How to beat the Hinge algorithm

What is Hinge Most Compatible? How Does The Hinge Algorithm Work? Do They See You? What Does it Mean? How Long Does It Last? Hacks, Hinge Standouts vs. Discover

Hinge is one of the most popular dating apps on the market today and for good reason.

With prompts that facilitate conservation, six mandatory photos, and a reporting mechanism to identify those that violate their terms of service, namely behavior that goes against relationship minded intentions, Hinge is one of the apps I recommend most often (other recommended apps here).

Hinge slows down the pace of profiles to review on a daily basis and aids users with being specific in their initial contact rather than a generic like of the profile which are largely ambiguous on other dating apps like Tinder, Match etc.

This is a strategy of the Hinge Algorithm to detect engagement and qualitative data about reading profiles, swiping and the like. (pro-tip: click here to know which Hinge prompts get the most responses).

In addition to browsing profiles and sending them likes and messages, there is another feature on the app you should be aware of and that is the ‘Most Compatible’ feature.

These profiles are based on deal-breakers & preferences you set up. Keep on reading to learn about the algorithm and see how you can improve your profile to get better quality suggestions.

Read: Hinge Profile Tips For Men & Women (prompts, captions, photo prompts, photos and more)

Read: What Are Hinge Standouts?

Hinge Most Compatible: What Is Most Compatible On Hinge?

The essence of the most compatible algorithm is to pair you with other profiles you are most likely to like and conversely, who are most likely to also like you using the Gale-Shapley algorithm. New profiles are shown to many users initially to gather enough data to rank your profile against others.

It’s why I highly recommend folks don’t create a fake or half-way decent profile until they have good photos, know which prompts are the most effective and are ready and available to give dating apps their attention.

The liking component is based on answers to determine compatibility. The most compatible algorithm is simply a suggestion of profiles based on inputs (photos, demographics, bios/answers) and user response to your profile.

It claims users are 8x more likely to go on a date with said suggested profile than with other Hinge members.

Hinge Most Compatible

How Does Hinge Calculate Most Compatible: Hinge Algorithm Attractiveness, Hinge Algorithm Ugly

These suggestions are not always accurate. They are based on self-selected info, photos that are static and may or may not reflect how a person looks today, biased self assessments and such.

If you rely 100% on these suggestions, you may miss out on other diamonds in the rough, people who are more modest or people who can’t be evaluated on ranked on subjective traits unavailable on the app.

Just because you have the same style in answers to questions and prompts doesn’t mean someone passes your minimum or relative threshold for attractiveness.

For this reason, it is important to answer the prompts thoughtfully as it can affect who is suggested to you and more importantly who you are suggested to. (You are who you attract, not what you seek!). (If you are not getting likes, matches at all on Hinge, read this).

If you don’t remain active on the app, you will not be shown to others in the Most Compatible feature. Hinge will send a notification via the app if your activity status is running low.

Pro-tip: Reduce poor compatibility matches by avoiding these Hinge cliche prompt answers.

What Does Hinge Most Compatible Mean? What Is Hinge Most Compatible Based On?

It could be Hinge’s approach to get users to review and analyze one profile more closely than normal in the profile deck. It could also be another attempt to keep people on the app in hope that their most compatible match is there and patience is needed since one a day is served.

Given that most men receive fewer likes than they send out, it is assumed the algorithm should be taken with a grain of salt. Also since some men don’t get likes that often, serving up a daily ‘most compatible’ suggestion might be too optimistic for some folks.

The last article is the most interesting. One can infer that if you use joke answers on your prompt it will be used to match you with other ‘jokers’.

Keep that in mind when you get flustered by bad matches. The old adage “You attract who you are, not what you seek” is relevant here. This is why it’s important to not ignore your prompts and bio while using dating apps.

Remember, apps are notoriously bad at determining compatibility because its users are notoriously bad at determining compatibility. People are biased, take awful photos and are bad at talking about themselves.

Some outright lie about their age, appearance, height or intent. One shouldn’t expect apps to do all the work for them – nothing can replace patience, asking questions, ability to read people and prioritizing people who are genuine, caring and thoughtful vs just being charming, smooth talkers or making grand gestures.

Hinge We Think You Two Should Meet, Hinge We Think You Should Meet

Users who identify as most compatible by Hinge will have a banner on top of their profile in a lavendar type color.

