How old is Vic from F is for Family?

Hey Frank, you should go to Hawaii, man! It'll do you wonders. See a volcano, drink a volcano... be a volcano.

—Vic Reynolds to Frank Murphy.

Victor Lafayette "Vic" Reynolds, portrayed by Sam Rockwell, is a main character of F is for Family. He is the wealthy next-door neighbor of Frank Murphy and the resident Chad who tends to unintentionally show off a lot and is a bit of a womanizer. He previously worked for the WKWOK 109.5 radio station (he was eventually rehired and the station was renamed WKWEEZE 109.5) and often has parties at his house.


Vic is extremely tall and handsome. He stands at 6'4" and is very muscular. He has shaggy blonde hair with sideburns and a mustache. His attire includes a green T-shirt, a blue and white surfer necklace, and dark blue jeans with brown shoes. He is also known for have an incredibly large penis that protrudes whenever he crouches down or stretches up.


Vic attracts a variety of young women, and they can often be seen in and around his home. He is also often seen using drugs, in particular cocaine, marijuana, and licking frogs. It is later revealed he is addicted to cocaine and uses it to numb his anger and depression. He works at a local radio station as a promoter and marketing manager.

In O Holy Moly Night it is shown that Vic is sometimes jealous of Frank because he doesn't have a family of his own. He thinks Frank is a good father to his children but tells him that family life is not where he belongs.

Vic has a very simplistic world-view and is unaware of the financial struggles of the Murphy's and anyone else. He is naïve and often trusts people who wind up betraying him or going behind his back. He also doesn't always catch on to Mr. Holtenwasser's description of living through the Holocaust. Instead, he assumes he is talking about a party involving intercourse on one occasion.

Related to this, despite being a friendly person, he does not seem particularly good at picking up social cues. He doesn't notice Frank dislikes him, that Babe is attracted to him (on most occasions, the only exception thus far being in season 1 episode 1), or Kevin's sudden emotional distress after sleeping with Karen.

In Season 2, Vic has found a new girlfriend in a woman he always calls Cutie Pie. He often described her as the only thing keeping his life together, and the love of his life. He was eager to start a family with her. However, his busy work schedule and drug abuse lead to him often neglecting her.

Even still, the two did not have a healthy relationship, and Cutie Pie's attraction to Vic was never shown to go beyond a sexual one. She was often irritated by his antics, which Vic never seemed to notice. Vic also seemed to take her expected domestic duties too far sometimes, such as having her check his stool for blood. Cutie Pie, in turn, did not seem to mind Vic's drug use as it was common for their peers. She is also annoyed by his friendship with teenagers (because she slept with Kevin); Kevin, Lex, and Bolo.

Vic's friendship with Kevin takes on a nurturing and slightly paternal role, with Vic encouraging Kevin's dream of being a musician. Vic tells Frank he feels as though he is making a positive contribution to society by doing this, and that he wants to be a role model to Kevin while accidentally showing Frank his penis to which Frank responds "Oh Jesus stop reaching!". It is strongly suggested Vic's friendship with Kevin comes from his strong desire to have children of his own.

It's also noted that his cocaine addiction has gotten worse as it's made him clueless to the point where he doesn't realize that he was fired from the radio station, and he isn't aware of the fact that Cutie Pie had been sleeping with his friends, including Skeeball and Kevin. When Kevin makes this revelation, Vic snaps. He obviously feels betrayed by Kevin and Cutie Pie, telling her that he trusted her. After several days of laying on his lawn in the freezing cold, he confronts Kevin in the Murphy’s basement and forgives him as he has been in Kevin’s place before.

After this is revealed to him, he begins to lighten up on the drug abuse and attempts to sleep off his cocaine binge.

Vic was a victim of statutory rape when he was Kevin's age, perpetrated by his mother's friend, Mrs. Anderson, and/or a toll booth attendant. It’s unclear whether Mrs. Anderson really did anything with Vic or if she somehow riled him up in an innocuous way, but either way he definitely ended up getting his first handjob from a grown woman in a toll booth. He also once had sex with a lifeguard at 14, but it isn’t confirmed whether the lifeguard was an adult or not. When he finds out what happened with Kevin and Cutie Pie, he tells Kevin that it wasn't his fault, trying to explain how an adult woman can take advantage of a teenage boy's new-found sexuality. Though he is not able to put it very eloquently, he is at least able to alleviate Kevin's guilt and self-loathing.

In Season 3, we see that Vic has a problem with hyper-fixations. After giving up cocaine, he started record collecting. His behaviour towards this new hobby was extremely obsessive-compulsive to the point of not even managing to play a single record at the block party, spending the time cleaning dust from a single record. He also gets sent large unemployment checks after being fired from the radio station.

