How many shots of espresso are in a 24 oz latte?

We all need some ice with a splash of milk and some rich, smooth espresso all combined. Where do we go when we crave it? To Starbucks! 

As much as we love our iced coffee, we have always wondered exactly how much caffeine is in these sugary drinks. Some people choose a Venti Latte over espresso because they think it’s not as caffeinated. But is it the case in reality?

In this article, we explore everything there is to know about Starbucks classic Venti Latte. Let’s find out how many shots of espresso in a venti after all! 

What is a Venti

What is a Venti

Oh the endless confusion with Starbucks coffee sizes. What’s a Venti, a Grande, or Trenta? For now let’s talk about the most popular option on Starbucks, the Venti latte. 

Venti is Italian for “twenty” which was first named in 1986. The founder Howard Schultz visited Italy and enjoyed the coffeehouse tradition there. 

He wanted to bring back a part of Italy’s classic coffee culture to America. So when he got back, he changed the menu and added Italian terminologies to them. That’s when Venti was added. You might be wondering how big a venti is? 

So the venti Starbucks size is 20oz or 591 ml warm. But how many ounces in a venti iced coffee? Well a Starbucks iced venti has 24o and 709 ml. 

How Many Shots of Espresso are in a Venti?

Venti latte is made using two Starbucks espresso shots. This is a lot if you count all the sugar and fat in each Venti. 

Two Starbucks espresso shots can really mess up your system if you are not used to eating. Venti usually contains a lot of caffeine so you might get a glucose spike after drinking it. So 

Both Venti and Grande have the same amount of espresso. The main difference is, one has a higher milk level than the other. So it’s better to not spend the extra money!

How Much Caffeine is in a Venti?

So how much caffeine in a shot of espresso? A single Starbucks espresso shot contains around 75 mg of caffeine. So two shots of espresso would mean around 150 mg of caffeine in each Venti latte. 

If you order their Venti Blonde roast coffee, it even has higher caffeine than a double espresso. Caffeine in venti iced coffee can be much higher than you’ve imagined. 

Blonde roast is a lightly roasted coffee bean that contains a much higher caffeine level than espresso beans. So a double shot of blonde roast would give you around 475 mg of caffeine! Caffeine in venti iced coffee is quiet on the same level. Our advice: don’t do it! 

How Much Caffeine in Espresso Shot

Espresso is generally thicker and more concentrated than other types of coffee and has higher caffeine content.

An espresso shot typically contains 64mg of caffeine, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, while a regular cup (8 liquid ounces) of coffee has around 95mg. 

However, this can vary depending on the amount of coffee used, the type of coffee, the amount of pressure, and the brewing method. 

For example, a double shot of espresso may have twice the amount of caffeine as a single shot. Espresso made with a higher pressure has more caffeine than espresso made with a lower pressure. And a shot of espresso made with a larger amount of coffee will have more caffeine than a shot made with a smaller amount of coffee.

So, in general, the caffeine content of an espresso shot can range from 30 mg to 120 mg.

However, one question that may be lingering on your mind is, “why does it feel like a one-ounce espresso shot has more caffeine (gives you more kick) than an eight-ounce cup of coffee?”

Simple: You’re probably consuming the espresso much more quickly. Espresso is often sipped more slowly in Europe by coffee drinkers. In the USA? Not really. We typically savor our coffee while downing an espresso shot quickly.

In fact, espresso might be a great choice while trying to reduce your caffeine consumption (if you stick to one shot daily). 

How Much Caffeine Is 4 Shots of Espresso

A typical double espresso shot has about 120mg of caffeine, so four shots of espresso would have about 480mg of caffeine, which is way above the FDA-recommended 400mg a day.  

However, the actual amount of caffeine in four shots of espresso can vary greatly depending on the type of coffee beans used, the brewing method, the brewing time, and the quantity per serving. Also, every coffee shop and barista has its own equipment and filter basket sizes. 

For example, four espresso shots from Starbucks “quad” (often known as two double shots) would have 300mg of caffeine, while four espresso shots from Dunkin’ Donuts would have 472mg of caffeine.

Starbucks Shot of Espresso Caffeine

A lot of people are curious about the caffeine content in Starbucks shots of espresso. 

Want a simple way to figure out how much caffeine is in your favorite Starbucks coffee? Each espresso shot contains 75 mg of caffeine. For 150 mg, order a latte with two shots!

Here is a breakdown of the caffeine contents in Expresso shots at Starbucks:  

Amount Weight Caffeine Term
1 Shot 1 fluid oz 75 mg Single
1 Shot (Decaf) 1 fluid oz 3 mg Solo Decaf
1 Shot (Half-caf) 1 fluid oz 40 mg Solo Half-caf
2 Shots 2 fluid oz 150 mg Doppio/Double
3 Shots 3 fluid oz 225 mg Triple
4 Shots 4 fluid oz 300 mg Quad

Cup size is also important when it comes to the caffeine content of Starbucks. As you may know, Starbucks offers four standard cup sizes: Short, Tall, Grande, and Venti. There is also a kid-size cup and an extra-large Trenta available. 

However, contrary to popular belief, you won’t get an additional shot every time you increase the size of the cup. 

The caffeine content of Starbucks’ espresso-based beverages often goes like this: Grande and Venti’s sizes contain 150 mg (double); Short and Tall sizes have 75 mg (solo/single). 