Hinge Most Compatible: How Often Do They Appear? Do They Disappear?

Every 24 hours recommendations are refreshed BUT profiles may be served at different frequencies depending on supply and demand (location, age, preferences etc.)

Also, profiles can disappear before the 24 hours – you snooze you lose. Don’t assume a suggested profile will remain available for the duration of the day. Hinge is a notoriously buggy app.

Hinge Algorithm – How Does Hinge Determine Your Most Compatible?

According to this Forbes article, “Hinge first takes into account the likes you and the general community have sent and received in the past 24 hours from any given point. The algorithm then analyzes members’ in-app behavior to determine matches.“

Take these suggestions as suggestions and not absolute truths or definitive compatibility. Compatibility is evaluated over time, in person and worked on continually. It is not something that can be predicted nor known before meeting.

Just because you are skinny, doesn’t mean you will get skinny people. Attractiveness is based on likes from others. It’s not a precise calculation, Hinge is a company not a charity.

It will show you people around you, similar age but it’s not a definitive ranking. The first person in your most compatible is not the ‘most compatible’ of the bunch, it’s a rough calculation.

Additionally, assume some factors (height, religion, distance, drug/alcohol use) in a profile are weighted more than others. If you leave things blank in your profile, that could be a reason for Hinge to ignore that preference in your filters.

Read more about filters, preferences, deal-breakers here.

Does No Matches Mean Hinge Algorithm Thinks I Am Ugly?

No, not at all. There are a number of reasons why you get few suggestions or suggestions you are not happy with.

This can be attributed to bad photos, lazy profile, remote location, age, unrealistic expectations, excessive swiping, narrow filters and such. The golden rule of dating photos (you are only as attractive as your worst photo).

Everyone has the ability to improve their profile and get more matches. Read these tips on how to get more (quality) matches and how to get better suggestions on your most compatible suggestions on Hinge.

With some minor improvements on poses, outfits, expressions, prompt choices and answers, you can increase the amount of likes you get on your profile and in turn improve the quality of suggested profiles in your most compatible feed on Hinge.

Do Most Compatible Suggestions See You? Is Most Compatible On Hinge Mutual?

It is definitely possible but not guaranteed. It is not necessarily mutual. It’s rare they will appear the same day or close to the time you see them (if at all). Just because someone is recommended as most compatible to you, that’s only relative to others.

Similarly, the other person who is displayed as most compatible for you may have other people who are more compatible for them.

Bottom line, don’t read into this that much. Treat like all other profiles. If you like someone, message them, don’t just send a like. Given that there are more men than women on Hinge, it’s possible that you will not be matched with an equivalent person (if you are the type to rate people on scores).

If there are twice as many guys on Hinge in your area than women, expect to be disappointed with you most compatible more than not.

Does Hinge Show Your Profile To Everyone? Does Hinge Match On Attractiveness?

No. Some people have strong filters that they will never see you. Others are too popular that they will not spend enough time on the app to see you unless you are a new profile (and are lucky with your new user boost) or maybe pay for a boost or super boost on Hinge.

If you want to be seen by more people, improve your profile.

Related read: How to be more attractive in your dating photos.

How To Make Yourself More Eligible, How To Improve Hinge Algorithm

If you want to improve your chances to be seen beyond the main deck of profiles or you want to improve the quality of people you want to see and be shown to in the app, start with what you can control and influence.

Fill out the items in your bio, write more about yourself, improve your photos. Low-effort, low-energy, cliche profiles make it harder to stand out from the competition.

Rather than trying to focus on getting better most compatible matches, focus on trying to be more attractive to others. Don’t be lazy, fill out your profile. Use captions.

Hinge Deal Breakers, Preferences

Selecting too many criteria in your preferences and setting too many deal-breakers for profiles is a quick way to remove false positives from your Most Compatible suggestions.

There are plenty of hidden gems on dating apps that you would never overlook or turn down in real life but given the nature of dating apps (volume of efforts, first impressions etc.) most people set their criteria too aggressively and end up missing out on great people.

It is far better to loosen up your criteria slightly and manually review profiles individually, thoughtfully.

If you still need help, contact me for a dating profile review and makeover today.

