How to clean bandage adhesive from skin

Removing a sticky bandage can be cumbersome and even painful. It can get messy because some bandage adhesive is extremely strong and leaves behind unpleasant bandage adhesive. The sticky glue not just looks bad on the skin but may also irritate the skin – a big cause of concern for those with sensitive skin. 

So how do you remove bandage adhesive painlessly from the skin? You don’t need to head to a specialist to get that done. We have listed the three most effective ways of removing bandage adhesive from the skin that use your home ingredients to get a clean, spotless surface:

  • Use cooking oil

Some adhesives dissolve in oil, so applying a few drops of cooking oil can help in removing surgical paper tape adhesive from the skin. You don’t need to drench the area with oil; just coat it lightly so that oil finds its way between the adhesive and the skin. 

For best results, take a cotton ball, coat it with oils and pat the oil-coated ball on the area. Gently rub it in back and forth motion to get the adhesive off.

 Once the adhesive is removed, wash the area with a moistened cloth to remove any excess oil from the skin.

  • Dab nail polish remover

Chemical solvent (acetone) present in the nail polish remover makes it very effective in removing glue and adhesive from bandages and paper medical tapes. So if you have a nail polish remover at home, make the most of it to remove the adhesive. The acetone may cause irritation or drying of the skin, so apply it with precaution and avoid using it on sensitive areas of the skin. Since it is highly flammable do not use it in combination with heat. Keep an eye out for the label of your nail polish remover. 

Only acetone containing removers should be tried out to remove adhesive residue.
  • Smear some petroleum jelly:

For sensitive areas of the skin like near lips and ears, petroleum jelly works the best. Just smear a thin layer of jelly on the affected area, let it sit for some time and then rub it off to remove the residue from the surface. Once the adhesive is removed, wipe the area with a damp cloth or paper towel. Removing bandage adhesive may seem tough, and may look like that it needs abrasive methods to keep clean. But with the home ingredients mentioned above and the right pressure, you can easily clean the adhesive without any fuss.


Sticky situation solved

You finally found a Band-Aid that doesn’t fall off in your shoe (or shower), but it always leaves behind a grubby little ring of glue. You could scrub at it until it comes off--but ouch. Or you could try this super-easy trick that will leave your epidermis intact.

What you need: A bottle of nail polish remover (avoid non-acetone formulas), a bag of cotton balls and body lotion.

What you do: Douse a cotton ball with remover and let it sit on the sticky spot for a minute before gently rubbing off the residue. Rinse off any excess remover and rub moisturizer on top, as it can be drying to your skin. Oh, and don’t try this if you still have an open or sensitive wound.

Why it works: Most nail polish removers contain acetone, a chemical solvent that, in addition to dissolving polish, breaks down common glues and adhesives.

    Kids health

    Did that bandage leave behind a dirty, sticky mess? Here's a fast trick.

    By Amy Valm May 18, 2016

    Photo: iStockphoto

    Why is it long after the bandage comes off, there’s still that sticky, dirty reminder of the time they fell off their scooter? The residue seems to stay on all summer long. To get rid of it, once and for all, gently massage a small amount of baby oil onto the skin. The residue should wipe right off.

    Read more:
    Kids need risky outdoor play—here’s why
    How to handle your daredevil child
    Summer first aid guide: How to treat minor injuries

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    FILED UNDER: bandaid Kids health Quick fixes

    How do you get the sticky stuff from bandages off your skin?

    Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing alcohol is effective in dissolving most adhesives. Just put a small amount on a cotton ball, place it over the residue for a few seconds, then proceed to rub it off. Be aware that rubbing alcohol can dry out the skin. So, you may want to apply a moisturizer afterward.

    What removes skin adhesive?

    Goo Gone for skin removes tape and adhesives completely and safely from instruments, equipment, containers and from skin. The unique formula painlessly removes tape and adhesives residue and is non-irritating.

    Does rubbing alcohol dissolve bandage adhesive?

    Wet the adhesive tape or dressing border with common rubbing alcohol (before removal) to TURN OFF the adhesive bond, and the product removes easily, painlessly and trauma-free.


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