Espresso has 75 mg of caffeine per shot if you order it straight. In other words, Solo (75), Doppio (150), Triple (225), and Quad (300). Therefore, a Triple latte has 225 mg of caffeine, which is more than a Venti latte does.

Comparing these numbers to a cup of coffee, which has about 95mg of caffeine, you can see that Starbucks shots pack quite a punch!

If you’re someone who is sensitive to caffeine, you might want to steer clear of Starbucks shots. But if you can handle your caffeine, then go ahead and enjoy a delicious Starbucks espresso!

How to Make Venti Latte at Home

how many shots of espresso in a venti

As much as we love the taste of a Starbucks Venti in the morning, it can get quite expensive if you plan to drink them every day. Why bother when you can make delicious iced coffee at home!

Here’s how you make Starbucks iced latte at home:

Things You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup ice
  • 4 shots of espresso
  • ¾ cup whole milk
  • Vanilla or classic syrup


  1. Fill your preferred Venti-sized glass with ice and pour your 4 shots of freshly brewed espresso in it. 
  2. Pour the milk and syrup into a mason jar. 
  3. Shake the milk until it starts to froth up.
  4. Gently pour the milk and foam into the ice-espresso glass. 
  5. Pick your favorite glass straw and enjoy your homemade Starbucks tall venti grande!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 4 Shots of Espresso a Lot?

If you drink four shots of espresso throughout the day, then it’s not a lot. But if you consume them all in one drink or within a short period of time, it’s not good for your health. 
Overconsumption of caffeine at once can cause rapid heartbeat and unsteadiness which is actually the opposite of what you want from your coffee. Instead of giving an energy boost, it can cause you to crash. 

How Much Caffeine is in Starbucks 4 Shot Espresso?

t depends on what type of coffee beans and roasting level you are choosing. But in general, a single shot of espresso at Starbucks has around 75mg of caffeine in it. 
So four shots would mean 300 mg of caffeine. A Starbucks Caffe Americano can have one to four shots depending on your preference. 

Can 6 Shots of Espresso Kill You?

Six shots of espresso might not kill you instantly but it will have a serious impact on your health in the long run. If you happen to consume 6-7 shots of espresso each day, it can lead to heart problems, panic attacks, and insomnia. 
Drinking too much caffeine can cause muscle tremors and restlessness, something totally the opposite of what we want from coffee. Anything in moderation is good.
Coffee is no exception to that rule. Six shots of espresso become too much and can lead to early cases of heart disease and even heart attacks. 

Is Venti Bigger than Grande?

If you are confused with the Starbucks sizes then join the club. Starbucks has a very peculiar system of sizing their drinks. 
Venti is actually bigger than a grande. A grande consists of 16 ounces of coffee whereas a Venti has 20 ounces of coffee. 
Both Grande and Venti use two shots of espresso so there is no point in buying a venti unless you want some extra milk to dilute your coffee. A Grande is also more economical and good value for money.

How Do You Flush Caffeine Out of Your System?

If you consume too much coffee, you might notice muscle tremors and restlessness. Lack of sleep is another big issue with consuming too much caffeine. 
To flush the caffeine out of your system, the best thing to do is drink a lot of water. Water helps to remove the excess caffeine from your body. Caffeine can cause dehydration so staying hydrated is a priority. 
Another thing you can do is practice deep breathing. You might be noticing eye twitching and shaky hands. Close your eyes and take long and deep breaths until things start to feel better. 

Why Do I Feel Shaky after Drinking Coffee?

You might feel shaky after drinking coffee if you had an empty stomach prior to that. Coffee is a natural stimulant. 
But in order to stimulate your body, it requires energy. If you are not eating properly, your body is not getting enough energy to use the caffeine boost. 
This results in feeling shaky and dizzy. The best way to handle it is by sitting down somewhere and eating carbs. Now you see why they sell bagels right beside coffee carts?

Can You Sleep with Caffeine in Your System?

You can sleep with caffeine but it won’t have a normal sleep routine. Caffeine causes disruption in your sleep so you might end up waking several times in the middle of the night. When you finally wake up in the morning, you might find yourself more tired than you were last night.  
Caffeine can interfere with your body clock so you might find it hard to fall asleep in the first place. Many people tend to stay awake the whole night if they drink coffee in the afternoon or evening. 

To Finish Off

Starbucks coffee is truly a part of our lifestyle at this point. It’s still a thing to wonder how good these highly caffeinated drinks are for our bodies. And let’s not forget the amount of sugar and calories you get from just one drink. 
Now that you know how many shots of espresso in a venti, do you think it’s worth it? Or should we shift to making our own coffee at home? Comment below to let us know!

How much espresso is in a 20 oz latte?

Typically, there are at least two shots in a 20oz latte. However, some cafes like to use three or four.

How much espresso is in a 16oz latte?

16 oz latte (grande or medium size drink from a coffee shop): 2 shots espresso, 2 ounces liquid sweetener, 10 ounces milk. 20 oz latte (venti or large size drink from a coffee shop): 3 shots espresso, 4 ounces liquid sweetener, 10 to 12 ounces milk (depending on the size of your mug)

How many oz is 2 espresso shots?

A double shot uses 14g of coffee and produces around 60ml of espresso (about 2 liquid ounces). Double shots are now the standard in America and many places around the world.

How many ounces of espresso are in a latte?

Lattes usually contain 1-2 ounces of espresso and 8-15 ounces of steamed milk. In the specialty coffee world, anything larger than 8 ounces is considered a latte. It's not uncommon to find two or three latte sizes.


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