Cara is a great character but Will is the most disgusting, manipulative, immoral character going. He has literally not got a single redeemable feature and while Cara repeatedly tries to think there’s good in him the chapters in his POV prove that if there is any good it’s hidden very very very deep down. His complete inability to respect the word no is truly concerning and anyone reading this should not be willing to accept this from men, no matter how attractive they are.

Pretty sure this is going to remain a DNF at 80%. For the first 20% of this book, I was simply giddy and feeling pretty certain I was in for a 5 star read. The banter and chemistry between Cara and William was perfect and I’ve read nothing but trash the last month. However, at 60% the h is still screwing someone else despite knowing how much she likes William. If I had to listen to Cara tell William that her career is her number one priority one more time I was going to jump off a bridge. I’m a Pretty sure this is going to remain a DNF at 80%. For the first 20% of this book, I was simply giddy and feeling pretty certain I was in for a 5 star read. The banter and chemistry between Cara and William was perfect and I’ve read nothing but trash the last month. However, at 60% the h is still screwing someone else despite knowing how much she likes William. If I had to listen to Cara tell William that her career is her number one priority one more time I was going to jump off a bridge. I’m a feminist and career-oriented woman in a demanding field but my god woman, shut up. Literally, the h repeated herself so much that I was tired of William even trying with her anymore. I honestly wanted him to start treating her poorly just to watch her suffer. I like my heroines independent but she became a selfish bitch in my eyes by the end.

Even though I'm pretty sure at 80% the storyline was finally about to take a turn, I simply don't care anymore and I do not wish the heroine well. No ma'am. I will compliment the author's writing style, however, the storyline and characters did not work for me.


Dec 13, 2021 Kes rated it it was ok

For a book that presents itself as feminist romance, it was startlingly misogynistic.

Edit: the synopsis was changed lmao. Went from “this book aims to expose internalized misogyny as well as gender bias ingrained in the subject of romance” to “these characters are very flawed.” At least we’re all on the same page.

A new standard for contemporary romance

A brilliant book isn’t just something we read, it’s something we feel. When reading such a book, it isn’t just the story but also the emotions which consume us while reading it, that we commit to memory.

Skin of the Night is a brilliant book. It’s felt not just read. From the first chapter to the very last. With her sublime writing Bennett evokes the strongest of emotions within us. We feel William and Cara’s attraction, desire (oh boy do we feel it), drive

A new standard for contemporary romance

A brilliant book isn’t just something we read, it’s something we feel. When reading such a book, it isn’t just the story but also the emotions which consume us while reading it, that we commit to memory.

Skin of the Night is a brilliant book. It’s felt not just read. From the first chapter to the very last. With her sublime writing Bennett evokes the strongest of emotions within us. We feel William and Cara’s attraction, desire (oh boy do we feel it), drive, passion, determination, etc. They’re anything but cliche. They’re complex and most importantly believable. In short William and Cara are a much needed breath of fresh air - and they represent a new standard for contemporary romance.

This review is dedicated to ‘unruly women’ everywhere - thank you!


10 out of 10.
There’s a new standard for romance and this sets it high.

Claire did with this book so many different things that many attempted before and couldn’t, out of lack of genius (sorry everyone else).
She created characters that are genuine and relatable, that stick to their convictions and never shy away from confrontation. She brings emotional depth to these characters that makes them so human they’ll live within your mind.

This story will have you swooning, screaming, laughing, crying

10 out of 10.
There’s a new standard for romance and this sets it high.

Claire did with this book so many different things that many attempted before and couldn’t, out of lack of genius (sorry everyone else).
She created characters that are genuine and relatable, that stick to their convictions and never shy away from confrontation. She brings emotional depth to these characters that makes them so human they’ll live within your mind.

This story will have you swooning, screaming, laughing, crying and definitely overheating.
Will and Cara are taking readers in for a ride, and what a ride at that! The emotional whiplash will stick with you for days and yes, at times you’ll want to scream at either of them.

