How to get bed bugs out of electrical outlets


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Credit: Treasures & Travels/Stocksy

Does your skin crawl when you hear the word bed bugs? They’re obviously gross, but they’re even more terrifying because of how easily they can spread. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they thrive in warm areas, and will gladly catch onto your bedding, jump to your clothes, and hide in seemingly innocuous places—including headboards, cracks in the wall, and even electrical outlets. Luckily, bed bugs don’t spread disease, but they can create a nightmare situation if you find yourself with an infestation—especially considering that treatment can cost upwards of $500.

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If you’re traveling, you should always inspect your mattress as soon as you arrive (look for ink-like stains or shedded bed bug skins). It’s also a good idea to leave your suitcase in the bathroom (an empty bathtub is ideal) so there’s little opportunity for bed bugs to follow you home.

In your home, there are many ways to take precautions against bed bugs. We found some of the best products out there to scope out, eradicate, and protect yourself from these pests.

Place an interceptor under each leg of your bed to catch and kill bed bugs before they reach you. They’ll climb up the exterior walls only to be stuck in the interior reservoirs, thanks to the slippery walls. This method is eco-friendly and doesn’t require chemicals or pesticides. Of course, if you do find bugs in the traps, you’ll want to take an aggressive approach to debugging to ensure that none make it to your bed or clothing.

Meet your new apartment and travel companion. This handy black light reveals hidden pet stains, fluids, and, yup, bed bug droppings. Simply scan it over your mattress, bedding, and other upholstered surfaces to check for the presence of bed bugs (you may catch some other unsavory sights while you’re at it). It’s also good to use on any second-hand furniture that makes its way into your home.

After going through the steps to check for bed bugs and coming up clean, encase your mattress with a zippered mattress protector that’s waterproof, dust proof, and, most importantly, bed bug proof. The thin fabric design of this Amazon bestseller won’t disrupt the cozy feel of your bed, but it will prevent any bugs from accessing your mattress. While you’re at it, don’t forget to pick up a pillow protector for $14.99.

Protect anything you stow under your bed with plastic containers that latch. This particular Sterilite storage box has sliding wheels and a clear lid, plus the lid opens halfway on either side for easy access. It’s perfect for stowing extra linens and seasonal clothing—no bed bugs allowed.

ZappBug Oven 2, $349.99 from Amazon

If you really have a fear of bed bugs, consider investing in a bona fide bed bug oven. Use it immediately after traveling by placing your suitcase inside and heating it up—the high temperatures will kill bed bugs at all life stages. If you have an infestation, you can use it on your clothing, bedding, and other personal belongings.

A bed bug infestation is a challenge to get rid of. Avoid the headache by following these tips.

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7th Son Studio/Shutterstock

Identify the Problem Early On

As much as you want your home to be safe, clean and sound all the time, cracks and attacks are bound to happen, whether it’s a crack in the ceiling or an attack from a pest. Avoiding an infestation means knowing what to look for.

Before you can do anything about preventing a bed bug infestation, you’ll need to identify what the pest looks like, and where it likes to hide. Bed bugs have small, flat, oval-shaped bodies, are wingless and brown in color. They hide in mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter.

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Know What Bed Bug Bites Look Like

Identifying what a bed bug bite looks like will help you to pinpoint the problem before things get out of control and turn into a full-blown infestation. Bites are usually small red marks found on the hands, arms, face and neck. They typically appear in rows and can be itchy. Bed bugs aren’t the only pests that can harm your home and health. Don’t ignore pest problems; take care of them before things get out of hand.

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Prepare for Travel with Vacuum-Sealed Bags

Taking your clothing from one home to another, or one country to another, opens up the opportunity for other people’s homes or belongings to come in contact with yours in a hotel, on a plane—anywhere. This increases your chances of bringing bed bugs home with you when your travels are over. By storing your clothing in airtight vacuum bags when traveling, you make it less accessible for pests to crawl into your things and eventually make their way into your home.

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Check Your Pet’s Bed

Bed bugs love warmth, and your pet, much like your bed, is the perfect place for bed bugs to sit back, relax and lay some eggs. A good way to keep the pests at bay is to regularly inspect where your pet sleeps. You should also wash your pet’s bedding frequently, and regularly vacuum the areas where they hang out.

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Cover Electrical Outlets

Power outlets may look small through your eyes, but for pests like bed bugs, they’re the perfect hideout, and escape route when need be. Keeping bugs out of your outlets ensures they don’t infest the walls.

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Family Handyman

Set Traps

Setting traps not only ensures bed bugs are stopped in their tracks, but it helps you to constantly monitor your room. Place the traps under the feet of the bed frame, so the bugs can’t make their way up into your mattress. Unlike mouse traps, bed bug traps aren’t great for exterminating the problem. They’re more useful for helping you identify an infestation in the first place.

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June Marie Sobrito/Shutterstock

Investigate Secondhand Purchases

Clothing from a thrift store or a beautiful second-hard dresser, and especially bed frames and couches, can be homes for bed bugs. (Don’t even consider buying a used mattress unless you are 100-percent sure you know where it came from and you know it is clean and has no bugs.) It’s important to thoroughly check all second-hand purchases to ensure there are no signs of a bed bug infestation.

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Protect Your Mattress

Protecting your mattress is important for its longevity. Protects it from wear and tear, the oils of your skin, spills, and of course, bed bugs. Use a protective cover that encases the mattress and box spring. A mattress cover can be helpful when you’re trying to get rid of bed bugs, too.

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Isolate Your Home

If you live in a duplex, condo or apartment, it’s important to isolate your unit as much as possible. Installing door sweeps on the bottom of doors and sealing cracks and crevices around baseboards, light sockets, etc. can help keep out bugs. Make sure to get the building manager’s approval before doing these projects.

Originally Published: November 15, 2019

Can bed bugs get in sockets?

In a home that is heavily infested, bed bugs spread out. One place they can hide is behind electrical outlet plates. The outlets in your bedroom, specifically those closest to your bed, are the most likely culprits for housing bed bugs.

Will bed bugs infest electronics?

Bed bugs are unlikely to infest your electronics, and usually only do so when they are present in very large numbers. If you do have a heavy bed bug infestation, however, they are most likely to hide in items left on or near the bed. This may include laptops, alarm clocks, and bedside speakers or stereos.

What draws bed bugs out?

Your best bet is therefore to use heat treatments or CO2, or bed bug lures that actively draw bed bugs away from their harborages. As a long-term treatment, essential oil sprays and traps can work, and in combination with lures, this may be enough to kill even hidden bed bugs.


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