Hinge Discover aka Discover Mode

On a related note, it’s important to review the main part of the Hinge App in the Discover Mode. The people that appear in Discover mode are those who both 1) match the preferences that you selected and who 2) are interested in people like you.

It’s important to see the keyword in this clarification: ‘AND’ not ‘OR’. You might be filters, preferences and deal-breaker choices will also affect who appears in Discover.

Unlike and other sites, the Discover mode is not a traditional search function as it takes into account how others view you.

Hinge Most Compatible Not Showing

Give it time or loosen your preferences, deal-breakers. If that doesn’t work, improve your profile so you can be shown to more people.

Hinge Showing Me Ugly, Hinge Bad Matches, Hinge Makes Me Feel Ugly, Hinge Algorithm Broken

Even if you are attractive, having bad photos, unrealistic expectations, swiping too much, aiming outside your league or being disingenuous can hurt your visibility on the app. Similarly, being more approachable can elevate your profile even if you don’t think you are as attractive as others.

If Someone Comes Up On Your Hinge Do You Come Up On Theirs?

No, not necessarily. It depends on usage, filters etc. Even if they do see you, they could have seen you at different times than when you saw them (before or much later or never possibly).

Hinge Standouts: How Does Hinge Standouts Work? How Does Hinge Decide Who To Show You?

Hinge has a separate stream of high profile individuals that are curated based on their profiles. You can’t send likes, only roses. Since they are in demand, matching with them or getting their attention is unlikely for the average person.

More on Hinge Standouts here.

No Attractive Guys, Girls On Hinge. Hinge Showing Fat, Ugly, Unattractive Women, Men, Hinge Showing Bad Profiles

Hinge algorithm tends to get buggy at times only showing undesirable profiles. You can either work on yourself, photos, smiles, prompts etc. or change your strategy. All clients of mine will learn how to bypass the Hinge bug and start seeing better profiles shown to them.

Hinge Sucks: Only Matching With Ugly People On Dating Sites

It takes two to match. Think about that.

How To Get Better Options On Hinge? How To Hack Hinge Algorithm?

Smile, get better photos, be more interesting, dress well, move, improve lighting on photos, exercise, eat well, be confident. Swipe less, use the app less, read profiles, be patient.

Why Do Only Ugly Guys Like Me On Hinge?

It can be your location, photos, effort, liking strategy, wardrobe, patience etc. Rather than worry about waiting to see who likes you, be more proactive.

Send likes, comments first. Get independent feedback on your profile, photos.

Do Hinge Standouts Show In Normal Feed? Do Hinge Standouts Appear In Discover?

Sometimes but not always. That depends on your filters, preferences and patience.

Am I On Hinge Standouts? Standouts Hinge: How To Become A Standout On Hinge

It’s possible, but not likely. Unless you are receiving a disproportionate number of roses vs likes/comments to one comment, don’t assume so.

Even if you are, does it matter? Your approach to dealing with inbound likes and roses shouldn’t not change, matter if you know how to screen people.

Learning to write effective answers to prompts is how to wind up as a standout.

Are Hinge Standouts Active? Are Hinge Standouts Mutual?

In theory yes but not always. Since they are high profile accounts, they could get bombarded and turn off notifications, stop reviewing profiles and either focus on existing matches or abandon the app altogether.

They are not always mutual. In fact, most are not. The average user on Hinge is not a standout as their profiles are below average.

Why Does Hinge Keep Suggesting The Same Person?

It could be a bug, it could be because you didn’t tap yes or no or it could be you ran out of profiles or the other person keeps creating a new profile (see more on that below).

Do Hinge Roses Really Work?

Read this to see if you should use roses on Hinge.

Is Hinge Not Showing My Profile?

That depends on your age, lifestyle etc. You might be filtered for height, age, location, religion, politics or behvavior (swiping too much, too quickly or outside your league).

Does Hinge Show The Same Person Twice?

Possible but not guaranteed.

Standouts Hinge Fake? Hinge Standout Algorithm

Likely not showing up on preferences based on your or their filters, preferences.

Does Hinge Show Inactive Profiles?

Yes, they do. In 2019, Hinge claimed 75% of profiles shown were active in last 3 days. No updates have been provided since and so it could be that the number has stayed the same or plummeted.

What Does It Mean When Someone Keeps Showing Up On My Hinge?

