How to get Salazzle in Pokémon Ultra Sun

How to Get Salandit in Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Just about every Pokemon trainer wants a Salandit for one reason or another. Whether it’s hunting down that elusive shiny female so you can get yourself a badass shiny Salazzle, or just any variant to fill out your Pokedex, chances are you’re wondering where you can find one in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Here’s what you need to know to get Salandit.

First things first, it’s worth noting that if you’re trying to get a female Salandit, you’re going to have a much harder time. This is because they’re generally far rarer than the male variants in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The first location you’ll want to check is the Lush Jungle Cave on Akala Island. Here, you’ve got a 30% chance of coming across one, and they’ll also be around level 40. Alternatively, you can find them at around level 15-20 at the Wela Volcano Park, and similar-level ones on Route 8, also.

Be sure to stock up on Antidotes, Revives, and plenty of Poke Balls before heading out on your hunt. There’s a good chance a fair few of your party will get poisoned, especially if you’re holding out for a female.

That’s all you need to know to get a Salandit in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. For more on the new Alola-based adventures, be sure to check back with Twinfinite.

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Pokemon Ultra Sun (3DS)

Why can't I find salazzle?

  1. I have gone through the entire PP of all of salandits moves while SOS chaining, having no luck for finding a salazzle. Every site i check says salandit calls it in at a 30% chance at any time on any version but over 30 calls and nothing? Is there something obvious i'm missing or just unimaginably bad rng?
    I am looking for it in the first patch of grass at wela volcano park in Ultra Moon.

Accepted Answer

  1. It's not a 30% chance to call. It is very rare.

    It would be much less of a headache if you just evolve a Female Salandit.

    0   0

Other Answers

  1. Most sites don't show the call rate for Salazzle, they only show how often Salandit appears in the grass, the odds of a salandit calling for a Salazzle are probably around 5% to 1%

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Pokemon Ultra Sun (3DS)

Can Salazzle be found in the wild?

  1. I've been SOS Chaining for a couple hours now, and I'm starting to doubt it. But the Pokédex says it can be found via SOS in Wela Volcano Park, and I'm assuming it's called by Salandit. But is this true?

Accepted Answer

  1. I suggest you catch female salandit instead, if you already chain sos it, salazzle can only evolve from female salandit and you have higher chances to encounter it than salazzle

    3   0

Top Voted Answer

  1. Well, I just checked Bulbapedia, and it agrees with your information.

    3   0

Other Answers

  1. It is true for the ultras,because i was shiny chaining salandit and i came across a few salazzle during the SOS

    2   0

  2. It's 1% to find sallazle, if I remembered correctly

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More Questions from This Game

How do you get Salazzle in Pokémon Ultra Sun?

When you catch your female Salandit, simply level it up until it's level 33. It'll evolve into Salazzle.

How do you get a Salazzle?

You can't catch Salazzle in the wild, but you can get this Pokémon through evolution. To do this, you must acquire a small female Salandit and spend 50 candies. You can also get Salazzle by trading with another Pokémon Trainer.

How rare is a male Salandit?

Salandit's gender ratio is skewed toward the male. Only 12.5 percent of the species are female, so that the evolution Salazzle is 100 percent female is frustrating for most players.

Where do you get Salandit in Pokémon sun?


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