How much does a simple divorce cost near miami, fl

How much does an uncontested divorce cost in Florida? We tailor each case to your unique facts and needs. The more issues your case presents, the more your divorce may cost because of the time and expertise involved. We believe it is essential to spend time with our prospective clients to help them understand the process of divorce and think carefully about how to start a post-marital life without a legal battle. The cost of uncontested divorce in Florida includes a filing fee the petitioner must pay to the Clerk of Court. How much is an uncontested divorce in Florida when you have children? Our fee is higher for cases involving minor children. We will need to draft a parenting plan for you and calculate your child support obligations. The court costs remain the same from the standpoint of the filing fee assessed by the Clerk of Court. Jonathan Jacobs is an uncontested divorce attorney in Orlando, Lake County, Pasco County, Hernando County, Sumter County, Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County and all throughout Central Florida. Our family law retainer and flat fees for uncontested divorces are affordable. We offer installment payment plans to help clients get through their difficult divorce proceedings. Call us when you want to talk about your uncontested divorce in Florida at 407-335-8113 or send us a confidential e-mail to The Jacobs Law Firm wants to hear from you! Jacobs Law Firm practices collaborative divorce in Orlando, Florida, which can be an affordable and efficient option for your divorce. Find out if collaborative family law is right for you!

How much does an uncontested divorce cost in Florida?

The cost of uncontested divorce in Florida is generally more affordable because divorce and family law attorney fees are usually much lower when no litigation is required. In fact, if our role is to act as a document drafter and as a negotiator more so than a litigator in court, your attorney fees will be much more affordable. How much does an uncontested divorce cost in Florida when spouses do not have any minor children (you do not have kids together, no adoption has occurred, and/or your kids are over 18)? In most cases we charge clients less when their divorce involves financial division and there are no minor children. There is usually less paperwork and planning involved when there are no minor kids to consider.

Hiring an Uncontested Divorce Attorney Can Save You Money

How much is an uncontested divorce in Florida when spouses have minor children? The cost of uncontested divorce in Florida when you have kids is a little higher when retaining an attorney because we will need to create a parenting plan to suit your needs, and concurrently calculate child support based on your overnight timesharing arrangement. Often, the higher your timesharing overnights with your children, the more advantageous your child support calculations can be.

The Jacobs Law Firm has helped many amazing spouses with their uncontested divorces. Our goal is to help clients find reasonable resolutions to their most complex family and financial issues to help them save on cost and allow an easier transition to post-marital life. We hope we have in part answered your questions about how much does an uncontested divorce cost in Florida and the initial cost of uncontested divorce in Florida. Call us at 407-335-8113 or e-mail us at for a confidential divorce or family law consultation.

To file a petition for a simplified divorce, both parties must appear together in person at the  Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center. Both parties must present a valid Florida photo identification with a signature.  

You may bring a witness with you at the time of filing or file a notarized certificate of corroborating witness. The witness must also present a valid Florida photo identification such as a Florida driver license or a Florida identification card at the time of appearance. 

The final hearing date is approximately 30 days after the filing date. 

A complete consultation is required to provide an exact quote on a retainer and estimate on total fees, because divorce costs are dependent on your unique facts and goals. Before going down the path of a do-it-yourself divorce – take advantage of our free legal advice in this guide and understand what the cost might be for you and your spouse.

A complete consultation is required to provide an exact quote on a retainer and estimate on total fees, because divorce costs are dependent on your unique facts and goals. Before going down the path of a do-it-yourself divorce – take advantage of our free legal advice in this guide and understand what the cost might be for you and your spouse.

What Does a Divorce Attorney Cost?

Most divorce attorneys in Florida bill hourly for their work. The hourly rate for divorce lawyers is anywhere between $175 and $500 per hour – the average cost being around $300. The rate rises with experience, so junior associates will have a lower rate and experienced attorneys will have a higher rate. Divorce attorneys take a retainer upon accepting a case. The retainer represents “unearned” funds, which are deposited in a trust account that the law firm can draw from as work is done on the case or expenses are incurred. Divorce retainers are contingent on the number of issues and relative complexity of the case. If you can reach a divorce separation agreement quickly, the cost is usually less for all parties.

Calculate Your Divorce Attorney Fees

On meeting with us, we can provide you with both a fixed fee rate and a traditional billable hour retainer option.Most attorneys simply ask for an initial deposite, or retainer, and do not provide estimates of the true cost of handling the divorce. This calculator will outline a fee range so that you will have a sense of what all of this might cost.