They will make you question your own views on what it is to be a feminist in this day and age. Question your approach to romantic relationships. Question your views on what it means to be a contemporary woman. Some might not like it, but to them I ask, what is our purpose if not to question ourselves and challenge our views? Isn’t it by questioning ourselves that we move forward?

In this first instalment of the series we get to follow along as Cara and Will face the firsts hardships of being confronted to opposite ideas of what life has in store for them. Will they manage to both get their way? What kind of compromises are to be made? How will their actions hurt each other? How can they build something worthwhile while still getting what they want?

Let this all consuming love story entice you and ride the wave, it’s a great one!



Dec 14, 2021 Nyah ☾ rated it liked it

I’m really not a fan of the endless back and forth between the characters it got the point we’re it was repetitive and really seemed unnecessary, and just really dragged on. I understand her disclaimer in the synopsis but I still would have preferred less.

Dec 19, 2021 Aurania S rated it did not like it

Cara was emotionally constipated and Will was so manipulative LMAO.. I don’t even know why I finished this one. I felt bad for Aaron. The first 1/3 of the book was pretty nice though the banters became repetitive after awhile

From the time I read SOTN on Wattpad, I thought it was brilliant, refreshing and it couldn't get any better. But since I got the opportunity to be an ARC reader of the edited version, I was proven wrong. Claire has managed to elevate an already perfect book and I love it even more.

The characters, William and Cara, have captivating personalities. With both being such unique personas, the chemistry between them won't go unnoticed. Also something that won't go unnoticed is the sexual tension (it's

From the time I read SOTN on Wattpad, I thought it was brilliant, refreshing and it couldn't get any better. But since I got the opportunity to be an ARC reader of the edited version, I was proven wrong. Claire has managed to elevate an already perfect book and I love it even more.

The characters, William and Cara, have captivating personalities. With both being such unique personas, the chemistry between them won't go unnoticed. Also something that won't go unnoticed is the sexual tension (it's so hot it melts you into a puddle). The monologues within the book will give you a more in depth understanding to their thought processes. It's safe to say that no other romance novel has compelled me to think about my own choices, morals and made me go "what would I do in this situation and why?". Saying that, the novel is also light-hearted with wholesome moments that make you go awww and their witty banter makes you fall in love with them instantly.

I've witnessed the prose of the book improve in each version and I've fallen in love with Claire's writing. She has such a way with words that her audience remains engaged throughout. She was successful in expressing all the emotions through her words. The book is packed with metaphors and quotes that wow you. I recall several instances where I've had to put the book down, stare and just marvel at the genius before me. They're so impactful that I go back to them every now and then.

If you need more reasons as to why you should read the book, get this. Cara is a modern, independent woman who has her eyes set on her goals. Such characters and role models are the need of the hour, especially when most romance novels only focus on finding a man. Also something I would like to point out is the way Will's character has been written. His ability to be in tune with his emotions is a refreshing change from the typical male leads portrayed in most romance novels. Since teenagers and young adults often get influenced by these books, it's important to put the right message forward, which Claire has managed to do.

This book has made me swoon, laugh, cry and experience so many emotions that by the end of it, it became a part of myself and had (and still has) my whole heart. And this is just the beginning. I'm sure that as we go deeper into the night, it's going to entice us even further.


I've read countless romances throughout my life and never have I ever come across a romance that is as well written as Skin of the Night. The characters, the plot, and the author's writing style is chef's kiss and absolute perfection. The book is written so well there are times I forget that this is a fictional story, not a story based on real-life people. One thing that stood out to me in this book was how women uplifted each other, being a person who strongly believes in 'women supporting wome I've read countless romances throughout my life and never have I ever come across a romance that is as well written as Skin of the Night. The characters, the plot, and the author's writing style is chef's kiss and absolute perfection. The book is written so well there are times I forget that this is a fictional story, not a story based on real-life people. One thing that stood out to me in this book was how women uplifted each other, being a person who strongly believes in 'women supporting women' it made me unmeasurably happy. This book was not just a well-written romance to me, it was almost like a self-help book because it made me realize things about myself I haven't noticed before and let's not forget about the author's writing style. She has written the emotions of the characters so well I can feel exactly how the characters are feeling. If there is anything I dislike about the book, it is the fact it ruined any other book for me, I cannot pick up a book without comparing it to SotN and seeing how amazing the male characters are in the book, my standards have been raised unrealistically high. If you're looking for a book that is mature, well-written, and thought-provoking this book is for you. I would recommend this book to everyone because everyone deserves to be blessed by its perfection. ...more

5 stars "One cannot choose with whom to fall in love."

to this book, i say:


one day i´ll make a review worthy of it.

