How to get fly in Omega Ruby

Sometimes, you can’t just rely on a Pokémon’s natural development tree in order to train up a massive badass. Sometimes, your Zigzagoon which you’ve cunningly named Ziggy Stardust, needs a little performance enhancer. Like most athletes who avoid urine tests, the latest Pokémon games are full Teaching Machines. And here’s where you can find them.

Remember, use CTRL+F if you’re looking for a specific TM/HM:

Teaching Machines

  • TM01 Hone Claws Can be found at Slateport Market
  • TM02 Dragon Claw Found at Meteor Falls (Surf and Waterfall HMs required)
  • TM03 Psyshock Found in Pacifidlog Town
  • TM04 Calm Mind Acquired from the Mossdeep City Gym
  • TM05 Roar Found on Route #114
  • TM06 Toxic Found on the Fiery Path (Strength HM required)
  • TM07 Hail Found in the Shoal Cave during low tide (Surf HM required)
  • TM08 Bulk Up Acquired from the Dewford Town Gym
  • TM09 Venoshock Found at the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM10 Hidden Power Found in Fortree City
  • TM11 Sunny Day Found on the Scorched Slab (Surf HM required)
  • TM12 Taunt Found in the Trick House
  • TM13 Ice Beam Found in the Sea Mauville (Surf and Dive HMs required)
  • TM14 Blizzard Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM15 Hyper Beam Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM16 Light Screen Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM17 Protect Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM18 Rain Dance Found in the Sea Mauville (Surf and Dive HMs required)
  • TM19 Roost Acquired from the Fortree City Gym
  • TM20 Safeguard Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM21 Frustration Can be acquired in Pacifidlog Town if you have an unfriendly pokemon in the lead party position
  • TM22 Solar Beam Can be found inside the Safari Zone (Surf HM and Bikes required)
  • TM23 Smack Down Received as a gift from Professor Cozmo after rescuing him
  • TM24 Thunderbolt Received as a gift from Wattson after clearing up New Mauville
  • TM25 Thunder Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM26 Earthquake Can be found on the Seafloor Cavern (Surf and Dive HMs required)
  • TM27 Return Can be acquired in Pacifidlog Town if you have a friendly Pokemon in the lead party position
  • TM28 Dig Acquired from the Fossil Maniac’s little brother on Route #114
  • TM29 Psychic Found in Ever Grande City
  • TM30 Shadow Ball Found in Mt. Pyre
  • TM31 Brick Break Found in Sootopolis City
  • TM32 Double Team Found on Route #113
  • TM33 Reflect Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM34 Sludge Wave Found on Route #132
  • TM35 Flamethrower Found on Victory Road
  • TM36 Sludge Bomb Acquired from the Collector in Dewford Hall (Knuckle Badge required)
  • TM37 Sandstorm Found on Route #111 (Go-Goggles required)
  • TM38 Fire Blast Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM39 Rock Tomb Acquired from the Rustboro City Gym
  • TM40 Aerial Ace Can be found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM41 Torment Can be found in Slateport City
  • TM42 Facade Can be found in Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM43 Flame Charge Can be found on the Jagged Pass (Acro Bike required)
  • TM44 Rest Can be found in Lilycove City
  • TM45 Attract Can be found in Verdanturf Town
  • TM46 Thief Received as a gift from Team Magma/Aqua in the Oceanic Museum
  • TM47 Low Sweep Can be found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM48 Round Can be found in Mauville City
  • TM49 Echoed Voice Can be found on Route #104
  • TM50 Overheat Acquired from the Lavaridge Town Gym
  • TM51 Steel Wing Received as a gift from Steven in Granite Cave
  • TM52 Focus Blast Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM53 Energy Ball Found in the Safari Zone (Surf HM and Bikes required)
  • TM54 False Swipe Found in Rustboro City
  • TM55 Scald Found in the Seafloor Cavern (Surf and Dive HMs required)
  • TM56 Fling Found in Pacifidlog Town
  • TM57 Charge Beam Found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM58 Sky Drop Found in Mauville City
  • TM59 Incinerate Found on Mt. Chimney
  • TM60 Quash Found in Mossdeep City
  • TM61 Will-O-Wisp Found on Mt. Pyre
  • TM62 Acrobatics Found on Route #119 (Surf and Waterfall HMs required)
  • TM63 Embargo Found on the S.S. Tidal
  • TM64 Explosion Found in the Sky Pillar (Surf HM required)
  • TM65 Shadow Claw Found in the  Granite Cave (Acro Bike required)
  • TM66 Payback Found on Mirage Island #2
  • TM67 Retaliate Acquired from the Petalburg City Gym
  • TM68 Giga Impact Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM69 Rock Polish Found on the Jagged Pass (Acro Bike required)
  • TM70 Flash Found in the Granite Cave
  • TM71 Stone Edge Can be purchased in the Lilycove Department Store
  • TM72 Volt Switch Acquired from the Mauville City Gym
  • TM73 Thunder Wave Found in the Slateport Market
  • TM74 Gyro Ball Found in the Mirage Forest #8
  • TM75 Swords Dance Found in Lavaridge Town
  • TM76 Struggle Bug Found in the Slateport Market
  • TM77 Psych Up Found on Route #133
  • TM78 Bulldoze Found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM79 Frost Breath Found in the Shoal Cave
  • TM80 Rock Slide Found on Route #134
  • TM81 X-Scissor Found on Victory Road
  • TM82 Dragon Tail Found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM83 Infestation Found in Sootopolis City
  • TM84 Poison Jab Found in the Mirage Mountains #2 (Acro Bike required)
  • TM85 Dream Eater Found in the Safari Zone
  • TM86 Grass Knot Found in Fortree City (Devon Scope required)
  • TM87 Swagger Found in the Battle Resort Pokemon Daycare
  • TM88 Sleep Talk Found in Lilycove City
  • TM89 U-turn Found in the Mauvile Hills (Rain Badge required)
  • TM90 Substitute Found on Mirage Island #5
  • TM91 Flash Cannon Found on Mirage Island #8
  • TM92 Trick Room Found in the Trick House
  • TM93 Wild Charge Found in the Safari Zone (Surf HM and Bikes required)
  • TM94 Secret Power Received as a gift from Aarune on Route 111
  • TM95 Snarl Found in the Mirage Cave #8
  • TM96 Nature Power Received as a gift from Aarune in Fiery Path (Heat Badge required)
  • TM97 Dark Pulse Found in the Team Magma/Aqua Hideout (Surf HM required)
  • TM98 Power-Up Punch Found in the Mauville Poke Mart
  • TM99 Dazzling Gleam Found on Route #123
  • TM100 Confide Found in the Slateport Market

