How to cancel free trial app store

Steps to cancel your free trial depend on which provider you used: Apple iTunes, Google Play or our website with a debit/credit card or PayPal. When you start your free trial with iTunes or Google Play, you must cancel through iTunes or Google Play.

General tips on cancelling your free trial

  • If you aren’t sure which provider you used, log in to your account on our website. Scroll down to the Payment method section to check which provider you used.  

    Go to your account

  • Uninstalling Yousician from your device or deleting your account does not cancel your free trial. You must cancel the trial using the steps described.
  • Be sure to cancel the free trial at least 24 hours before the trial ends. 


Cancel your free trial started with debit/credit card or PayPal

To cancel your free trial started on our website:  

  1. Enter your email address and password and select Log in on our website. 
    • If you use Facebook for access, select Log in with Facebook.
    • If you use Apple ID for access, select Log in with Apple.
    • If you use Google for access, select Continue with Google.  
  2. Scroll down to the Payment method section.
  3. Select Cancel free trial and follow the prompts to confirm cancellation.

    Go to your account


Cancel your free trial started with iTunes

When you start the free trial with Apple iTunes, you need to cancel it through iTunes. 

To cancel your free trial started with iTunes: 

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device. 
  2. Tap your name. 
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Tap the subscription that you want to manage. Learn what to do if you don't see the subscription you're looking for. 
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription. If you don’t see Cancel, the free trial is already canceled.

If you have any issues with cancellation, get in touch with Apple support for help. You can find step by step instructions on cancelling your free trial from Apple website. 

Go to iTunes


Cancel your free trial started with Google Play

When you start the free trial with Google Play, you need to cancel it through Google Play. 

To cancel your free trial started with Google Play: 

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play app. 
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  3. Tap Payments & subscriptions → Subscriptions.
  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel. 
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription.
  6. Follow the instructions.

If you have any issues with cancellation, get in touch with Google Play support for help. You can find step by step instructions on cancelling your free trial from Google Play website.

Go to Google Play


What happens after I cancel my free trial?

After cancellation, you have access to the premium features until the end of the free trial. When the trial ends, your account changes back to free.

If you used your phone or tablet to purchase Dropbox or start a free trial, you must cancel your subscription through iTunes or Google Play, depending on your device type.

Learn how to cancel a Dropbox subscription purchased on your computer.

How to cancel a Dropbox subscription or trial on an iPhone or iPad

If you purchased Dropbox from your iPhone, iPad, or other OS device, you can cancel your Dropbox subscription or free trial by following these steps:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, tap Settings.
  2. Tap your name.
  3. Open Settings.
  4. Tap your name.
  5. Tap Subscriptions (about midway through the screen).
  6. Tap Dropbox.
  7. Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Trial.
  8. Tap Confirm.
  9. Your account will downgrade to Dropbox Basic (free) at the end of your billing cycle. 

Learn more about cancelling your subscription on Apple’s help center.

How to cancel a Dropbox subscription or trial on Android

If you purchased Dropbox from an Android device, you can cancel a Dropbox subscription or free trial by following these steps:

  1. Open the Dropbox mobile app.
  2. Tap the Account tab in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap Manage your subscription.
  4. Tap How to cancel.
  5. Tap Cancel plan at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to your subscription in Google Play.
  6. Tap Cancel subscription.

You’ll receive an email to your Google account to confirm your cancellation, and your account will downgrade to Dropbox Basic (free) at the end of your billing cycle. 

How do I cancel my free trial of app?

On Android phones.
I found it easiest to open the Google Play Store app..
Tap on your profile photo (account settings).
Tap 'subscriptions'.
Find the one you just installed and tap cancel..
You'll be able to use the app and free trial until it ends..

How do I cancel my free trial of the app store on my iPhone?

How to cancel a subscription on your iPhone or iPad.
Open the Settings app..
Tap your name..
Tap Subscriptions..
Tap the subscription..
Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button..

How do I cancel an app with a 3 day free trial?

On your Android device, go to your subscriptions in Google Play. Select the subscription that you want to cancel. Tap Cancel subscription. Follow the instructions.

How do I cancel my 7 day trial app?

To cancel your free trial through the Google Play Store on your device:.
Open the Google Play store app on a mobile Android phone or tablet..
Tap the menu button in the top left corner of the Google Play store app (3 horizontal lines..
In the side menu that appears, tap the Subscriptions option..


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