Do you have minor children? Yes    NoHow many retirement plans between you and your spouse?Are you or your spouse financially dependent on the other spouse? Yes    NoDo you have a family owned business professional practice? Yes    NoDoes your net marital estate exceed $1,500,000? Yes    No

  • Uncontested
  • By Agreement (Most Common)
  • By Litigation (Less Common)

Initial Consultation: $250

Total Fees: $2500 - $2500

A true uncontested divorce exists when the parties agree on all issues in the case prior to the Attorney beginning work. The attorney then boils down the agreement to the appropriate settlement agreements, helps the client complete mandatory affidavits and financials, files the lawsuit, and brings the client to Court to resolve the hearing.

The fee detailed above is an estimate and may vary depending upon your unique situation. When you meet with an attorney from Denmon & Denmon you will be provided with an exact fee that will not change during the course of our representation of you.

Initial Consultation: $250

The Fee range above covers all the costs necessary in your contested divorce case when it is not necessary to set the case for trial and litigate the final result with the Judge. This is appropriate in 85% of all cases.

The Fees below show the range of costs if your case cannot be resolve by agreement and must go to trial. If a flat fee case, the fees are broken into three different stages. If the case turns from the trial path and settlement is reached, only fees paid to that point will be due

Initiation Phase: These fees estimate the costs after settlement has failed and tactical litigation begins. This includes pretrial motion practice to resolve temporary matters and additional discovery needed

Trial Preparation: These fees are the costs to prepare your particular trial, including preparing and interviewing witnesses, taking depositions of the witnesses, preparing and deposing experts when appropriate.

Trial Phase:These are the fees associated with trying the case in front of a Judge. Trials can range in length from a single day to weeks, depending on the issues that the Judge needs to resolve.

  • Initiation of Litigation: $7,000-$12,000
  • Trial Preparation Fees: $8,000-$15,000
  • Trial Fees:
    • Alimony: $7,500-$10,000
    • Property Distribution: $6,000-$10,000
    • Child Custody Trial: $8,000-$15,000
    • Child Support trial: $5,000-$10,000

Note: In essence, the questions on the left column match up with the different trial fees on the right column. So for example, if one spouse is dependant on the other spouse, then it will be an alimony case. If the parties have children, child custody and support are issues.

If there is a business, then the settlement phase can go up between 5K (low end) and 15K (high end).

LowerUpperInitiation of Litigation:$7,000$12,000Trial Preparation Fees:$8,000$15,000Trial Fees:Child Custody Trial:$8,000$11,000Child Support Trial:$6,000$9,000Post-Separation Support Trial:$8,000$10,000Alimony Trial:$8,000$15,000Property Distribution Pre-Trial Conference:$6,000$10,000Property Distribution Trial:$9,000$15,000

Total Fees: $30000 - $52000

Note: In essence, the questions on the left column match up with the different trial fees on the right column. So for example, if one spouse is dependant on the other spouse, then it will be an alimony case. If the parties have children, child custody and support are issues.

If there is a business, then the settlement phase can go up between 5K (low end) and 15K (high end).

In other words, we need to sit down and figure out what you need in your divorce case so that we can come up with a quote before you serve divorce papers. As such, a short-term marriage with no children will have a retainer that is quite a bit less than a long-term marriage with children.

Consultation: We charge a flat legal fee of $250 for an initial in-office consultation. We are exhaustive in this consultation, which lasts between 45 and 90 minutes. When applicable, we will work through rough equitable distribution charts, net income analysis, and child support numbers.
Uncontested Divorce: An uncontested divorce is one where all of the issues are resolved, or will be resolved informally by the parties, prior to a filing for dissolution of marriage. Not including divorce filing fees, an uncontested divorce fee is between $2,000 and $4,000.

Contested Divorce: The retainer cost for a contested divorce depends on the number of issues to resolve. In essence, we estimate the cost of your case to get to divorce mediation, where more than 60% of divorce cases are resolved. A contested divorce retainer will vary between $2,500 and $7,500. It is imperative to set a consultation with a divorce attorney to get a retainer quote and an estimate for the divorce.

Do I Need to Pay For the Entire Divorce Upfront?

No. You will pay an initial retainer that anticipates an estimated cost to get your divorce case through the initial stages of divorce, into formal settlement discussion, and up to or including mediation.

