How to dress up a baby girl

Submitted by our Store Blog Writer.

You may or may not know, but in addition to being a mama and a blogger here at Instagram and Facebook I am also a freelance wardrobe stylist so putting Tips For Dressing a Stylish Baby Girl. I pull together looks for photo shoots and do the occasional personal wardrobe styling as well, but I must say that my absolute favorite “styling gig” has been styling my own daughter. I have so much fun dressing her up in fun, little outfits — especially since I can’t be quite as fashion forward with myself right now with this post baby bod and also because I know I won’t get to choose her ensembles forever. I’m enjoying having my own little real-life doll to play dress up with while I can.

I’ve been asked fairly often about the fashion choices I make for Fern and where I get her clothes, so I thought I’d compile all my favorite baby styling tips and tricks into one post for all those who have been inquisitive.


I enjoy putting together fun outfits for my baby (it’s sort of like a hobby) and I only have one child so I have a bit more time to do so. BUT, I do realize that it’s not always practical to get your baby dressed up and that some days are just for hanging out in loungey clothes, but that doesn’t have to mean pajamas. Comfy leggings and a simple, cozy sweatshirt dress are still easy, but more pulled together.

Suggested Dress:

Summer Girls Floral Asymmetrical Sleeveless Dress


Don’t get locked into seeing an item as what it is. This dress is actually a size 2T shirt, but because it has a slim cut it is the perfect length for a little baby dress.

Suggested Dress:

Girls Capries & T-Shirt


Just like adults, it’s good to dress your baby for their body type. I found myself frustrated by all the ill-fitting pants I was finding for my skinny-legged girl, so instead of pants we went with thick knit tights. They fit so much better and still looked like little leggings when paired with socks over the top.

Suggested Dress:

Girls Mickey Shirt and Capri


Pattern mixing is fun for babies too! My suggestion is to keep it simple and play with patterns in the same color family. It’s a fun and unexpected way to add some fun to your baby’s wardrobe.

Suggested Dress:

Baby Boys Clothes Knit Neck Short Sleeves and Shorts


Sometimes you’ll be limited with the things you can find in the “baby section” of stores. Headbands are one example of this. I didn’t like any of the ones I found, so I made my own that were a little less fussy. Cute and super easy — just cut up t-shirts and tights! You can DIY many things for your little lady’s wardrobe even if you are lacking in sewing skills — just get creative.


When it comes to buying jeans and tops for my little one I always go for bigger sizes in slim cuts. Tank tops can easily become sundresses for now and tops later if you buy them in larger sizes and the same goes for jeans — wear them cuffed now, regular once she’s a bit bigger and if the waist is stretchy — as shorts later!

Suggested Dress:

Girl Dress Denim Mesh Dress


Who says accessories are only for grown-ups? Obviously it takes a bit more thought and effort to find tiny accessories, but it can instantly change the whole look of an outfit and people always love to ooh and ahh over mini accessories. A few of my favorite baby accessories are headbands, belts, hats and scarves.

Who says accessories are only for grown-ups? Obviously it takes a bit more thought and effort to find tiny accessories, but it can instantly change the whole look of an outfit and people always love to ooh and ahh over mini accessories. A few of my favorite baby accessories are headbands, belts, hats and scarves.

Suggested Jewelry:

Girl’s Imitation Pearls Beaded Jewelry Set


Often times the girl’s section at stores is filled with nothing pink ruffles and glitter which definitely isn’t my cup of tea, so I regularly venture into the boy’s section for some fresh fashion options. Cardigans, stripes and simple neutrals abound in the boy’s section and you probably won’t find as many baby girls wearing the same outfits.

Suggested Dress:

Summer Style Toddler Boys Clothes Fashion Kids Children Clothing


Even though I usually dress my baby in mini adult clothes, I still try to inject a bit of fun and whimsy and I do break my own rules sometimes. For example, I would never wear overalls, but some things are just too darn cute on babies to resist!

You can compare Pakistani Manufacturer’s ‘Dressing a Stylish Baby Girl’ size guide on this site. Here.

Extra For Stylish Baby Girl

Every family celebrates the holidays in different ways, with some preferring small cosy gatherings and others favoring big fancy parties. Sometimes it is a combination of both, a small homely celebration one day with one side of the family and a sparkler event on another date with a different group of relatives and friends.

In any case, kids at the holidays are without a doubt at their cutest, as their excitement and happiness become contagious and all of us enjoy sharing their joy and enthusiasm. We love seeing girls in cute dresses, little boys in smart outfits and babies who look sweet enough to eat. It is part of the magic that makes this season so special!

These were only some ideas for dressing stylish baby girl, make sure you check our dedicated Sales section in our Store to get inspired, or come visit us!

How do you dress up a girl child?

Try these layering techniques to dress up your basic outfits:.
Wear a jacket or blazer over a t-shirt or blouse with jeans, or wear it over a dress..
Wear a vest over a long-sleeved shirt, or wear it over a cap-sleeved blouse..
Layer a miniskirt over tights or leggings..
Layer a button-down shirt over a tank or t-shirt..

How should I dress my baby when born?

A good rule of thumb is to give your baby one extra layer of clothing than what you're wearing (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016). For example, if you're in a t-shirt and jumper, dress them in a vest, sleepsuit and cardigan or jumper.

How do you dress a newborn girl in summer?

The key to summer clothing for newborns is breathability. This means you want light and loose onesies, pants, and shirts. Think cotton, not Lycra. You might be worried about your baby overheating or being too chilly.


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