It means you haven’t blocked them or they created new profiles. If the latter, report them so the can be show less or no more.

How To Get More Matches On Hinge

Read this.

Hinge Standouts Not Loading, Hinge Standouts Refresh

Close the app and open the app, if that doesn’t work. Wait. Standouts refresh in 24 hours but Hinge is buggy at times.

Hinge Bug, Hinge Algorithm Bug, Hinge Glitch, Hinge Buggy

Read this.

Hinge Intentions (Hinge Dating Intentions)

Hinge recently released Hinge dating intentions on the app and the idea there is to facilitate intentions on the app. Keep in mind just because someone says they are looking for a relationship, doesn’t mean they have a hookup profile on Tinder or will ghost you after sleeping with you on the first or second date.

Read more about intentions here.

Final Thoughts – Hinge Algorithm, Most Compatible, Attractiveness, How Does Hinge Algorithm Work

Many people on Hinge do not fill out all the suggested fields in the app nor don’t use the most insightful prompts provided. These self-sabotaging efforts will limit the ability of the algorithm to make better decisions about you if you believe algorithms can do just that.

Treat most compatible as you would any other profile across your screen in the sense that you don’t want to be overly aggressive or feel entitled or approach it like a sure thing.

Swiping too much or liking profiles you have no interest in can alter the profiles served in the Most Compatible feature which is why you should like and message effectively and purposefully.

If you don’t take profiles seriously then don’t expect the Most Compatible profiles to do so as well. Same thing goes for joke prompts and answers.

Now that you have an idea of how the Hinge Most Compatible Feature works, make sure you are not using any cliche, overused, boring or generic answers to drive away your matches. Check out this bingo card to make sure you avoid Tinder bingo!

Additional Reading: Hinge Algorithm Resets, Improving Your Photos & More. Is Hinge Rigged? How To Use Hinge Effectively, Hinge Hacks, Hinge Tips, Hinge Rose Hack, Hinge Conversation Starters

What Do Your Dating Photos Signal?

How To Look More Attractive In Photos

How To Be More Photogenic

How To Create A Good Hinge Profile (Men & Women)

How To Get More Likes, Matches On Dating Sites (How To Get More Likes, Matches On Hinge)

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Hinge Invited You To Start The Chat (Hinge Conversation Starters)

Hinge Algorithm Reset (How To Reset Hinge)

When Do Hinge Likes Reset? How Many Hinge Likes Per Day?

Best Hinge Prompts (Ones That Get The Most Replies)

Dating App Boosts, Premium Features

The Best Photos For Your Dating Profiles

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Dating App Algorithms, New User Boosts, Attractiveness

