How much do firefighters make in Oklahoma an hour

The average salary for a firefighter in Oklahoma is around $47,520 per year.

Firefighters earn an average yearly salary of $47,520.
Wages typically start from $26,880 and go up to $76,890.

15% below national average Updated in 2021

Firefighter earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Firefighter salary by state

State NameAverage Salary
New Jersey $79,910
Washington $78,620
New York $78,520
California $77,640
Connecticut $75,060
Oregon $65,120
Colorado $63,830
Nebraska $63,290
Rhode Island $63,080
Hawaii $61,130
Massachusetts $61,130
Pennsylvania $61,130
Alaska $60,320
Illinois $59,860
Maryland $59,860
Nevada $59,280
Texas $52,420
Montana $51,220
Indiana $50,700
Florida $50,690
Ohio $50,690
New Hampshire $50,280
North Dakota $50,130
Iowa $48,800
Virginia $48,000
Arizona $47,520
Oklahoma $47,520
Vermont $47,520
Guam $47,440
South Dakota $47,020
Michigan $46,930
Missouri $46,590
Wyoming $46,590
Maine $46,210
Alabama $40,330
Wisconsin $40,130
Delaware $40,090
Idaho $39,800
Utah $39,540
Kansas $39,490
Georgia $39,210
Tennessee $39,210
South Carolina $37,750
Arkansas $36,750
New Mexico $36,750
West Virginia $36,450
North Carolina $34,470
Minnesota $32,240
Mississippi $31,530
Kentucky $30,940
Louisiana $29,500
Puerto Rico $27,890

How do firefighter salaries compare to similar careers?

Firefighters earn about the same as related careers in Oklahoma. On average, they make less than insurance appraisers but more than interior designers.

CareerMedian Salary
Insurance appraiser salary $54K
Recruiter salary $50K
Police officer salary $50K
Insurance sales agent salary $47K
Healthcare social worker salary $48K
Firefighter salary $48K
Postal service clerk salary $51K
Postal service worker salary $51K
Clergy salary $48K
Interior designer salary $48K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)

Salary and Benefit Information

As of June 2022, the following salary and benefits are in effect:

Cadet Salary: $1,670.85 per pay period (26 pay periods/year)

Probationary Firefighter: $1,856.51 per pay period (26 pay periods/year)

Longevity Pay: Longevity pay shall begin after completion of three (3) years of service at the rate of $28.80 per month and increases by $9.60 per month each year to a maximum of $240 per month after twenty years of service.

Retirement: Retirement at 50 percent of pay after twenty (20) years of service and 50 years of age. 

Sick Leave: Upon completion of probationary period, paid sick leave accrues at the rate of twelve (12) hours for 24 hour shift employees or 9.23 hours for 8-hour shift employees for each full month worked.

Health Insurance: Both individual and family coverage is available from plans under the jurisdiction of a Health and Welfare Trust administered by the Union and funded by the City as if firefighters and their dependents remained within the City's Health and Welfare programs. These insurance programs include medical health, dental health and life insurance plans.

Uniform Allowance: Beginning May 1, 2015, the Fire Department utilizes a Quartermaster System.

Educational Incentive Pay: Educational incentive pay is available to those who qualify with post-secondary coursework at an appropriately accredited college or university. Educational incentive pay ranges from $50 to $100 per month.

Language Incentive Pay: Language incentive pay is available for Spanish, Vietnamese, and Sign Language proficiencies. Upon successful completion of the language proficiency testing process, employees shall receive an incentive of $50 per month.

Promotional Opportunities: After three years of continued service, Firefighters are eligible for promotional examinations for the position of Fire Equipment Operator (Driver).

For further information contact the Testing Coordinator at (918) 596-1069 or the Recruitment Officer at (918) 596-9418.

How much does a firefighter make in Oklahoma?

The average salary for a firefighter in Oklahoma City Metro Area, OK is $67,500 per year. Firefighter salaries in Oklahoma City Metro Area, OK can vary between $36,500 to $115,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

What is the highest paid firefighter?

Best-Paying States for Firefighters.
Washington. $77,700..
New York. $77,380..
Hawaii. $68,590..

Do firefighters get paid weekly or monthly?

Firefighters work on a 21-day, 168-hour pay schedule. They receive two different types of paychecks. One type of paycheck is received bi-weekly and is intended to cover 106 hours. The second type of paycheck is paid every three weeks, at the end of the firefighter's 168-hour pay period.

Do Oklahoma volunteer firefighters get paid?

Volunteer firefighters freely volunteer their efforts as a way of serving and giving back to their community. They often do not receive monetary compensation from the fire department.


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