If your case cannot get resolved at this stage, you may need to pay a second retainer for the divorce mediation phase.
This is a segment of your case with the goal of utilizing third- party mediators to try to broker a deal.

After the divorce mediator, a third segment in your case is temporary relief phase. Sometimes we need litigation to resolve stopgap issues while waiting for a trial. The unintended benefit of the temp relief phase is that sometimes the threat of litigation looming facilitates an unreasonable party to become reasonable and work on a resolution.

A fourth and final segment is the trial litigation phase. When a case is set for trial, you and your divorce attorney will discuss a final trial retainer. This is dependent on how many issues are left to be litigated.

Many times, the real sticking point is only one issue (for example, alimony), and we can work out resolutions on all the other issues. In this case, the trial retainer would be substantially smaller than a retainer where all issues were unresolved, because the amount of work needed to bring the case to fruition would be substantially less.

The stages of a contested divorce include:

Approximately 60 percent of cases are resolved in the first two stages.

I made all of the money during the marriage. Does that mean I will pay for her attorneys’ fees?

Yes, if you made all of the money during the marriage and you have “discretionary income” on a monthly basis, there is the prospect of you having to pay legal fees not only for your attorney but your wife as well.

A long time ago, Florida had a problem where the breadwinner would freeze the needy spouse’s access to cash, hire the best attorney, and beat the needy spouse into submission.

Florida wants the divorce process to be fair. To ensure that both parties have equal access to representation, Florida gives the needy spouse the opportunity to request that some or all of his or her attorneys’ fees be paid by the breadwinner spouse.

This comes down to a matter of scale. If you were the breadwinner, but your yearly income hinders your ability to pay the bills and provide child support, it would not make sense for the court to order you pay fees.

If however, you make $200K and your spouse is a stay-at-home mom, then you and your family law attorney will need to factor in the probability of fee exposure into the game planning of the case.

At the end of the day, divorce is about finances. And the settlement value of what is a “good deal” slides with exposure to fees.

Your attorney’s job is to put you in the best possible financial footing at the end of the day.
Naturally, your attorney needs to not only analyze assets, debts, and support exposure, but also attorneys’ fees exposure as well. In the realms of petition for dissolution of marriage, it wouldn’t make sense for you to extend an additional $5,000 to $10,000 worth of attorneys’ legal fees in order to gain an additional $5,000 to $10,000 worth of assets.

In that case, it is better to pay the spouse.
However, especially in spousal support cases with long-term marriages, the value of alimony can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more.

Can I Get My Spouse To Pay My Initial Retainer?

As a practical matter, no, it is going to take your divorce lawyer time to get into court to request fees.

As a result, even when there is a very very good chance that your spouse is going to be ordered to pay your legal fees at the end of the day, your divorce attorney will still need you to come up with a retainer at the beginning of the case in order to do legal representation. However, the best course is to talk your options over with your Florida family lawyer, who might be able to help you find creative solutions to afford quality representation.

In some cases, the opposing attorney will discuss with his or her client paying your fees up front to save on costs for both parties on the back end.

How Does The Judge Decide What, if Any, Fees My Spouse Will Pay for Me?

The primary consideration in a request for attorneys’ fees is the need of the requesting spouse, and the requested spouse’s ability to pay.

The judge will also look to see what discretionary income the spouses may or may not have, any assets that are available to the spouses to pay attorneys fees and if there is a great disparity between the net income amounts of both parties.

How much is it to file for divorce in Miami Florida?

A divorce in Florida will cost $409 to cover the Miami-Dade County clerk's fee for dissolution of marriage. In addition there is a fee for the process server. If you hire an attorney — and you certainly should — charges vary depending on experience and reputation. Most charge a retainer and bill by the hour.

What is the cheapest way to get a divorce in Florida?

A cheap divorce in Florida can be obtained only if spouses have compromised and agreed on asset and debt division, financial aspects, and child support and care. If the couple meets these conditions, they do not need to hire a lawyer and may get a cheap online divorce on their own.

How much is a basic divorce in Florida?

Most Florida counties charge $408 to file a divorce, but a few charge $409. Duval County will penalize you for not having an attorney and will add an extra $12 to the cost.

How much does divorce cost if both parties agree?

If both parties agree on all major issues, known as an uncontested divorce, you can keep the costs relatively low. If you do your own divorce papers and your divorce is amicable, costs could be under $500. Of course, there are filing fees in all states, which increase the cost.


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