5 stars "One cannot choose with whom to fall in love."

to this book, i say:


one day i´ll make a review worthy of it.


Aug 04, 2021 Manvi rated it it was amazing

RTC coz I'm not in a mood to type so much RN. RTC coz I'm not in a mood to type so much RN. ...more

Gird your loins and light your lamps as Skin of the Night is erupting onto the literacy scene. You can be sure to get your fill of the night, with a book that is bursting at the seams with complex characters, off the charts chemistry and a rollercoaster of revelations. So let the firework of feelings ignite and the whirlwind of emotions suck you right in!

C.K. Bennett’s brilliance shines in this contemporary romance with a twist. Skin of the Night, the first book of The Night series, is where we

Gird your loins and light your lamps as Skin of the Night is erupting onto the literacy scene. You can be sure to get your fill of the night, with a book that is bursting at the seams with complex characters, off the charts chemistry and a rollercoaster of revelations. So let the firework of feelings ignite and the whirlwind of emotions suck you right in!

C.K. Bennett’s brilliance shines in this contemporary romance with a twist. Skin of the Night, the first book of The Night series, is where we first witness the electric and dialectic encounter between two brilliant minds: Cara, a career-driven and committed law student and William, a strong-willed and staunch solicitor. When these two powerful forces inevitably collide, your mind will be blown, and all prevailing stereotypes shattered. Their impact and latent potential are bound to leave a lasting impression on you, as well as each other. But, as this is a book like no other, not even a certain M&A lawyer can guarantee a merger!

Oh Gawd! Let’s talk some more about the characters. Cara is an ambitious and independent young woman through and through – one could say she is a law unto herself. She prioritises her potential in lieu of romantic relations, and I have an immense admiration for her tenacity. She truly is ‘whole all on her own,’ and without encountering any voids in her life thus far, she doesn’t need a boyfriend to feel fulfilled, and nor should she. Now enter William… in theory, with his razor-sharp wit and pointed poise he is well-equipped to handle a special case like Cara. However, in practice, even with the best will in the world, their differing main goal means that he might not be able enter his plea and push past her walls of resistance – gosh imagine the pressure he will be facing! Alas, this is no open-and-shut book nor case, if Cara’s realistic head continues to overrule her idealistic heart, she may remain forever closed off to Will’s solid arguments and strong points. In light of that, every goal has a keeper and William’s not afraid to score for victory… in this case it helps that both Will and Cara are in the same field. This is truly psyching up to be a good match, and you can use your hands in this game, what a hoot!

That reminds me, did I mention the impeccable humour? The pages are packed with playful banter and cheeky comebacks injected with sass and savagery. Good ol’ British humour at its best and Claire’s wit eclipses all else – I’m talking god-tier dialogue. You’ll be floored in one way or another, whether worshipping her words or becoming weak at the knees from laughing your lungs out. Just remember to catch your breath as we wouldn’t want any lawsuits – the only suit we wouldn’t mind is certain lawyer in his birthday one! And OH BOY, muster your strength as there is no anti-climax in sight. The literary sex scenes are scorching (I’m having to fan myself just thinking about them). Claire has a wicked way with words and possesses the ability to make the two-backed beast as evocative as it is provocative. In this regard, you can expect an enlightenment in unexpected ways – William’s secret to his stamina is something you just need to read for yourselves, but I promise you’ll be satisfied…Cara certainly was!

