How much does a mini neck lift cost

Many patients approach Dr. Hodgkinson with complaints about a double chin or “turkey neck,” which can be an issue for people of all ages, even as young as their late 30’s or early 40’s. This is often common when hereditary features of a chubby neck are present.

In a significant number of cases, diet and exercise won’t always rectify the issue. In patients who experience this issue before the age of 40, liposuction can target and remove any fatty accumulations creating a more desirable aesthetic. Skin usually will contract nicely at this early age. After the age of 40 however, skin laxity and sagging muscles under the chin can be the leading cause of the issue. The mini-neck lift is the ideal treatment to firm this area of the body, creating tension on the underlying muscles of the upper neck as well as dealing with excessive fat.

Before and After Facelift and Neck lift Surgery

The difference between a mini-neck lift and a full-neck lift

Both the neck lift and mini neck lift seek to address skin, fat, and muscle; however, a mini neck lift requires an incision behind the ear only. This well-hidden incision is the only incision in a mini neck lift as opposed to the full procedure, which may require an incision under the chin hidden in a crease.

From here, liposuction and the tightening of the neck muscles will occur if required. The other main difference in the mini neck lift procedure is that no skin is removed. Excess skin can be treated and hidden by redraping the neck skin. If there is a lot of excess skin, a more extensive neck lift procedure may be required.

How do I know if the mini neck-lift is right for me?

If you are 45 years old or older, the mini-neck lift may be the best procedure to rectify the fat and sagging skin.

A traditional facelift procedure is likely the most effective option in older patients; however, a definitive answer would require a consultation with Dr. Hodgkinson. With extensive experience in facelifts, Dr. Hodgkinson will be able to assess your needs and wants, while offering valuable information to help you make an informed decision on the best path forward. We ensure all patients are completely comfortable with any recommended procedure before proceeding.

A four month before and after necklift performed by Dr. Hodgkinson which exemplifies the natural results of his work.

Dr. Hodgkinson is a skilled plastic surgeon who has 30 years of experience with the various options of face and neck lift procedures. During your consultation with him, he will determine if you are suitable for a mini-neck lift procedure by taking into account your current situation and goals.

The benefits of a mini neck-lift

There are many benefits to a mini neck-lift procedure, including;

  • Less scarring – Smaller incisions are required for this procedure which are less visible and easily concealable in natural contours
  • Fewer risks and side effects – Any possible side-effects including swelling, bruising, and tenderness will be less of an issue due to the size of the procedure, this also means the mini-neck lift provides faster recovery times and for most patients, less discomfort
  • A less obvious option – The mini-neck lift works to complement natural features creating an understated improvement which is well suited to patients who are worried about others being aware of their cosmetic surgery
  • Increased self-confidence – The rise in the self-confidence of a patient’s appearance is one of the most reported benefits from those who have had this procedure
  • Time-saving – The mini-neck lift, depending on the requirements of the patient, is often a shorter procedure to a full neck and facelift
  • Anaesthesia – The mini-neck lift procedure is performed under a light general anaesthesia, which lessens any risks commonly associated with general anesthesia along with the recovery time

    The mini-neck lift and facelift are commonly combined, here we see a before and after of a mini facelift procedure as performed by Dr. Hodgkinson.

A neck lift with Dr. Hodgkinson

Dr. Hodgkinson has performed a significant number of cosmetic surgery procedures throughout his career, which has led to him being one of the more sought after surgeons in Australia. Along with Dr. Hodgkinson’s wealth of experience and knowledge, he has an unwavering commitment to his patients. No matter what procedure is being considered be in mini-neck lift or other, the personal process involved in surgery with Dr. Hodgkinson is crucial. Dr. Hodgkinson believes that the relationship between doctor and patient is the primary driver when it comes to a successful operation and has staff he xxx you of safety throughout the whole process.

The result of this process is a high level of trust comfort with Dr. Hodgkinson and his team. Dr. Hodgkinson works hard to develop a total understanding of the specific needs and goals of the patient and proposed procedure, while also identifying the right path forward to obtain the best results.

    Dr. Hodgkinson’s relationship with his patients is second-to-none ensuring every procedure achieves the best results.

Dr. Hodgkinson adopts the evolutions in cosmetic surgery techniques to ensure that his patients feel comfortable with their chosen procedure. This is primarily done via the use of a computer program called ‘Alter Image.’ With the help of this program, an accurate picture of potential results is given to give the clearest estimate of a patient’s expectations. This not only informs the patient of a realistic result but helps confirm that they are comfortable with the decision to proceed with surgery.

Dr. Hodgkinson, who was trained at the Mayo Clinic, holds two degrees in plastic surgery, which is combined with over thirty years of experience. He also serves as a faculty member of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).

Dr. Hodgkinson’s clinic, the Double Bay Day Surgery, is a fully licensed day surgery centre which offers every patient the highest levels of care. By utilising state of the art equipment, the well-experienced and highly skilled team that works alongside Dr. Hodgkinson has been responsible for results that patients have been extremely happy with, creating a positive change in their  lives. Our team guarantees that all patients will feel completely comfortable with their procedure before undertaking their cosmetic surgery journey, with all questions answered. The team is on-hand 24 hours a day so that every patient’s surgical journey and recovery is a comfortable experience.

Many patients find comfort in the fact that Dr. Hodgkinson’s team operates with a post-operative care process that is second-to-none. If required, the option of home care is also available. Speak to our highly skilled staff to organise a consultation with Dr. Hodgkinson, the first step in your cosmetic surgery journey. Learn if the mini-neck lift or full lift is the right procedure for your goals today, or if another option would be better suited.

Before and After Facelift and Neck lift Surgery

What's the difference between a mini neck lift and a neck lift?

A mini neck lift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes excess skin in the jowl area and under the chin to create a more contoured, youthful-looking jawline and neck. The procedure is less extensive than a traditional neck lift, with smaller incisions, fewer risks, and a shorter recovery period.

Does a mini facelift tighten the neck?

A mini facelift generally targets the lower third of the face with the goal of tightening or removing excess skin around the chin, jawline, and neck (often referred to as “jowls”).

Does a neck lift remove jowls?

Thankfully, a neck lift can successfully treat jawline, neck and chin fullness, giving your neck a youthful shape. Neck lift surgery can treat: Excess fat and skin relaxation in the lower face that creates jowls. Excess fatty deposits under the chin.

How long does it take to recover from a mini neck lift?

The mini lift has a short and rather easy recovery. With a mini you will see a little bruising and swelling that typically fades and subsides in a week to 10 days (although full healing still occurs for 4-6 weeks).

What can I expect after a mini neck lift?

Recovery from a Mini Neck Lift After your procedure, you will have to keep your head elevated and you may need to wear a compression garment for a few days. You may experience some bruising and minimal pain for which Dr. Malone can prescribe pain medication. The sutures are taken out in about a week.

What is a mini Necklift?

A mini neck lift is a procedure or procedures designed to tighten the neck and give a youthful angular appearance to the jawline. It involves an incision underneath the chin (we call this a submental incision), and incisions behind the ears.


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