How to cancel apple music subscription to change country

Learn how to cancel your subscription on the web.

How to cancel Apple Music

  1. Go to
  2. Choose Sign In at the top of the page. If you don't see Sign In, skip this step.
  3. Tap or click the account icon 
  4. Choose Settings.
  5. Scroll to Subscriptions and choose Manage.
  6. Choose Cancel Subscription.

If you still need help

  • If you couldn't cancel your subscription at, cancel your subscription in Settings.
  • If you pay for Apple Music with Google Pay, you can cancel your subscription only in the Apple Music app on your Android device or at
  • If you still can't cancel your Apple Music subscription, contact Apple Support.

Canceling subscriptions is slightly different in Israel, South Africa, and Turkey. Learn about special circumstances for these countries and regions.

Published Date: October 01, 2021

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Question: Change region in App Store, before Apple Music will finish subscription

How I can change country in App Store, if I just canceled Apple Music subscription, and available date for change will be in almost after month? How I can finish subscription right now?

iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14

Posted on Dec 14, 2020 11:42 PM

User profile for user: ShougieWoogie

Question: Change region in App Store, before Apple Music will finish subscription

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Question: Can't change Apple Store region because of Apple Music Subscription


So, I used to live in Dubai, UAE and now I live in Stellenbosch, ZA. I added my Debit Card to my account for the sole purpose of having an Apple Music Subscription. Now, my card is expiring at the end of January 2022 (which is tomorrow at the time of me posting this). So I need to add my new card in order to continue with the subscription. So I tried adding it but my Apple ID is still set to the UAE store, so it says that "Your payment method is not valid in this Store." So then I tried to change my region and it said that I needed cancel my Apple Music Subscription. So I cancelled my subscription and it said that I still have until the 13th of Feb 2022 to use Apple Music. So I went back to change my region and it says the same thing.... "To change stores, you must first cancel your Apple Music subscription."... So I turned my phone off and I turned it on again to see if that would do anything, but it didn't. I'm still getting the same message and I did cancel my Apple Music Subscription...

iPhone X, iOS 15

Posted on Jan 31, 2022 9:34 AM

User profile for user: FranEdG

Question: Can't change Apple Store region because of Apple Music Subscription



i’ve moved from France to USA this week and i couldn’t reached to change the region of my apple store. I can’t download any US app. They’ve told me to cancel my Apple Music subscription, I did it but it expires only on the 9th of October, so I’m blocked until that date ?

Please help.

Thank you

Posted on Sep 15, 2019 10:56 AM




That is correct. If you have an active subscription, you will not be able to change the country in iTune or Apple ID.

Change your Apple ID country or region

What to do before changing your country or region

  1. Spend any store credit remaining on your Apple ID. You must also wait for any pending store credit refunds to process before you can change your country or region. Learn what to do if your remaining store credit is less than the cost of a single item.
  2. Cancel any subscriptions, including Apple Music, and wait until the end of the subscription period to change your country or region. You'll also have to wait for any memberships, pre-ordersmovie rentals, or Season Passes to complete.
  3. Have a payment method for your new country or region on hand. For example, German credit cards can be used to buy content only from the German App Store, iTunes Store, or Apple Books.
  4. Back up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to iTunes. You might need to temporarily downgrade your iCloud storage until you switch to the new country or region. You won't lose any iCloud data in the process. After you change your account to a new country or region, re-enroll in a new storage plan to continue using iCloud storage.

Posted on Sep 15, 2019 10:59 AM

Why can't I change region after Cancelling Apple Music?

If you can't change your country or region, make sure that you canceled your subscriptions and spent your store credit. Complete these steps before you try to change your country or region. If you're a part of a Family Sharing group, you might not be able to change your country or region.

Do I have to cancel Apple Music to change country?

Before you update your location, you must spend your store credit, cancel your subscriptions, and get a payment method for your new country or region.

How do I change my Apple Music to another country?

Use your computer to change your region.
Open the Music app or iTunes..
In the menu bar at the top of the screen or the top of the iTunes window, click Account, then click View My Account..
Sign in with your Apple ID..
On the Account Information page, click Change Country or Region..
Select your new country or region..

How do I change my region after Cancelling Apple Music?

Open the Music app or iTunes. In the menu bar at the top of the screen or at the top of the iTunes window, click Account, then click View My Account. Sign in with your Apple ID. On the Account Information page, click Change Country or Region.


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