It really is no wonder that the quips are shockingly smart with all the sparks flying around from Will and Cara’s electric connection and this stimulation also extends to grey matter. Your brain cells can rest assured that in this book, prose doesn’t fall victim to convention when it comes to conjuring delicious naughty notions or sparking body heat. Skin of the Night is a deeply reflective and insightful book below the veneer of it being a ‘contemporary romance.’ Honestly, it’s a book that reached deep inside me, to the very core of my being. Claire uses her story as a magnificently nuanced vessel to shine light, enlightening all those who read it. I must warn you that her writing is as subversive as it is immersive, she challenges her reader as much as she challenges the characters and societal stereotypes in her book. Will and Cara push one another other out of their respective comfort zones - Cara gets under Will’s skin in every sense of the word, just as Will drives her up the wall - so much so that the thought-provoking nature of this book might just encourage you to overturn your own convictions! One could say it’s a book that both is and isn’t about choice and I’ll leave you to ponder that…. The characters are dynamic and multifaceted in the best way possible and with the progression of the book they unveil sides in one another that they never knew existed, for better or for worse. That is what I love most about Skin of the Night. That above all else it perpetually stimulates the mind because every time you re-read it you discover a new dimension to the details. In my mind, this book is a modern masterpiece that will transcend its genre making Claire a leading light in literature.

I don’t usually gush… but for this, I thank and salute you Claire! You have my bottomless appreciation for painting your words into sensuous sentences and sharp-edged scenes, adding vibrancy and vitality with your exceptional use of figurative language, and sharing them with us mere mortals. You really caught me! I was hooked from the very first page and having read an earlier edition of this book I thought there was no room for improvement - to me, it already was the height of perfection. Yet the published version outshines all else in such a way that you have managed to take this book to another level, even adding an additional floor to Will’s penthouse. I won’t make light of all the illuminating additions you have made but everyone else can rest assured they are nothing short of out of this world!

I really love Skin of the Night if you couldn’t already tell - it’s one of my favourites and I would recommend this book to EVERYONE AND ANYONE! It’s just one of those rare books that is simultaneously a page-turner (that you can’t put down and read till ridiculous o’clock in the morning) and a page-Turner (‘undoubtedly a work of art’). It certainly speaks to both your head and heart in equal measure, reverberating long after you have turned the last page. Now, that should speak volumes! Additionally, it’s absolutely perfect for book clubs because there is so much to debate within the pages! May I also encourage, no, implore you to share this book with your partners? Cara said it best ‘Men like William should spread their knowledge.’ C.K. Bennett I take my hat off to you and hope your brilliance continues to shine long Into the Night.

*Special thanks to Emma. This review is the result of a team effort, a true marriage-of-minds. Emma didn’t just help me weave my crazy ideas together, polish my prose or style my syntax – she shared her own brilliant gems! Finally, Claire thank you for giving us a glimpse into your magnificent mind. It’s a good job you’re a gym rat otherwise you would have a bad back from all the wordplay piggybacking I’m doing! You can’t blame me – your words are utter perfection!


C.K. Bennett spent 3 years studying Business Administration before she started her LLB (Bachelor of Laws) and then went on to acquire her LLM (Master of Laws).

Writing is her favourite hobby, although she also loves weight training and long hikes. The little time she has left over, she spends on her fiancé, family and friends, or on learning more about the world – which she is ever curious about.


C.K. Bennett spent 3 years studying Business Administration before she started her LLB (Bachelor of Laws) and then went on to acquire her LLM (Master of Laws).

Writing is her favourite hobby, although she also loves weight training and long hikes. The little time she has left over, she spends on her fiancé, family and friends, or on learning more about the world – which she is ever curious about.

Bennett loves interacting with her readers, so do reach out to her on Instagram, where her username is @ck.bennett!


Other books in the series

The Night (2 books)

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How many pages are in Skin of the Night?

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How many books does skin of the night have?

Is Skin of the Night part of a series? Yes, and it consists of four books, though only the first is available so far.

How many pages are in Emma in the night?

One night three years ago, the Tanner sisters disappeared: fifteen-year-old Cass and seventeen-year-old Emma. Three years later, Cass returns, without her sister Emma. ... Product Details..

Is skin of the night a standalone?

It is intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised. Skin of the Nightis the first book in The Night series, but can be read as a stand-alone.


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