Hinge Most Compatible Deleted, Hinge Incompatible, Hinge Most Compatible Not Working, Hinge Most Compatible Reddit, Hinge Most Compatible Review, Hinge Most Compatible 2020, How Long Does Hinge Most Compatible Last, Hinge We Think You Two Should Meet, Hinge Your Most Compatible Has Been Updated, Hinge Pros And Cons, How To Use Hinge, Hinge Features, How Does Hinge Work, How Hinge Works, Is Hinge Worth It, How To Get More Likes On Hinge, How to Improve Your Hinge Profile, Hinge Demographics, Hinge Only Showing Unattractive, Hinge Sucks, Hinge Ugly, Hinge FAQ, Hinge Only Showing Fat, Rules of Hinge, How Does Hinge Most Compatible Work, Is Hinge Worth It, Hinge Matches, Hinge Suggestions, Hinge Profiles, How Does The Hinge Algorithm Work, Dating App Algorithms, Hinge Am I Ugly, No Matches On Hinge, No Likes On Hinge, How To Get More Matches On Hinge, Hinge Profile Tips, Hinge Profile Examples, Hinge Profile Advice, Hinge Profile Feedback, Hinge Most Compatible Disappeared, Hinge Ugly Algorithm, Hinge Most Compatible Do They See You, Why Is Hinge Only Showing Ugly, How Often Does Hinge Refresh, Most Compatible On Hinge, Most Compatible Hinge, Hinge Most Compatible FAQ, How To Improve Hinge Algorithm, Hinge Compatible Match, How Does Most Compatible On Hinge Work, Is Most Compatible On Hinge Mutual, Hinge Most Compatible Not Showing, Hinge Algorithm Fat, Hinge Recommended Match, Does Hinge Rate Your Attractiveness, What Is Hinge Most Compatible Based On, How Does Hinge Find Most Compatible, Why Is Everyone On Hinge Over weight, Who Does Hes inge Show You, How Does Hinge Determine Most Compatible, Hinge Algorithm Attractiveness, How Does Hinge Calculate Most Compatible, How Does Hinge Do Most Compatible, Why Does Hinge Show Me Ugly, Why Does Hinge Show Me Fat, Does Hinge Think I Am Ugly, What Does Match With Mean On Hinge, Hinge Most Compatible Inactivity, Date Ready On Hinge, Can You See If People Are Active On Hinge, Does Hinge Delete Inactive Accounts, How Long Do Hinge Profiles Stay Active, Hinge Help, Why Is Hinge Full Of Fatties, Hinge Overweight, Why Is Hinge So Bad, How Does Hinge Decide Who To Show You, Hinge Algorithm Based On Looks, How Does Hinge Choose Who To Show You?, Hinge Algorithm For Hinge Most Compatible, Does Hinge Have An Attractiveness Algorithm, How Does Hinge Decide Who You See, How Do You Cheat On The Hinge Algorithm, Does The Other Person See Most Compatible On Hinge, Hinge Most Compatible Shown To Both, Hinge Showing Me Ugly Guys, Hinge Showing Me Fat Girls, Why Is Everyone On Hinge Fat, Hinge Obese Reddit, Hinge Weight Filter, What Should You Not Do On Hinge, How To Get Better Options On Hinge, Hinge Tips For Guys, No Attractive Guys On Hinge, Unattractive People On Hinge, Why Do Ugly Guys Like Me On Hinge, Ugliness App, Hinge Standouts, Do Hinge Standouts Appear On Normal Feed, Is Hinge Rigged, Hinge Likes Slow Down, Only Ugly Guys Like Me, Only Ugly Girls LIke Me Reddit, Am I Unattractive Or Unapproachable, Why Do Only Ugly Guys Like Me On Dating Apps, Only Matching With Ugly, HInge Is All Fat, HInge Is Full Of Fat, Hinge Fat Chicks, Everyone On Hinge Is Ugly, How To Beat Hinge Algorithm, Dating Apps Make Me Feel Ugly, How Does Hinge Algorithm Work, Hinge Most Compatible Algorithm, Hinge Fat Girls, How To Fix Hinge Algorithm, Hinge Standouts Fake, Do Hinge Standouts Come Back, How Are Hinge Standouts Chosen, Hinge Refreshed Before I Could Like, Hinge Filters, Can You Set Filters On Hinge, Does Hinge Filter Who You See, Hinge Filters Not Working, Hinge Standout Algorithm, Does Hinge Show Inactive Profiles 2021, Are Standouts On Hinge Mutual, How Does Hinge Choose Standouts, Hinge Active How Accurate, Hinge Algorithm Reddit, Am I A Hinge Standout, Do Hinge Standouts Show Up In Regular Feed? Are Hinge Standouts Mutual? How To Become A Standout On Hinge Reddit, How Long Do Standout Stay On Hinge, Hinge Standouts Reddit, Hinge Standouts Rose, Hinge Ugly Girls, Hinge Ugly Guys, Hinge Fat Girls, Hinge Ugly Men, Hinge Unattractive Guys, Is Hinge Rigged, Why Is Everyone Ugly On Hinge, Will Hinge Standouts Appear In Discover, Hinge Algorithm Hack,

How do you get a good Hinge algorithm?

The most compatible algorithm is simply a suggestion of profiles based on inputs (photos, demographics, bios/answers) and user response to your profile. It claims users are 8x more likely to go on a date with said suggested profile than with other Hinge members.

How do you clear Hinge algorithms?

Go to settings, scroll to bottom, select delete accout and then type 'delete' to confirm deletion.

How does Hinge choose who to show you?

On dating app Hinge, users are presented with a match every day the app has deemed their "Most Compatible". This person is chosen based on several factors, including the user's basic background information and the random questions they have answered on their profile.

How does the Hinge algorithm actually work?

Hinge uses the Gale-Shapley algorithm that pairs people “who are likely to mutually like one another”. It measures this based off your engagement and who engages with you, as well as matches you to people with similar preferences.


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