Hidden Machines

Much like that terrible tattoo that I got one night when I catastrophically drunk, Hidden Machines are for life. It’s never a good idea to teach one of your primary Pokemon a few HMs, and always better to have an HM slave that exists to surf,dive or fly your ass to where you need to be. Locations for HMs are:

  • HM01 Cut Inside the Cutter’s House in Rustboro City
  • HM02 Fly Received as a gift from your rival on Route #119
  • HM03 Surf Received as a gift from Wally’s Father (Balance Badge required)
  • HM04 Strength Received as a gift from your rival on Route #112
  • HM05 Waterfall Acquired from Gym Leader Wallace in Sootopolis City
  • HM06 Rock Smash Received as a gift from Wally’s Uncle in Mauville City
  • HM07 Dive Received as a gift from Steven in Mossdeep City (Mind Badge required)

Last Updated: November 25, 2014

When can you use fly Omega Ruby?

A brand new feature of Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire is the ability to fly freely in the skies about Hoenn. Once you obtain the Eon Flute item, given to you by Steven after you have captured or defeated Primal Groudon/Kyogre, you can call upon Latios/Latias and they will Mega Evolve and take you up into the sky.

What is the rarest Pokémon in Omega Ruby?

The Legendary Pokemon Groudon is exclusive to Omega Ruby and Kyogre is exclusive to Alpha Sapphire. To get them both, you will need to trade with friends or own both versions. These Pokemon can be found in the Cave of Origin just before the eighth gym.

Do you need fly in Oras?

You need the Eon Flute to be able to SOAR. If you want to FLY like the games before OR/AS, you need HM fly. Having Latias/Latios doesn't matter, you just need the eon flute.

What flying types are in Omega Ruby?

Swellow. Swellow is a solid choice, with stellar Speed and a decent Attack stat. ... .
Pelipper. Another good Pokémon also available early on, Pelipper can function both as a fighter and an HM slave, learning Fly and Surf. ... .
Crobat. Crobat is an incredible Pokémon with a variety of moves. ... .
Dodrio. ... .
Skarmory. ... .
Altaria. ... .


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