In his sobriety, he starts to become more aware of his surroundings, finally picking up on what Mr. Holtenwasser's stories are really about. He manages to encourage him to have more fun in life.

Eventually, he relapses, and in the season finale, crashes his helicopter while under the influence which traps Bill in the river with a downed light post.

In Season 4, Vic celebrates his 30th birthday and is rehired by the radio station. However, the station only brought him back to run the oldies music section, which triggers a premature midlife crisis in Vic. He tries to solve this by becoming the manager for Kevin's band, even going so far as to changing the sound into what he thinks the modern day crowd would like. This proves to be a failure, but Kevin is forgiving over this. In the finale, Vic meets up with Karen, a.k.a. Cutie Pie, and he discovers that she's pregnant with his child. Vic is overjoyed by this, as raising a kid gives his life meaning again, showing he is willing to face challenges as a parent.

Episode Appearances[]

  • The Bleedin' in Sweden
  • Saturday, Bloody Saturday
  • The Trough
  • F is for Halloween
  • Bill Murphy's Day Off
  • O Holy Moly Night
  • Heavy Sledding
  • A Girl Named Sue
  • The Liar's Club
  • Night Shift
  • Breaking Bill
  • This Is Not Good
  • Fight Night
  • F Is For Fixing It
  • Pray Away
  • Landing The Plane
  • Are You Ready For The Summer?
  • Paul Lynde to Block
  • The Stinger
  • Mr. Murphy's Wild Ride
  • Battle Of The Sexes
  • Punch Drunk
  • Summer Vacation
  • It's In His Blood
  • Frank The Father
  • Bill Murphy's Night Off
  • Father Confessor
  • Nothing Is Impossible
  • Bring Me A Tooth
  • The “B” Word
  • Just Breathe
  • Come to Papa (mentioned and cameo)
  • Murphy and Son
  • Land, Ho!
  • Baby, Baby, Baby


  • His design was based on Matthew McConaughey's character Wooderson from the film Dazed and Confused.
  • Character and personality attributes based on former Boston Bruin and former WAAF-FM morning show sports director, Lyndon Byers [1], who is widely known to have exhibited similar traits and had Bill Burr as a guest in studio on several occasions.
  • His phone number is [6967|412 6967]
  • He has a pet iguana.
  • He likes Mac and Cheese, but the curly noodles make him dizzy.
  • Sue's boss, Vivian Saunders, was once Vic's lunch lady when he was in high school, and the two of them apparently had sexual relations back then.
  • He first mentions wanting to be a father in Season 1, despite initially not seeing himself as a family man. In Season 4, this finally happens for him.
  • Although he admits to a gram a day cocaine habit, this is an underestimation, there are several instances of him snorting a gram in one sitting. For example, off his car's steering wheel while driving. In "O Holy Moly Night" he snorted an entire sandwich bag of coke.
  • He keeps several bags of cocaine inside of his desk at work.
  • He would turn 77 years old in September 2021.
  • He may be bisexual, as he makes a handful of ambiguous comments including: “Hey, back door, front door, as long as I get in the kitchen baby” to his boss regarding his “love of fornication”, off-handedly joking with Chet Stevenson about when you’re flying a plane you’re so high you could tickle god’s balls and replying “I hope he returns the favor, I bet he’s got long fingers”, and commenting on how black guys are cool and it’s cool to see them naked. “So what? Black dudes are cool. You ever seen one naked? I do all the time.” As well as being mostly aware of Babe’s homoerotic interest in himself and happily tolerating it. (In episode 1 season 1 Vic talks about his new 32 inch color tv, to which Babe responds “32 inches? That’s pretty big.” While staring at Vic’s crotch. Vic isn’t put off by it, but he jokingly responds “Up here, Babe.” Pointing to his face.

Is Vics baby his F is for Family?

The writers confirmed that Vic Jr. is indeed Vic's son and not Kevin's, specifically through dialogue between Cutie Pie and Vic. Despite being newborn, he already has a full head of hair.

How old are the F is for Family characters?

The Murphy Family is The Main Family of The T.V. Show F is for Family. The Murphy Family is 39 Year Old Father Frank Murphy, His 36 Year Old Wife Sue Murphy and Their 3 Children 15 Year Old Teenager Kevin Murphy, 12 Year Old Bill Murphy and 9 Year Old Maureen Murphy.

Who is Vic from F is for Family based on?

Character and personality attributes based on former Boston Bruin and former WAAF-FM morning show sports director, Lyndon Byers [1], who is widely known to have exhibited similar traits and had Bill Burr as a guest in studio on several occasions.

Who is Vic's girlfriend in F is for Family?

Karen Richards, usually referred to as Cutie Pie, was Vic's girlfriend in Season 2 and currently the absent mother of their child, Vic, Jr. She is voiced by Mo Collins.

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